Chapter 44: Intelligence Exchange_1

As soon as Jiang Yu entered Kong Xiang's office, Dean Kong bluntly asked, "Baluo says you've been exposed?"

"No." Jiang Yu had prepared his explanation in advance: "At that time, Professor Ye pretended to let Baluo and the others go so she could track them to the base and I was assigned to infiltrate and support them from close quarters."

"Baluo and the others were so mentally broken by the Redemptionists' torture that they failed to realize it was one of Professor Ye's tricks and actually returned to the base."

"Fortunately, the base was in chaos, I created an opportunity for Lisha and Baluo, both carrying signal transmitters, to move away from the base, drawing the Redemptionists' pursuers away and preventing the research base from being discovered by the Redemptionists before it self-destructed."

Deception Points from 17663 +1.

Deception Points from 17889 +1.

Jiang Yu felt a bit helpless; Dean Kong hadn't even bought the story yet, and here were the Trisolarans making their presence felt?

If Ye Wenjie and Kong Xiang were half as good at being duped as the Trisolarans, Jiang Yu wouldn't have to waste so many brain cells preparing two barely plausible sets of explanations.

Kong Xiang nodded: "I see."

He paused and added, "No wonder Baluo's report claimed that Lisha was a spy for the Redemptionists."

Jiang Yu spread his hands: "I don't know about that."

"Looks like Baluo killed the wrong person," Kong Xiang, lighting a cigarette, also offered one to Jiang Yu: "Anyway, you risked a great deal to save six comrades; the leader specifically praised your actions by name.

"Besides, you will also receive a cash reward and the special honor of boarding the 'Judgment Day' to talk with the leader."

Jiang Yu curled his lip: "Evans isn't a beauty; who the hell wants to talk to him?"

He took a drag from his cigarette and asked, "How much are we talking about for the bonus? I hope we don't have to pay taxes on it."

"Should be ten thousand dollars," Kong Xiang said with a laugh: "What kind of taxes could possibly apply to an organization like ours?"

Jiang Yu replied with a laugh: "That's stingy."

"Tell me about the situation after you entered the base," Kong Xiang said: "According to Baluo's report, there were no bombs installed in the base when he left."

Jiang Yu selected what he could talk about and reported to Kong Xiang.

He didn't go into too much detail about his conversation with Sixteen, only mentioning that Sixteen didn't have his information and how that saved him from danger.

As for the base's self-destruction, Jiang Yu laid the entire blame on Sixteen.

Having discussed the important matters, the two chatted about customs and human affairs before Jiang Yu made his leave.

Just as he was about to open the door, Kong Xiang suddenly said, "Pan Han might come looking for you soon. Just listen to what he has to say; don't take it too seriously."

Jiang Yu was taken aback, but nodded to show he understood.

After leaving the office building, Jiang Yu's busy steps didn't falter. He called Shi Qiang to meet at their usual spot.

It was just after three in the afternoon and he was still under Sophon's surveillance, but Jiang Yu wasn't planning to discuss any confidential matters.

He intended only to share his observations from the Advent Faction Base with Shi Qiang and have him keep an eye on Sixteen's activities.

As for the complete "Poison Apple Project," Jiang Yu was still hesitant about whether to give it to Shi Qiang?

The project dossier included outlines of Genetic Modification Technology and neural implant techniques. In the hands of experts in related fields, it wouldn't take long to master these technologies.

Since he was undecided, Jiang Yu resolved not to hand over the file to Shi Qiang yet.

So there wasn't much to hide during this meeting, especially not from Sophon.

After they met at the café, Jiang Yu first brought up Sixteen's matter.

Shi Qiang folded his arms and said: "These Adventists really have no bottom line!

"I'll report Sixteen's matter higher up; let the higher-ups decide what to do about it."

Jiang Yu cautioned: "Sixteen hasn't shown much aggression; after finding him, we could try making contact first.

"There's no need to resort to force right off the bat; after all, he's one of the victims too,"

Shi Qiang nodded and pointed to Jiang Yu's arm, "Is your left arm injured?"

Jiang Yu was stunned, "How did you know?"

Shi Qiang chuckled, "Your left arm is obviously thicker, and since you came in, you've kept it immobile. It's likely injured.

"Since it's starting to swell, you better get to the hospital quickly before it gets infected and becomes troublesome."

"Alright, I'll go to the hospital after this." Jiang Yu suddenly remembered, "Is the operation to capture Jiang Shuo over?"

"It's over," Shi Qiang sighed, "We had just begun the operation when Jiang Shuo committed suicide.

"I lied that I got a lead from him and managed to obtain a warrant to arrest Pan Han.

"But the kid is slick, he didn't leave any trails behind for the things he did.

"Due to insufficient evidence, we had no choice but to release him."

Jiang Yu sipped his coffee, "Then let's not focus on Pan Han, someone will deal with him sooner or later."

Shi Qiang was taken aback, "Did you get some information?"

"Intuition," Jiang Yu said, bluffing with a smile, "My intuition is always accurate."

He changed the subject, "How is Professor Wang Miao doing?"

"That guy, not really that young anymore, nearly got done in by ETO too," Shi Qiang laughed, "I gave him a talk, and he finally started to act like a human being.

"Now he's actively playing the game, trying to get ETO's attention and gather more intelligence from them."

Jiang Yu nodded, "That's good."

So, Shen Yufei is no longer useful, and she might as well meet Jesus within a few days. It would be a good time to inform Kong Xiang about her being a traitor.

After leaving the coffee shop, Jiang Yu took a taxi to the nearest military hospital.

The outpatient department had just closed, so Jiang Yu had no choice but to go to the emergency room to have his wound dressed.

Seeing Jiang Yu's injury, the doctor's expression suddenly became grave, "Young man, you, your wound looks like a gunshot wound!"

Jiang Yu was stunned, "Impressive, doctor, you can even tell that!"

To avoid any unnecessary misunderstanding, Jiang Yu hurriedly called Shi Qiang and asked him to explain.

Back at the school, Jiang Yu saw there was still some time, so he went to the cafeteria for dinner.

Around eight in the evening, Jiang Yu donned his gaming suit and entered "Three-Body" along with Yang Dong.

Jiang Yu and Yang Dong found themselves on a vibrant piece of land at dawn; it was Jiang Yu's first time seeing such a beautiful scene in the Three-Body Game.

It signified that this cursed planet had luckily entered a Stable Era.

Yang Dong explained, "This wave of civilization is the most likely to end the repeated destruction of civilizations by disasters.

"Afraid of making mistakes in my assistance, I hardly dared to use the fast-forward function. I consider every action carefully before I do it."

Yang Dong already spent a long time with this wave of civilization and expertly found a small aircraft-like vehicle.

Once the plane took off, Jiang Yu saw the retreating darkness on the horizon, as well as two stars hidden in the night sky.

On the other side of the sky was the corner of the rising sun about to cross the horizon. If one didn't know it could "throw a temper" at any moment and destroy everything on the planet, the scene was quite beautiful.

After flying for a while, Jiang Yu noticed that the dawn seemed to be frozen in time; the sun remained peering out but did not continue to rise.

The one seated in the pilot's seat, Yang Dong, laughed, "You've finally noticed! This dawn has already lasted for over sixty years!"