Chapter 132: Interests_1

Jiang Yu had never thought of monopolizing the Moon's resources from the beginning.

Firstly, he still couldn't detach himself from the power of countries around the world, and even if he could, he didn't have the strength to fight against the entire world's political bodies.

It would be better to use the Moon's resources to have the power of various countries serve him.

Jiang Yu took out four envelopes, "The type and reserves of resources are written on the outside of the envelope, and inside are the precise coordinates!"

The American representative immediately protested, arguing that America had contributed significantly to the "Moon City Project" and should not be ranked third.

Jiang Yu laughed, "You only provided some information and not a penny of funding!

"China provided both information and production lines as well as money.

"Russia not only contributed money but also helped the project team with multiple launches and the assembly of spacecraft and the lunar industrial system.

"In both fairness and reason, they should be placed ahead of you.

"Of course, the UK and France did not help, but in the upcoming hearings, I hope to receive both of your assistance."

The American representative wanted to argue on the basis of reason but was jointly rebuffed by the China-Russia representatives.

Afterward, came the dispute between the UK and France, which was eventually resolved by both sides agreeing to jointly develop the resources there.

After all, they didn't contribute at all to the "Moon City Project," and to jointly share the resources of one position was already a huge gain.

In the eyes of the other countries' representatives, filled with covetousness, the Chinese representative was the first to take away the envelope rich in helium-3.

The rest were mines with a higher content of metals, especially two places rich in titanium, which were taken by the US and Russia respectively. This element is essential for the modern development of the space industry.

In the end, the UK and France were left with ordinary elements such as iron and aluminum.

After the division of spoils was over, Jiang Yu then said, "Well, concerning the construction of Moon City..."

He had only gotten halfway through when representatives from the five countries expressed their support for Jiang Yu's plan.

And they were not just paying lip service this time, their offers of money and manpower were highly detailed.

Jiang Yu nodded in satisfaction; at least these five were renowned diplomats of the world. Although sometimes they might have slip-ups in their talks, such detailed promises were fairly credible.

Having said that, after the meeting, he still wanted Bil to present an agreement for them to sign, to be at ease.

And Bil, who was off to the side, didn't even know what to say. The difficult problem that had plagued their project team for over a year—had the Wallfacer Jiang Yu just easily resolved it?

Jiang Yu smiled and added, "Other Wallfacers come to you for solutions to their problems, but I'm here to solve problems for you.

"I will point out another path to wealth for everyone. A few days ago, eight probes were launched, and sparse ore deposits were discovered in four locations.

"Within a hundred kilometers of those four locations, there are no rich resources.

"You could sell these real Lunar Wastelands to the capitalists.

"Theoretically, the Moon is the property of all humanity; selling these lands to the capitalists in the name of the United Nations, in exchange for a large amount of capital investment into the mainstream defense projects, is also contributing to the benefit of humanity.

"And it is legally feasible! The Moon is so close to us, almost within reach, much more reliable than the United Nations selling stars!"

BIl felt a bit of a toothache; he seriously suspected that Jiang Yu was brewing another conspiracy.

Although theoretically, the Moon is a common resource for humanity, in practice, whichever country launches a probe to a certain area, that area practically becomes their private land.

If other countries have objections, then it's dealt with by "arm-wrestling," or rather, thorough negotiations.

Jiang Yu presented these resources outright because he didn't have the strength to "negotiate" with the superpowers, thus achieving his goals.

The representatives from the various countries caught on immediately, realizing this was an opportunity to reap from the capitalists.

Regardless of the previous systems in their countries, now they all hoped to bring out all the capital within their nations to invest in the mainstream defense projects.

It is for this reason that Western countries had started to crack down on the power of capital in the past few years.

Any capitalist with a bit of foresight knew that the start of land sales on the Moon signified the arrival of the "space real estate" industry, and that investing in the Moon was inevitable.

At present, it might take quite an effort for countries to take down even a few capitalists, and if not handled properly, it could lead to a whole lot of trouble.

But with these "Lunar Wastelands," it was easy to make the capitalists willingly open their wallets.

Moreover, in the future development of Lunar land, the capitalists would still have to seek help from the government because no company currently possessed the technology for moon landings.

Not to mention the technology to build Moon City, the technology for developing Lunar land, and a series of other technological challenges.

However, only the China-Russia representatives immediately announced they would propose relevant motions at the United Nations.

The representatives from the other three countries tacitly understood each other and said they would go back and consider it, without agreeing outright.

Jiang Yu's trade of Lunar resources data for support of the Moon City project had already concluded.

Everyone was reluctant to be led by the nose by Jiang Yu again, so they decided to go back and study the proposal for a second cooperation.

Secondly, representatives from the three countries believed that if Lunar resources could be so easily detected, why would they be at someone else's beck and call?

Why not explore on their own to find out where the "Lunar Wasteland" was?

Jiang Yu did not insist, but simply stated that he was always willing to welcome cooperation from everyone.

This meeting was not reported by the media, as not many people knew about their gathering.

However, the details of their division of spoils still leaked and reached the ears of representatives of other countries.

The German representative was the first to extend an olive branch to Jiang Yu, hoping to provide support for the "Moon City Project" as well.

The Indian representative felt somewhat indignant, thinking to himself, "After all the hard work I put in, I'm finally one of the seven permanent members. How come I wasn't included in such a division of rewards?

"Is it just Lunar resources? If you won't share with me, then forget it—I'll explore on my own."

Consequently, India began its Lunar resource exploration project domestically. After the project commenced, they discovered that countries like the UK and America were also desperately launching probes to the Moon.

India became anxious as they had no idea when their own probe would be assembled, so they straightforwardly decided to buy probes from others!

It would save money and time.

If they were going to buy, they might as well buy the professional ones—probes purchased by the "Moon City Project" group were pretty good.

All of a sudden, the probe designed and manufactured by the Chinese Aerospace Industry became a hot commodity.

While acquiring the probe from the experts involved, Chinese aerospace engineers repeatedly reminded the Indian side that the detection radius of the probe was not as large as the Indians had requested.

India thought that China was either reluctant to sell this powerful exploration tool or was trying to take the opportunity to raise the price. After a lot of haggling, they managed to acquire a batch of probes.

Of course, that was later on. For now, Jiang Yu, after concluding the meeting with representatives from various countries, took a few days off. Following thorough preparation, he attended the PDC Wallfacer project hearing.

In fact, the PDC had already conducted several Wallfacer project hearings, but Jiang Yu had either excused himself from attending for trivial reasons or had been in hibernation.

However, the main heads of several of his project groups had come to the hearing numerous times to report on the progress of Jiang Yu's Wallfacer plan.

After the meeting began, the rotating chairman spoke first, congratulating Jiang Yu on defeating an attack by a Wallbreaker.

Then, it was Jiang Yu's turn to speak. He was supposed to discuss the progress of his plan, but Jiang Yu instead began with, "First, I suggest that we continue the meeting at four o'clock in the afternoon.

"During the upcoming lunchtime, please everyone, do not eat. Then we can continue with the meeting, and you will understand the idea I want to express."

The rotating chairman asked, "We all heard about your contribution to the combat center meeting eight years ago.

"Even so, I still have to ask, what is the meaning of doing this?"

Jiang Yu replied, "It's part of the plan."

The rotating chairman nodded, "Since you insist, then the hearing will continue in the afternoon. Let's all monitor each other and skip lunch."