Chapter 55: The Pipe_1

When Yang Dong came out of her room, Jiang Yu finally went to help in the kitchen.

By then, the main conversation between Ye Wenjie and Logic had ended, and Logic went out to get something while Ye Wenjie zoned out in front of the gas stove.

Jiang Yu reminded her, "Teacher Ye, the food is about to burn!"

"Oh!" Ye Wenjie hurriedly started to stir-fry.

As Jiang Yu skillfully prepared the vegetables for Ye Wenjie, he asked, "Teacher Ye, what were you thinking about just now?"

Ye Wenjie laughed, "I had a sudden inspiration, thought of something very interesting."

She paused, then added, "Fortunately, you weren't in the kitchen just now; otherwise, you would have to listen to this old lady ramble on."

You have no idea, old lady, that your casual ramblings could bring such a great shift to the future!

Luckily I wasn't in the kitchen! Jiang Yu thought to himself: Otherwise, I would also be a target for the Trisolarans to eliminate.

Even as he thought this, Jiang Yu said, "That's not necessarily true. An academic beacon like Teacher Ye, even a casual idea, would be enough for us younger ones to benefit from for a lifetime."

Ye Wenjie laughed heartily, "Stop the flattery!"

Throughout it all, she hadn't paid much attention to her conversation with Logic.

In the evening, Ye Wenjie's living room was bustling with noise, about a dozen people sitting around the dining chairs, toasting and drinking merrily.

After a few rounds of drinks, Ye Wenjie looked at everyone with kindness and said, "These past two years, I've found it harder and harder to let go of Dong Dong. I need to reflect on her education; I exposed her too early to those lofty concepts.

"Dong Dong has become an academic titan, but a dwarf in everyday life.

"Today, to have so many of her friends over, it shows that she has made some friends over the years. I'm happy for her and can now close my eyes in peace."

Yang Dong's eyes reddened, "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Ye Wenjie looked at her daughter, "Don't blame your mother."

"How could I blame you!" Yang Dong said, "You showed me the beauty of physics.

"I've always felt very fortunate to have found the career to dedicate my life to at a young age.

"I live a fulfilled life, and I love it this way."

If only physics hadn't become so chaotic.

Ye Wenjie nodded with satisfaction and repeated, "Don't blame your mother."

Only Jiang Yu understood, the two were not talking about the same thing.

The atmosphere at the dining table immediately grew a bit melancholic, and Jiang Yu raised his glass, "To motherly love, to the future!"

Everyone drank a toast together, and Jiang Yu deftly changed the subject, bringing the liveliness back to the table.

That night, both Ye Wenjie and Yang Dong were very happy; Ye Wenjie said that being with young people made her feel ten years younger.

Yang Dong said it was the most unforgettable birthday she had ever had.

Jiang Yu then joked that it was because she had never taken her birthdays seriously before.

And sure enough, Jiang Yu was right—the previous years, she would only remember her birthday had passed after several days.

When the cake arrived, the atmosphere at the party reached its peak.

Jiang Yu had thought Yang Dong would be moved, but instead, she earnestly advised everyone, "Eating this at night can make you gain weight."

Beyond the mixed feelings of laughter and helplessness, Jiang Yu also felt this was quite nice, at least it was worry-free and effortless.

By around ten-thirty in the evening, the guests left one after another.

Jiang Yu and Yang Dong cleaned up the dining table, while Ye Wenjie, feeling a bit tired and her heart slightly uncomfortable, took her medicine and sat on the couch watching them bustle about.

After the dishes were all washed, Jiang Yu also prepared to leave.

Ye Wenjie said she wanted to have a few words with him.

Yang Dong wasn't sleepy either and sat aside to listen to their conversation.

Ye Wenjie said, "Dongdong originally had an aunt, but unfortunately, she died at the most radiant age.

"At that time, I hadn't recovered from my sister's death when I personally witnessed my father's passing and my mother exposing my father's 'crimes'.

"That day my mother went mad, and so did I, and that madness lasted for many years."

Yang Dong listened very carefully, as his mother never liked to mention the past.

Ye Wenjie sighed, "Later, my father was exonerated, and I was able to return to teaching at the university.

"But those who killed my father, those four people, as well as my own mother, none of them felt any remorse."

At this point, the old lady became somewhat agitated and pressed her hand to her chest again.

Jiang Yu hurriedly advised, "Teacher Ye, we know you've been wronged in the past. It's good to vent, better than bottling everything up inside.

"But you must be very careful with your health."

Ye Wenjie nodded, took a couple of deep breaths, and her complexion improved slightly, "It's precisely the events of those years that chilled my heart and 'froze' my heart."

She smiled and said, "I'm very happy tonight, truly happy.

"Seeing you talking and laughing, seeing you all so joyful, it makes me happy for you."

Jiang Yu let out a long sigh. This was why he was so angry with Ye Wenjie's actions that he was grinding his teeth, yet he couldn't bring himself to hate her as a person.

Ye Wenjie had betrayed all of humanity, but in her youth, all of humanity had also betrayed her.

"Oh, right..." Ye Wenjie stood up, went to her room, and brought back a small cloth package, which she handed to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu opened the package and inside was a pipe with a sense of age.

"This is the only legacy of my father." Ye Wenjie smiled, "I'm giving it to you today, hoping you will carry on my father's scholarly spirit."

Jiang Yu quickly declined, "This, this is too precious."

Ye Wenjie pushed the pipe against Jiang Yu's chest, "In the future, you will undoubtedly achieve great things in academia, that much I can still see."

Jiang Yu always felt the pipe was heavy, as if it held a spiritual trust, as if it contained certain expectations.

In the end, Jiang Yu did not refuse Ye Wenjie's kindness and accepted the pipe.


On Friday, with fair wind and clear skies, Jiang Yu arrived early in the morning at the foot of Ye Wenjie's building.

Chu Xu and Driver Xiao Liu had arrived a bit earlier, and Jiang Yu went forward and handed out a round of cigarettes.

He said to Chu Xu, "I've got something else to do today and can't accompany Teacher Ye on her outing. You might as well not go either, come and give me a hand."

"Nonsense!" Chu Xu laughed, "I am the commander of the Commander's guard, not yours. I'm not here to lend you a hand, dream on!"

Driver Xiao Liu also laughed, "Xiao Yu is deliberately creating a chance to be alone with the beautiful Chu, his intentions aren't so pure, huh!"

This comment made Chu Xu blush a little.

While they were talking, Ye Wenjie came down from upstairs.

Jiang Yu quickly approached her and whispered, "I just learned that Kong Xiang is unwilling to attend the gathering. I don't know if he has sensed something, but I need to stay close to him.

"Contact me immediately after you finish there. Let's get rid of the Adventist power within the country first."

Ye Wenjie nodded, "Be careful yourself."

Jiang Yu promised and watched the car leave, standing there silent for a long time.