Chapter 204: Defend_1

The next day, after Jiang Yu sobered up from his hangover, he immediately sought a conversation with Zhao Yun and Lu Qingfeng.

Jiang Yu hoped there could be a permanent solution to curb people's blind faith and wishful thinking in the Trisolarans' technology.

The way Earthlings behaved in the face of temptation deeply disappointed Jiang Yu.

In principle, Trisolaran technology must be restrained—it was, after all, technology from an enemy! Who knew what malicious intentions they concealed?

But it was strange to say, there were still some who wouldn't be dissuaded, believing that the Trisolarans' technology depended on where it was used, how it was used, and who used it.

As long as it was properly utilized, it could have an unexpected effect!

The image of the Trisolarans not being good at strategy also led everyone to blindly trust their technology, thinking that it was technology the Trisolarans had inadvertently leaked to humanity.

Jiang Yu knew that this technology was not perfect and lacked many important theoretical underpinnings.

It was like having a child learn to count, telling him that after 1, 2, there's a 100.

Indeed, this was not wrong, but what about all the numbers in between!

Long ago, Bo Xiangdong had talked about the technologies offered by the Trisolarans, which seemingly enabled humans to manipulate the appearance and intelligence of their offspring at the genetic level to a certain extent.

However, the scope of manipulation was very limited, and even genetic experts associated with the ETO could only adjust genes a bit more or less within the framework given by the Trisolarans.

From these technologies, Bo Xiangdong could not find any inspiration for other controllable genetic technologies.

Clearly, this was a castrated version of genetic technologies, deliberately premeditated and then sent to Earth by the Trisolarans.

Zhao Yun and Lu Qingfeng discussed this for a long time and ultimately, their approach was not much different from Bo Xiangdong's—the dangers of this technology would only be realized by people after accidents happened to those who had undergone Genetic Modification.

The reason why everyone so trusted the Trisolarans' Genetic Modification Technology was that they had only seen the benefits of this technology, and so far, no accidents had occurred.

For most people, a technology without accidents for a decade or so was basically acceptable.

Moreover, Genetic Modification could likely cause substantial physical variation and unsurmountable social classes—nobody wanted to be left behind.

According to Lu Qingfeng's speculation, over the next twenty to thirty years, more people would accept the Trisolarans' Genetic Modification Technology.

This was a process that could not be paused or terminated, and it was even fair to say that the Trisolarans' plan was insoluble!

Unless humanity could develop more advanced Genetic Technologies, which was nearly impossible under the blockade of Sophon.

Like the fluke that Gu Zhize stumbled upon, it was only this once.

At the same time, due to the greatly diminished influence and power of the Wallfacer, Jiang Yu's request to do a global television broadcast was rejected by the Star Defense Department.

With no other choice, Jiang Yu had to call over Han Li and use the power of her cultural company to publish some statements opposing the Trisolarans' technology.

Meanwhile, in the selection of residents for Guanghan City, they would reject anyone who had used the Trisolarans' Genetic Modification and Brain Implant Technology.

In the afternoon, Jiang Yu felt that his alcohol hangover had completely disappeared, so he bought some health products and went to visit his old leader.

Chang Weisi mentioned that Chief Ji had developed dementia two years ago, fortunately not too severe, only occasional outbursts.

Chief Ji looked nearly the same as he did eight years ago, not much aged, just that his mental state was not as good as before; it took a few seconds of staring before he recognized Jiang Yu.

Chief Ji's wife warmly hosted Jiang Yu, telling him that lately, Chief Ji frequently mentioned him.

Jiang Yu could feel that after Chief Ji recognized him, he immediately became much friendlier, grabbing Jiang Yu's hand and chatting about this and that, sometimes forgetting what he was saying mid-sentence.

Chief Ji's wife said with a smile, "I haven't seen the old man this happy in a long time, Xiaojang, why don't you chat with him a bit more? I'll go make a few dishes, and you can have dinner here tonight."

Jiang Yu didn't decline, "Sure thing!"

Chief Ji looked at Jiang Yu, "Making you a Wallfacer was the most correct decision of my life.

'Look at those foreigners, what a mess they have made of the Wallfacer project!'"

Jiang Yu smiled, "I'm also very happy to be able to do something for humanity."

"You must do well, you must..." Chief Ji's eyes suddenly became unfocused.

Jiang Yu knew that Chief Ji's illness had flared up again; it had already occurred twice during their conversation, with each episode lasting about ten to twenty seconds before he recovered.

Yesterday, at the dinner table, Chang Weisi mentioned that he had consulted a doctor and was told that each episode would last longer and longer until they merged together continuously.

Jiang Yu sighed and quietly waited for Chief Ji to recover on his own. At that moment, Chief Ji suddenly mumbled, unclearly, "You must... you must complete Project Nine..."

Just as he said this, Chief Ji suddenly slapped himself, and his gaze immediately became focused once more.

Jiang Yu turned away, touching the tears at the corner of his eyes. It was obviously a conditioned reflex that Chief Ji had imposed on himself. Even during an episode, if he said something he shouldn't have, he would slap himself to prevent leaking secrets.

Chief Ji looked at Jiang Yu's expression. "Did I say something just now that I shouldn't have?"

Jiang Yu forced a smile, "No."

Chief Ji sighed, "I'm getting old!"

Their conversation continued with both of them trying to avoid bringing up the recent matter again.

At dinner, Chief Ji was very happy and even had a small cup of wine.

Jiang Yu stayed until after nine in the evening when Chief Ji reluctantly saw him to the door.

Jiang Yu held the old leader's hand, "Please take care of yourself."

When he woke up from his next hibernation, he probably wouldn't see the old leader again. This farewell might be the last.

Chief Ji patted Jiang Yu's hand, "You take care as well."

He stood at the doorway, watching Jiang Yu enter the elevator, reluctant to see him go.

To Jiang Yu's surprise, he received news of Chief Ji's suicide the next day.

Jiang Yu was overwhelmed with grief, aware that the old chief ended his life to avoid the risk of inadvertently leaking Project Nine as his illness worsened.

Jiang Yu even felt somewhat guilty, thinking that if he hadn't visited the old leader, maybe Chief Ji wouldn't have made up his mind to commit suicide.

Yet, recalling the old leader's contented and reluctant expression from yesterday, Jiang Yu felt that if he hadn't visited Chief Ji this time after waking up, he would have been burdened with guilt, and perhaps Chief Ji would have had regrets too.

In fact, Jiang Yu and Chief Ji were more like friends across generations, even somewhat like father and son. Many times, only Chief Ji could understand Jiang Yu's actions and his good intentions.

At Chief Ji's funeral, Jiang Yu wept bitterly, crying so much that Number Three had to support him to prevent him from losing his composure.

After Chief Ji's burial, Jiang Yu bowed three times before the old leader's tombstone and only began to recover from his sadness after two or three days.

Beyond his sorrow, Jiang Yu also felt relieved for Chief Ji.

Chief Ji had defended the elusive hope for the future of humanity with his own life. Not only Rediaz was a warrior, a hero, but Chief Ji was too.

There are always those who silently defend humanity's future, and because they are willing to remain anonymous, they are all the more honorable.

What Jiang Yu could do was to give humanity as much hope as possible, to comfort the spirit of Chief Ji in heaven.

While Jiang Yu was reflecting, Number Three knocked and came in, "There's a young man outside who wishes to see you. He says you don't know him, but you will definitely know his father.

'His father is named Shi Qiang.'"