Chapter 188: Technological Deterrence_1

Bil openly disagreed with Burton, "Let's go to my place first; there are many scientific achievements that I need to report to Mr. Jiang."

The two men looked at Jiang Yu together.

Jiang Yu said, "Let's go check out the scientific achievements first."

Bil smiled happily, silently praising Jiang Yu for his decency in his heart.

There was a hint of disappointment in Burton's eyes; he turned back and glanced at Di Fengyi behind him.

Di Fengyi shook his head, signaling Burton not to hurry.

In Moon City, there were only two types of vehicles: passenger cars and trucks, both powered by electricity. The tires were specially designed alloy tires with an electromagnetic design to increase the vehicle's grip on the ground.

The vehicles didn't need much power; after all, the gravity was weak. As long as the issue of grip was addressed, not much power was required.

After passing through an industrial area of over a kilometer, a metallic wall appeared in front of them, with a huge gate directly ahead on the road.

Bil explained, "On this side of the door is the original structure of Moon City, while the other side is the second phase of Moon City construction, which is also the main residential area now."

On the residential side, many residents spontaneously lined up along the road to welcome Jiang Yu, and people from the buildings on both sides were also greeting him.

Jiang Yu responded to them with a smile.

They walked a bit further and arrived at a massive circular plaza, with the surrounding buildings curved in shape, encircling the plaza like stars around the moon.

The conflict between Burton and Bil was more serious than what Number Three had said and even than what Jiang Yu had imagined.

It was almost at the point of a complete fallout!

After arriving at the Academy of Sciences in Moon City, Burton made an excuse and left.

Bil did not try to keep him, inviting Jiang Yu into the Academy of Sciences instead.

To the right of the plaza, several hundred people were at the entrance to welcome Jiang Yu.

After shaking hands with a few key researchers, Bil led Jiang Yu straight to a large conference room. Once Jiang Yu and the others were seated, Bil started to explain the latest scientific achievements of Moon City using a projector.

The area that had made the most progress was still space-related technology. In terms of the construction of colonial cities and the construction of planetary spacecraft, Moon City remained unrivaled.

In addition, over sixty percent of the major projects conducted in space were also Moon City's orders.

Among them was the endeavor by Rediaz, "the man who faced the wall," to drill deep wells on Mercury and test star-level nuclear bombs.

And the construction of temporary dwellings on the moons of Jupiter.

Bil said, "But as various nations also begin to seek profits in space, we are gradually losing our advantages. Just by building a small Moon City for them, these countries acquire the associated technology.

"Because the nations are isolating us, we have no way to charge them patent fees.

"Especially in the area of planetary spacecraft, countries are willing to incur steep costs.

"Also, the current mainstream planetary spacecraft themselves are not technologically challenging, and we will soon lose most of the market share in the spacecraft industry.

"Therefore, we plan to target the wealthy as the main consumer group for these industries in the future. Many affluent individuals now wish to build their own Moon City and possess their own planetary-class spaceship.

"Coming to the Moon allows them to escape the exploitation of the nations of Earth."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Wow, Bil, you've learned to do business!"

Bil scratched his head sheepishly, "This is the conclusion of the strategic group we've established."

Jiang Yu nodded, extended his hand in a gesture of invitation, and motioned for Bil to continue speaking.

Bil continued, "To strengthen the technological edge of Moon City, we are now developing asteroid mining spacecraft.

"The main asteroid belt is a treasure floating in space; it would be a pity not to exploit it.

"Another key project is our cooperation with the nuclear testing base on the nuclear fusion spaceship!"

"This is a tangible future trend that we must seize the initiative!"

"Next, please Director Gu, present a report on the biological achievements."

Gu Zhize went up to the stage and began discussing his findings.

The Gu Zhize group's main accomplishments were two-fold: one being the regenerative agent, and the other, plant missiles.

The regenerative agent was developed based on the principle that animal and plant cells can fundamentally interchange, creating a drug that allows the human body to regenerate like plants.

This project shares many similarities in theory with the Orange Leaf Assassin, both utilizing the regenerative capabilities of plant organs.

However, Gu Zhize's goals were more ambitious.

Firstly, this regenerative agent can repair cells within the body that have been damaged, such as in liver diseases, where it can regenerate the afflicted liver. For example, in Alzheimer's disease, it can regenerate brain cells.

The second effect is that when faced with extensive trauma, the use of the regenerative agent can quickly restore the injured area to a certain extent, acting as emergency aid.

The third effect is for amputations caused by disease or accidents, where the regenerative agent can be used to regenerate limbs.

The aging who are injected with the regenerative agent can have their organs and chromosomes repaired, reviving their declining bodies with new vitality.

According to Gu Zhize's predictions, the advent of the regenerative agent could extend human life by at least thirty years.

However, Gu Zhize's development of the regenerative agent has only reached the second phase. In theory, it can indeed restore damaged bodies.

Yet, there has been no controlled method found. Experiments on white mice often resulted in one amputated limb growing two or three new limbs.

There's also a very small chance that the entire mouse would slowly transform into a plant.

Therefore, this project likely has a considerable distance to go before reaching the final result.

The plant missile project was a direct application of the ability to replace animal cells with plant cells.

Gu Zhize played a video of the experiment, where he successfully vaporized the cell interchange drug and launched it with conventional missiles.

In a large laboratory, chunks of pork hanging in mid-air or placed on the ground all gradually turned into plants after coming into contact with the vaporized drug.

The shape of the meat remained intact, with new branches and leaves growing upon their original outlines.

After viewing these research outcomes, Jiang Yu thought to himself, "Just as Bo Xiangdong said, Gu Zhize's experiments seem somewhat conservative, hence the achievements are not that significant."

Afterward, another scientist discussed some minor inventions in space. These were consumer products and consumables, and thus had a significant market.

After finishing those discussions, Bil invited Jiang Yu to a small meeting room.

The other researchers who had come to join in the excitement returned to their respective posts, leaving only Jiang Yu, Bil, and six others in the small meeting room.

After seated, Bil said, "You must have heard, though Moon City governs itself autonomously, other countries are isolating us.

"Fortunately, under your advocacy, we built Moon City and achieved an early lead in space technology.

"As I just said, our advantage is rapidly diminishing, and the other countries are just waiting for us to lose our technological edge before they pounce like wolves to tear us apart.

"Therefore, I propose that we should increase our investment in space research to continue our lead in the world by twenty years!

"Once we achieve new significant advantages, we should form a technological deterrent against other nations, preventing them from easily comprehending our technology!

"By then, we could establish technological dominance, and by cutting off their lifeline, we could isolate them in turn!"

Jiang Yu rubbed his temples, "Is this your idea, or is it yours collectively?"

Bil said, "This is the idea of the strategic team we formed."

Jiang Yu took a deep breath, "I'll consider it, and you should consider it too."

Bil was startled, "What should I consider?"

"That's exactly what you need to consider!"