Chapter 91: Goodbye_1

In the following two days, Jiang Yu was continuously in meetings.

The experience he gained at the Star Defense Department over the past two years allowed him to easily handle a myriad of disordered tasks.

After the two days of meetings, he had the work of the Interstellar Warrior Project Team well organized.

First and foremost, the overt Astronaut Combat Suit as well as the "Individual Soldier Multi-functional Exoskeleton System" research team, were already being formed, with the preliminary theoretical work starting from that very day.

Sixteen was the senior consultant for these two overt projects.

Then there was the planning for the "Super Soldier Project." Jiang Yu suggested that the site for the research institute be located around Black Square, without the need to search for any other concealed location.

It just so happened that many engineers were stationed there, who could conveniently construct the research institute.

After concluding these meetings, Jiang Yu received a phone call from his brother-in-law, inquiring whether the escape plan had indeed been canceled?

It turned out that at the recently concluded United Nations assembly, escapism was determined illegal and identified as a crime against humanity.

Over the phone, Jiang Yu answered, "Yes, everything has been canceled."

His brother-in-law sighed with relief, "It's good that it's canceled. Without that worry, one can live life with peace of mind."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu sent Di Fengyi to the relevant department of the Star Defense Department to understand the new developments of this event.

Soon, Jiang Yu obtained an internal report.

The content was roughly as follows: The escape fund, a major fraud, was exposed, and a large number of people were arrested in various countries.

Strangely, however, only a small fraction of the money swindled by the fraudsters was recovered.

According to the fraudsters' confessions, their superiors had impersonated PDC staff, and many of them did not even realize they were committing fraud; they thought they were genuinely working for PDC.

Clearly, there was a well-organized fraud ring behind the scenes, but unfortunately, none of the masterminds were caught.

In this incident, a huge amount of money went unaccounted for, which made the nations realize that someone had made a fortune by exploiting the escape fund.

Jiang Yu had to admire the behind-the-scenes orchestrators for their moneymaking methods – even fraud was turned into an art form.

That evening, Jiang Yu received another call from Chief Ji's secretary, saying that Jiang Yu should visit Chief Ji's office next Monday to discuss a very important matter.

Jiang Yu agreed, suspecting that it was probably about holding a small internal meeting for the wall-facing plan.

With escapism being deemed illegal, the wall-facing plan was likely about to be put into action.

With five days to go until next Monday, Jiang Yu took the opportunity outside work to take Sixteen to Disney for a day, and then took a trip around Lujiazui and Nanjing Road.

He bought Sixteen a few new outfits and treated him to some local snacks.

That evening, Jiang Yu planned to take Sixteen to the roadside McDonald's for dinner.

Others would experience this scenario: Child: "Mom, I want McDonald's!"

Mom: "Don't eat that, it's so expensive, and it's all junk food."

Child: "I want to eat it anyway!"

When it came to Jiang Yu and Sixteen, Jiang Yu would say, "Let's go, let's eat at McDonald's."

Sixteen: "Those are all fried foods, unhealthy."

Jiang Yu, dragging Sixteen along: "You're too young to be living like an old man. Come on! You have to eat even if you don't want to!"

The parents around felt that a conscientious child like Sixteen was truly sensible, it's just that he hadn't met a good father.

The other children were envious of Sixteen, wondering why they couldn't have such good parents.

Fifteen minutes later, inside McDonald's, Sixteen lived up to expectations by wolfing down his second hamburger.

Smiling, Jiang Yu asked, "Want another one?"

Sixteen touched his stomach and sensibly shook his head, "I didn't expect my self-control to be so poor in the face of food."


"Hamburgers and the like are designed for children," Jiang Yu said with a smile. "Children's tastes tend to be milder, sweeter."

"The differences in eating habits between East and West can reveal their different natures. Western cuisine caters more to children's tastes, and their personalities also tend to be more child-like.

"They prefer to resolve issues with violence, like to yell during meetings, don't want to take responsibility for their mistakes, and always find ways to shirk accountability. But they also possess a child-like imagination and creativity.

"The flavors of our domestic cuisine are stronger, like those of an adult. Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty—all five flavors are present."

Sixteen took a sip of Coke. "Haven't seen you in two years, and your level of bullshitting has really improved."

He paused, then asked, "Do you still remember Thirty-Six?"

Jiang Yu nodded.

"Thirty-Six contacted me this morning. He said he has something important to remind you of and wants to meet you as soon as possible."

Jiang Yu suddenly recalled Thirty-Six's eyes, which seemed to see through everything. "I'll go find him tomorrow."

Thirty-Six had an air of mysterious profundity, like a Zen master. Jiang Yu was quite curious about what he wanted to remind him of.

Sixteen said, "Remember to bring him two baskets of fresh vegetables. I reckon it's been a while since he's had any fresh food."


The next day, Jiang Yu arranged his schedule and took a plane to Mongolia. After purchasing two baskets of fresh fruits and vegetables, he drove to the ruins of the Advent Faction Base.

By the time he reached the ruins, it was already evening. Following Sixteen's instructions, he had the armed police assigned to protect him wait for him at the entrance of the mountains, while he himself drove up to the small hill behind the power station's ruins.

When Jiang Yu got out of the car and looked around, there was not a soul in sight. As he opened the trunk to take out the baskets of produce, suddenly a voice came from behind him: "You're here."

Jiang Yu turned around and saw it was Thirty-Six, who had grown taller and thinner than before. "How—where did you come from?"

Thirty-Six handed Jiang Yu a meditation cushion, "The exit is camouflaged."

Jiang Yu didn't ask further, took the cushion, and sat down on the ground with Thirty-Six.

After staring at Jiang Yu for a while, Thirty-Six smiled and said, "Just like Sixteen said, you've grown a lot in the past two years."

Jiang Yu smiled helplessly. "To be praised by two kids like this, I don't know whether to be happy or not."

Thirty-Six didn't continue the topic and instead said, "I've kept in touch with Sixteen, am aware of what's going on outside, and by a stroke of fate, I found out about the existence of the Wall-Facing Plan."

Jiang Yu's smile faded; Thirty-Six had called him here to talk about the Wall-Facing Plan!

Thirty-Six said, "Wall-Facing means meditation, not shouting.

"The greatest opponent of the Wall-Facing Plan is ourselves."

The sun was setting, and a few weeds nearby were rustled by the breeze, everything seemed so peaceful.

But Thirty-Six's words exploded like thunder in Jiang Yu's ears.

If the Wall-Facing Plan were to be implemented and Thirty-Six had such a view, Jiang Yu wouldn't be surprised.

But the Wall-Facing Plan had just been introduced, and Thirty-Six had already seen the essence of the plan, which astonished Jiang Yu.

Thirty-Six continued, "Your enemy won't be them; it will be our own people. Do you have any strategies?"

Jiang Yu took a deep breath and grinned, "How could I possibly consider our own people as enemies? I am one of our own!"

Thirty-Six sized up Jiang Yu again, "Sixteen is right; you're a man of great wisdom, I was concerned over nothing. There's no need for a reminder; you've already got it figured out in your heart."

Jokingly, Jiang Yu said, "If you and Sixteen are so close, why don't you live with him?"

"We follow different paths."

Jiang Yu immediately understood. Sixteen had told him before that he spends most of his time researching human body structures' applications to artificial intelligence.

While Thirty-Six leaned more towards wisdom.
