Chapter 28: Making Excuses (Please Vote for Recommendation, Bookmark)_1

Jiang Yu hurried to the Social Science Academic Office Building, where he saw two security guards patrolling the lobby, chatting and laughing.

These two security guards looked somewhat unfamiliar, and their glances at Jiang Yu carried a hint of peculiarity. He guessed that they must have been sent by Da Shi, which greatly relieved his anxiety about his upcoming actions.

Upon arriving at Kong Xiang's office, Jiang Yu saw two burly men dressed in black suits, one standing inside the doorway and the other by Kong Xiang's side.

Jiang Yu looked at the two men with a somewhat grave expression, "Teacher Kong, what is this?"

"Sit!" Kong Xiang said sternly, "Xiao Yu, you are the most talented student I've seen over the years, and I've always hoped to pass on all my research findings to you."

Jiang Yu took a seat across from Kong Xiang, "I've also always been grateful for Teacher Kong's teaching and mentoring."

Kong Xiang managed a faint smile and took out several photos from the drawer, "Take a look for yourself."

The photos were of Jiang Yu meeting with Shi Qiang, with two of them secretly taken just today during their meeting.

"I've had someone check, the other person is a policeman, now it seems he's been transferred to some secret department. Don't attempt to argue; it's pointless," Kong Xiang said.

Jiang Yu set down the photos, "I'm curious, Teacher, how do you plan to deal with me?"

Kong Xiang took a long sigh, sounding defeated, "I will have you secretly imprisoned in a concealed cell until our plan is successful and no one can stop us anymore; then I will release you.

"At that time, if you still wish to call me 'Teacher,' I will be willing to continue instructing you."

Jiang Yu could clearly sense the genuine disappointment in Kong Xiang, markedly different from the seemingly insincere encouragement of before.

He was somewhat moved, "In my eyes, you will always be my teacher."

"It makes me feel a bit better to hear you say that," Kong Xiang said with a smile, "But you have made a mistake, and now you must face the consequences.

"Even though you've now earned the 'Commander's' trust and fulfilled the task I gave you well, you can't escape punishment!"

"I know, Teacher Kong has taught me before that to offset merits against faults is to compromise with oneself and is a sign of having no position," said Jiang Yu, taking out a pack of cigarettes and offering one to Kong Xiang:

"That Teacher didn't want to silence me by killing me is somewhat surprising to me."

Kong Xiang took the cigarette, "What kind of teacher would kill their own student? Such a person does not deserve to be called a teacher!"

After a pause, he asked, "When did you start smoking?"

Jiang Yu stood up, and under the wary eyes of the black-suited men, lit the cigarette for Kong Xiang, "Recently. I've been under a lot of pressure."

He also lit a cigarette for himself, "Has Evans mentioned why he wants to surveil me?"

Jiang Yu had long contemplated this step, and how to proceed with the conversation and to what extent; he was fully prepared.

After hearing Jiang Yu's question, Kong Xiang took a drag and said Evans did mention it, but even if it's related to the master, such treachery by Jiang Yu would definitely be eradicated by the organization.

Jiang Yu saw that Kong Xiang had not reported his encounter with Shi Qiang to Evans. He wanted to secretly imprison Jiang Yu first, then decide whether to report to Evans, depending on the situation, possibly saving Jiang Yu's life.

"I hope to speak privately with Teacher for a moment, as the conversation to follow involves a very high level of confidentiality," Jiang Yu said.

Kong Xiang scrutinized Jiang Yu with a solemn gaze for a few seconds before asking his subordinates to wait outside.

The two subordinates were a bit stunned, never expecting Kong Xiang to agree to Jiang Yu's request.

Once the two men left, Jiang Yu stubbed out his half-smoked cigarette in the ashtray and whispered to Kong Xiang, "I've communicated with the master!"

He deliberately kept his statement vague to cover up the fact that it took him over two months to get in touch with Sophon, so even if they were currently under Sophon's surveillance, the Trisolarans couldn't find any fault with his words.

To Kong Xiang's ears, this sounded as if the "master" had reached out to Jiang Yu of its own accord.

After all, it was always the "master" initiating communication with the people in the organization, despite Kong Xiang's devout prayers, he had never heard a response from the master.

Kong Xiang looked at Jiang Yu with surprise and a bit of envy.

Jiang Yu continued, "It seems that the Commander is using me for some research."

This statement was somewhat vague, but Kong Xiang could understand, after all, even if the Commander communicated with Jiang Yu, they couldn't possibly tell Jiang Yu everything.

Jiang Yu made certain guesses based on the Commander's instructions, which was quite normal.

And the Trisolarans who were using Sophon to monitor Jiang Yu couldn't find fault in these words, for they were indeed doing so.

In addition, Jiang Yu had spoken in a speculative tone, leaving ample room for himself.

The Trisolarans would also find this reasonable, as it was not hard to reach such a guess through their previous communications with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu recalled a famous saying and pointed to the photo on the desk, "This is part of the plan!"

He paused before adding, "That's all I can tell you."

Kong Xiang nodded his understanding, since this involved the Commander's plans, secrecy was indeed necessary.

Seeing Kong Xiang's expression, Jiang Yu knew that his words had achieved the desired effect.

Next was a justifiable estrangement. He leaned back in his chair and said, "Through my communications with the Commander, I found that Evans is actually monopolizing the right to converse with the Commander.

"I was given 'special attention' because I communicated with the Commander without going through him, which seems to him an overstepping of his bounds.

"However, the Commander has already warned him. At most, he can have Teacher monitor me, but he wouldn't dare take any further action."

Kong Xiang, with a grave expression, pulled out a cigarette and lit it, only then remembering to offer one to Jiang Yu as well.

After a couple of drags, Kong Xiang abruptly changed the subject, "It seems I may have misunderstood you. Do you remember what next Tuesday is?"

"Of course, it's the Teacher's wife's birthday." Jiang Yu smoothly changed the topic as well, "I've got the gifts all prepared!"

Kong Xiang smiled, "Come early that day, and let's you and I make dinner, so we don't have to bother your Teacher's wife on her birthday."

Jiang Yu readily agreed.

After Jiang Yu left the office, Kong Xiang ordered his subordinates to continue monitoring Jiang Yu.

Although Jiang Yu's actions could be related to the Commander's plans, one couldn't simply take Jiang Yu at his word.

Kong Xiang paced his office for a long time before reporting Jiang Yu's meeting with the police to Evans.

Far away on the high seas, Evans didn't take it too seriously. According to what he knew from the Commander, gaining the trust of humanity's upper echelons was part of Jiang Yu's plan.

Meeting with a police officer was quite normal.

Within minutes, Evans replied to Kong Xiang's email, directing him to continue the surveillance.

Receiving the email, Kong Xiang sat in front of his computer in silence for a long while. Evans not issuing a termination order essentially corroborated the words Jiang Yu had just spoken.

Kong Xiang took a deep breath, relieved that he had never fully trusted Evans.

He was lost in thought for a while before picking up the phone to instruct his subordinates to stop monitoring Jiang Yu, as further surveillance was pointless and might even cause the Commander's displeasure.

Having received the Deception Points from Dean Kong, Jiang Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The success of this operation had helped him find his equilibrium again.

Leaving the office building, Jiang Yu went to Ye Wenjie's house as usual, and while helping her pick vegetables, he whispered to her, "Dean Kong suddenly asked to see me today, saying he wanted to introduce me to a gathering, which I suspect could be an Adventist gathering."

Ye Wenjie smiled with satisfaction, "You did very well."