Chapter 194: Regret_1

Jiang Yu looked at the spontaneous celebration in the square and sighed, "What merit or ability do I, Jiang Yu, possess to earn such trust from everyone?"

Di Fengyi said with a smile, "Because following your lead, we can see hope, we have something to strive for."

He let out a long sigh, "It's only been eight years since 'Plan Zero' ended, and many people on Earth have already resumed living like the walking dead.

"Coming to a new environment like Guanghan City, life can become a bit more exciting."

Jiang Yu made a gesture inviting Di Fengyi to sit, and the two sat down on the sofa.

Jiang Yu said, "Let's not talk about this now, I'll be returning to Earth soon, so I can't see you off."

Di Fengyi nodded, "I'll do well on Mars, I won't let you down again."

Jiang Yu laughed, "There's nothing about letting me down or not. I just want to ask you, do you really want to go to Mars?

"Once you go, running Mars City will be the endeavor of your latter half of your life. Without some passion, that commitment will not last."

Di Fengyi spoke earnestly, "The last time I went to Mars City, I was captivated by the scenery there.

"Burton managed Guanghan City for a few years before I paid a visit.

"By that time, Guanghan City had very complete infrastructure, and it didn't feel like I was in an alien world at all."

He smiled, "But Mars City is just beginning, and its desolate magnificence deeply moved me.

"It was from that moment that I seemed to feel the call of a new world.

"Everything there can be shaped; it's all filled with possibilities."

Jiang Yu also smiled, "I'm happy that you've found such a destination."

"Oh, by the way, there's someone who hopes to go to Mars with me, and they also hope to meet you."

Jiang Yu was taken aback, "Who?"

"Kong Fangcheng."

Jiang Yu sighed, "In the blink of an eye, it's been twenty years. Let him come."

Di Fengyi went to the door and called Kong Fangcheng in.

When they last met, Kong Fangcheng was still in college, but now, in his thirties, the youthful naivety on his face had vanished without a trace, replaced by a chill maturity.

After the meeting, Kong Fangcheng said, "Brother Jiang Yu."

Although Jiang Yu was only around twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, Kong Fangcheng called him quite naturally.

"Sit," Jiang Yu said with a smile. "You're going to Mars, too?"

Kong Fangcheng nodded, "I once went with Director Di, it's a place where one could dedicate their whole life."

Jiang Yu nodded, "What about your mother?"

"She's still on Earth."

"Does she bear to let you go?"

Kong Fangcheng said with a smile, "My mother has agreed, once I settle down there, she's also willing to move."

"That's good," Jiang Yu said to Di Fengyi. "I'm not worried about Kong Fangcheng, but please look after Teacher Kong's wife."

Di Fengyi nodded, "I will."

Jiang Yu then looked at Kong Fangcheng, "Did you want to see me because you're asking about Teacher Kong's whereabouts again?"

Kong Fangcheng had already asked Jiang Yu several times before, but Jiang Yu had never given a definitive answer.

"Yes," Kong Fangcheng said. "People say he is ETO, but you still call him Teacher Kong. I don't believe my father would be ETO."

Jiang Yu smiled, "Didn't he ever teach you to abandon the 'black-or-white' way of thinking?"

"He did."

"That's it then. Being ETO doesn't necessarily mean one is a bad person, and not being ETO doesn't guarantee being a good person either."

Kong Fangcheng's gaze dimmed somewhat, "So he really..."

Jiang Yu waved his hand, "Whether he's ETO or not doesn't prevent him from being my teacher, nor does it prevent him from being your father."

Kong Fangcheng forced a smile, "Brother Jiang Yu, you don't need to comfort me like this."

"I'm not comforting you," Jiang Yu sighed. "What kind of person you want to become has nothing to do with others. It depends on what you do and what you think.

"If you really love Mars, then go to Mars! Go there and burn with passion.

"I don't know if Teacher Kong regretted his choices, but I have never regretted mine, and you shouldn't either!"

Kong Fangcheng stood up, "I understand. Thank you, Brother Jiang Yu, for giving me the opportunity to come to the Moon... to Guanghan City."

Jiang Yu smiled, "No need to thank me, cherish the present moment!"

After seeing off Di Fengyi and Kong Fangcheng, Jiang Yu looked at a corner of the living room and asked, "Teacher, do you regret it?"

Then he smiled and shook his head, "Even if you do regret it, it's too late now."

Jiang Yu patiently waited for a few days. Burton's actions were smooth sailing, and the handover of the administration of the Science Academy was finally completed. Jiang Yu and a few other high-ranking officials from Guanghan City all breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did Burton announce in Guanghan City that Wallfacer Jiang Yu had appointed him as the Governor.

This was followed by a series of reforms to strengthen government functions, all of which were executed smoothly.

The revolution within Guanghan City didn't attract much attention from the PDC countries, after all, slogans representing the hopes of humanity had grown tiresome, and they thought it was just another slogan.

Having resolved Guanghan City's issues, Jiang Yu was also ready to return to Earth.

He chose not to hibernate in Guanghan City in order to reassure the PDC countries.

If all the high-level executives of Guanghan City were on the Moon, the PDC would be more wary of Guanghan City, which wouldn't be conducive to communication and exchange between the two parties.

Before leaving, Jiang Yu also had a private talk with Bo Xiangdong, "How is Guanghan City?"

Bo Xiangdong laughed, "Very nice."

"Continue your research in Guanghan City."

Bo Xiangdong was taken aback, "The Star Defense Department probably won't let me go easily."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Just say that Guanghan City is fun, and that you want to bring your family for a visit.

"The sooner you come, the better. The closer to the project's end, the tighter the Star Defense Department will be."

Bo Xiangdong then realized, "Before, when you didn't let me bring my family, you had already thought about how to trick the Star Defense Department, hadn't you?"

"How could you call it tricking?" Jiang Yu laughed. "I'm helping them lighten their load!

"Once you're in Guanghan City, let Gu Zhize be your deputy. Research whatever you want to research."

Bo Xiangdong didn't hesitate, "Alright, I'll start preparing as soon as I get back."

Jiang Yu nodded, "Guanghan City will cooperate with you as well."

The next day, Jiang Yu set off on his return journey with his entourage.

On both sides of the street, residents spontaneously came to see Jiang Yu off, some calling for him to stay and even some weeping bitterly.

Jiang Yu spoke a few words to reassure everyone and, after bidding farewell to Burton and Bil, stepped into the landing pod.

After three days of hard travel, Jiang Yu finally returned to his villa in the Beijing suburbs.

Having awoken from hibernation, Jiang Yu hadn't had a moment's rest; he planned to rest at the villa for a few days before going to see acquaintances like Chang Weisi to have a drink or two.

Thirty-Six still lived in the villa; he had resigned from his job last year to restart his contemplations there.

Number Three also resided in the villa, and the two weren't lonely.

Thirty-Six had not hibernated, and now he looked almost as old as Jiang Yu.

Seeing Jiang Yu, Thirty-Six smiled, "The few years of engaging with the world have helped me greatly, and my contemplation has made some new progress."