Chapter 122: Resistance_1

The second group actually designed a kind of bubble with great resilience.

And they tried blowing these bubbles in the sea.

But they immediately encountered a huge problem: when the bubbles were filled with air, they could easily float in the sky.

However, once the bubbles contained seawater, they couldn't float anymore.

The second group conducted experiments and found that large bubbles with a diameter of several tens of meters could only carry less than one kilogram of seawater into the air.

They tried to blow bubbles one kilometer in size, but the amount of water they could carry was also very limited.

So they began using hydrogen to inflate the bubbles, which could then carry a significant amount of water, but the cost skyrocketed.

A kilometer-sized bubble required a massive amount of hydrogen, and the hydrogen could not be reclaimed after the bubble exploded.

Moreover, controlling the explosion of the bubbles was very difficult; if they exploded too early, they wouldn't reach the desert, and if too late, they would drift beyond national borders.

The main force moving the bubbles was the natural wind, but the wind direction was another uncertain factor that often caused the bubbles to veer off course.

In short, there were too many uncontrollable factors, and in the third year of Jiang Yu's hibernation, this project was abandoned.

Now the second group has a new project, which they call the Butterfly Project!

A researcher explained, "The butterfly effect in climate is real, with the most illustrative metaphor being that the flap of a butterfly's wings could trigger a hurricane a thousand kilometers away.

"Of course, this is just a metaphor. Meteorology is more complex than we imagine, but the concept of 'weather trigger points' does exist.

"That is, making a slight change at a critical location could affect weather changes over a large area.

"But there are two difficulties with this idea: first, finding these trigger points is very challenging, and second, what we call 'small changes' are minor for nature but can be massive for humanity."

Another expert added, "We are currently working hard to build a global climate model, hoping to uncover the fundamental laws of meteorology and the methods for calculating trigger points soon.

"Besides searching for trigger points on Earth, we also hope to construct a structure in space similar to a reflective mirror that could refract sunlight and heat up certain areas of the planet.

"Alternatively, using solar power in space, we could alter the electron polarity of clouds over certain regions with microwaves, thereby cooling these areas.

"In this way, we could largely control the global climate, enabling more precipitation in the deserts."

Jiang Yu nodded, "This idea is very avant-garde. What are the chances of success?"

The researcher replied, "If we dedicate one or two decades of hard work to this area, we should achieve some results.

"However, the biggest obstacle to this project is that the various national space agencies don't value it much, and it's very difficult for us to make a breakthrough with the technology on our own.

"Additionally, the PDC member countries are also obstructing this project because some nations fear that we might use it as a form of weather weapon."

Jiang Yu pinched his forehead, wondering why the greatest obstacles to his plans always came from his own people.

He took a deep breath before saying, "I will use my Wallfacer status to try and secure resources for you as much as possible.

"Even if the PDC doesn't provide support, the domestic government will give some. And even if the domestic support is lacking, don't stop your current projects. I will find a way."

The researchers finally breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Jiang Yu had awakened from his hibernation, they felt more confident.

At this point, Qi Guanglu said, "Actually, the second group has another feasible project, but right now we only have one line of thinking."

Jiang Yu gestured for him to continue.

Qi Guanglu went on, "This train of thought originates from the synthesis of artificial starch. Since starch can be synthesized, water is even easier to make. We could consider synthesizing water directly in the desert.

"But now, the cost of using chemically synthesized water for open-field agriculture is very high."

"This process needs further optimization, as well as the design of a method to synthesize water in the desert."

Jiang Yu felt that this project seemed more feasible, "Has this project started yet?"

Qi Guanglu shook his head, "No, because of the funding..."

Jiang Yu waved his hand, "Proceed with both projects at the same time, money is not an issue!"

Qi Guanglu sighed with relief, it was much easier with the support of a Wallfacer.

After reviewing the progress of the three teams, the day was almost over. Jiang Yu had arranged to visit the first team's test field in the desert with Qi Guanglu the next day.

Back in the car, Di Fengyi saw that Jiang Yu was somewhat tired, "Shall we go back to rest?"

Jiang Yu, pinching his temples, shook his head, "Back to the Star Defense Department. I need to stop by the old leader's place."

He had a premonition that his next action would require significant support from the Star Defense Department.

Aside from the corners of his eyes drooping a bit, Chief Ji had hardly changed from five years ago.

Jiang Yu didn't bring up work. The two of them chatted idly for about fifteen minutes, and it was only when he was about to leave that Jiang Yu said, "After I recover a bit, I need to go to the United Nations. It would be a waste not to make use of foreign resources."

Chief Ji stood up to see him off, "Before you go, make sure to communicate with the diplomats. We will still fully support our own Wallfacer."

Jiang Yu smiled and nodded. That was all he needed to hear.

Then he visited Chang Weisi, and didn't forget to take the salary that he was owed from five years ago when he left.

On the way back, Di Fengyi took the opportunity to report, "The space elevator central to the mainstream defense plans is expected to take another four to five years to complete.

"There have been some new developments in the eight plans that are being implemented alongside the mainstream defense plans. I've organized them a bit."

Seeing Jiang Yu nod, Di Fengyi continued, "As I mentioned before in the Wallfacer plan, the strategic intelligence plan is executed by the Planetary Defense Council's Strategic Intelligence Bureau.

"Incredibly, they have accelerated a human brain to one percent of the speed of light using nuclear explosions after nuclear explosions, and sent it toward the Trisolaran invasion fleet.

"This plan has not been fully disclosed. Insiders either call it a heroic act, praising the planners and the courage of the brain's owner.

"Others say it's the kind of thing only a lunatic would do, completely devaluing the plan."

Di Fengyi shook his head, "It's odd that the opinions are so polarized."

Jiang Yu said, "That's because actions against the Trisolarans have already gone beyond traditional human ethical concepts.

"Critics don't have a reference point, so they can only express their views based on personal opinions, which leads to extreme polarization."

Di Fengyi nodded in agreement and continued the report, "Jiang Shiliu will update you on the Star Warrior project after a while.

"The Deception project, it seems, is unable to make further progress, and the PDC is preparing to cancel it.

"The ternary computer project is going quite smoothly, and now many places have started using this computing method.

"So far, its computational power has just caught up with binary calculators, and it is said that its power could double again within five years.

"The Scout project succeeded in making the first observation of the approaching Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet with the newly launched space telescope right after you went into hibernation.

"Many people at that time finally believed that alien invaders were indeed on their way to the Solar System."