Chapter 67: Hero_1


Jiang Yu asked with a smile, "What task? Do you need to work on ideology again?"

Chang Weisi didn't directly answer, but instead said, "Everyone has seen your performance in the war center, and at this meeting, I noticed you've also changed your way of working.

"That's good, after all, suggestions are more easily accepted than sharp opposition."

Jiang Yu replied, "That's purely because the participants have calmed down quite a bit and didn't bring up any more crazy ideas, otherwise I'd still need to curse at them."

Chang Weisi said with a smile, "If the situation from the first round of meetings arises again, there would probably be quite a few people on your side, helping you curse your opponents."

What hadn't he seen before? In the meetings, he immediately noticed that Jiang Yu had started to divide and conquer, and he was getting more proficient at it.

Chang Weisi changed the subject, "My grandfather was an old soldier of the War of Resistance against Japan, a time that has become very distant for your generation.

"Nowadays, these unscrupulous TV dramas make the War of Resistance against Japan seem so easy, you probably don't feel much about those wars anymore, right?"

Jiang Yu didn't answer, just took the rice passed by Shi Qiang, and listened while eating as Chang Weisi continued, "My grandfather never watched War of Resistance films.

"He said the War of Resistance against Japan was a nightmare, and only those who had fought against the Japanese with guns and swords would understand the difference between guerrilla troops and professional soldiers."

Chang Weisi took a bite of food, and continued while eating, "Back then, Japanese soldiers were not only advanced in weaponry but also far surpassed the Eighth Route Army in terms of individual soldier quality.

"Only veterans of the Long March dared to fight the Japanese soldiers one-on-one. The higher-ups demanded that during combat, it was best to have two or three against one.

"My grandfather said, the first challenge of joining the Eighth Route Army was to overcome the fear of the Japanese military.

"But my grandfather was an exception, because his relatives were slaughtered, so he enlisted with the mindset that killing one would break even, killing two would be a profit.

"Daring to risk his life, he easily passed the first test."

He ate another couple of bites of rice and continued, "When we faced great disasters, it's natural to feel fear. No matter what kind of response we have to make in the future, the first step is always to overcome fear."

Jiang Yu said with a laugh, "Since when did you start talking in such a roundabout way?"

Chang Weisi replied with a smile, "I just want you to be understanding of everyone, fear is the most normal reaction at this time. Second, that was just the preamble to the main theme."

"I know." Jiang Yu had finished eating, he set down his chopsticks and took a sip of soup, "But others may fear, we absolutely cannot fear!

"Just like the warriors like your grandfather, even though they were at such a disadvantage, they kept resisting the invaders.

"They are all respectable warriors, the greater our disadvantage at the time, the more honorable they were.

"It is the same today. Even if we are to be afraid, we must learn to hide it in our hearts!

"I have also heard some foreign delegates say that the reason I am not afraid is that I have betrayed ETO and am determined to fight the Trisolarans to the end.

"I wonder if anyone has suggested arresting me to claim credit with the Trisolarans?"

Chang Weisi firmly said, "Rest assured, such a thing will never happen."

Jiang Yu thought to himself, "That's not necessarily the case."

Then Chang Weisi spoke in a gentler tone, "The superiors hope to package you up and have you tell everyone about your undercover process, so that everyone knows we have already won against the Trisolarans, that they are not to be feared."

Jiang Yu was taken aback, "They want to make me a hero and a role model!"

Chang Weisi nodded, "Exactly, we are in need of a hero right now."

Jiang Yu sighed, "I can be a hero, but you have to promise me two conditions: First, don't betray me after crossing the river."


He was well aware that after he became a hero, his deeds would be magnified, but so would his stains.

Besides the positive coverage about him, there would definitely be many people who would love to dig up his dirt.

Once this sluggish tide passed, nobody would be willing to listen to Jiang Yu's "heroic deeds" anymore, and people would look forward to seeing his dirt more.

And Chang Weisi had said at the beginning of the conversation that it was a matter of ideological work, which meant that the matter was already set in stone.

If Jiang Yu was unwilling, then the ideological work would continue until he was willing.

Rather than becoming passive later on, it was better to take the opportunity to make two demands.

In response to Jiang Yu's first condition, Chang Weisi readily agreed, "That's a given!"

Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I want a more specific guarantee, if someone starts smearing me, I need the official media to always stand by my side."

Chang Weisi said, "You must trust the organization."

"That's meaningless, Chief Chang, let's not escalate this," Jiang Yu smiled and said:

"I've always trusted the organization, but, you know, there are always some clowns who would find opportunities to go against the organization.

"By then, it won't hurt Chief Chang's personal interests, nor will it affect the personal interests of the organization, and no one will care about my life or death."

Chang Weisi looked at Jiang Yu with a much deeper gaze, "The superiors should agree to your condition. What's the second one?"

Jiang Yu said, "I hope to know how the 'Poison Apple Project' documents were ultimately dealt with?"

"Didn't the brief say so? Destroyed..."

Jiang Yu interrupted Chang Weisi, "I hope to hear the truth."

Chang Weisi looked around at the people nearby, and after everyone had pretty much gone out for a smoke after finishing their meal, he spoke in a low voice, "The documents were locked up at the United Nations, guarded by military personnel from the five permanent members."

Jiang Yu sighed deeply, "As expected..."

Then he asked, "What kind of procedure is needed to view these documents?"

"All five permanent members must agree and sign off on it before they can be accessed."

Jiang Yu pondered for a moment before saying, "My second condition... the authority to decide whether to agree to access the documents."

Chang Weisi shook his head, "That condition is excessive."

Jiang Yu spread his hands, "Does Chief Chang think I am trying to gain power for myself?

"With the lesson from the 'Judgment Day,' it should not be hard to see that the 'Poison Apple Project' is the Trisolarans' second overt scheme!

"I had too much faith in you before; I never expected you to be so foolish that..."

Jiang Yu sighed deeply, "Calling names won't solve the problem, you must agree to the second condition, or please go and make a hero yourself!"

To express his determination, after finishing his statement, Jiang Yu left the seat angrily, not giving Chang Weisi an opportunity to bargain.

After smoking a cigarette outside the door, Jiang Yu gradually realized that since he had ended his undercover life, his main enemies were no longer the Adventists and the Redemptionists but the entire human race!

Jiang Yu smiled, what an irony, in the war against the invasion of the Trisolarans, the main enemy had never been the Trisolarans.

The next day, Chang Weisi had another private conversation with Jiang Yu, saying that the higher-ups had agreed to his two conditions.

However, the higher-ups also had one requirement: when refusing others access to the documents, he must present a sufficient reason to everyone.