Chapter 218: The Final Intelligence_1


Bai Xiao and his colleagues could truly be called unnamed heroes; Jiang Yu always felt they were even more respectable than the Wallfacers!

Thinking back to the intelligence provided by Wei Keke, Kong Xiang had just mentioned that these three people were all Ye Wenjie's contingency plans.

It was just that Ye Wenjie had not foreseen that the young core members she left behind would do something so earth-shattering.

Jiang Yu thought, at that time, Ye Wenjie probably only hoped that the ideology of the Redemptionists would be passed down.

After ETO suffered a significant blow and reformed, its ideals had come to be completely contrary to those of the Redemptionists.

Therefore, those young people Ye Wenjie left behind began to use their high-ranking positions within ETO to help Jiang Yu collect intelligence.

Jiang Yu felt a tinge of regret, having not expected that Bai Xiao and the others would die on their own battlefield.

Kong Xiang continued, "When Bai Xiao found me, Sophon had already cut off contact with ETO.

"Perhaps the Trisolarans never anticipated that by abandoning ETO, they also freed Bai Xiao from any concerns.

"At that time, Bai Xiao was unable to extricate himself, so he asked me to relay the intelligence to you.

"He knew I would definitely survive and would surely come to see you before I died."

Kong Xiang seemed so agitated that his hands shook slightly, as if he could hardly hold the cup steadily: "He obtained three critical pieces of intelligence, the first concerns the secret of Civilization 146 hidden associated with an Orphan Planet.

"The second is, the Trisolarans fear a deterrent, a kind of deterrent Earthlings can also possess.

"The third is, the space cities of the Trisolarans are very special, supposedly built on an Interstellar Relic that had drifted from outside the Three-body Star System into their system.

"That's why the Trisolarans claim their space cities are irreplicable—if that relic was something akin to 'Dark Forest' or perhaps a power-depleted interstellar spacecraft from another civilization.

"In any case, that's the reason the Trisolarans in the Three-Body Game were unwilling to disclose the interiors of their space city."

Kong Xiang spoke rapidly, as if reciting a very familiar text, and after finishing, he was somewhat out of breath: "Not a word less!"

Jiang Yu nodded, committing to memory these three pieces of intelligence. With the disintegration of ETO, this was probably the last information they could obtain from the Trisolarans.

These three pieces of intelligence were obviously not certain, providing only a basic direction; it was clear that they were accumulated bit by bit through more than one attempt by Bai Xiao and others to probe.

Suddenly, Jiang Yu came to understand many things, such as why the Trisolarans, despite having had no contact with other civilizations before discovering Earth, knew so much?

It was understandable for them to know "Dark Forest Law," as Jiang Yu had speculated that it was probably after discovering Earth that they developed the theory regarding the "Dark Forest."

If they had a similar theory before discovering Humanity, it was unlikely that they would have set up so many listening posts.

The logic was simple, if they knew that most civilizations wouldn't actively reveal themselves, and those that did were just "infant civilizations" with extremely primitive communication facilities,

under such a doctrine, they wouldn't bother with so much effort to listen in but would instead emphasize exploration right from the start, seeking new worlds to colonize.

So, Jiang Yu believed that "Dark Forest Law" must have been a theory developed by the Trisolarans after the impact of Earth's civilization on the Trisolaran world.

But why did the Trisolarans also know about the "Safety Declaration"? Why did they have curvature spaceships in such a short time? Why did they know about the Two-Dimensional Strike?

And how did the Trisolarans' Second Fleet, after leaving the Three-Body Star System for over a century, come to possess the ability to create "mini universes"?

If the curvature spaceship was a breakthrough achieved after the Enlightenment movement broke out in the Trisolaran world, where did the concepts of the Dimensional Reduction Strike and "mini universes" come from?

The key point is, it seems that the Trisolarans wouldn't normally communicate with other civilizations except with Earthlings.

It was possible, however, that they could use Sophon to unintentionally monitor other civilizations while traveling to other star systems.


But Jiang Yu felt that the Trisolarans wouldn't misuse Sophon.

Firstly, resources in the Three-Body Star System were limited, and secondly, Sophons utilized the principle of quantum entanglement, some advanced civilizations could likely determine the coordinates of the entangled Sophon through the one they emitted.

And humanity had always been quite clueless in these respects; the Trisolarans probably only learned deception from Earth.

Now, as Jiang Yu considered it, everything the Trisolarans knew might have come from their research on the "Interstellar Relics" they had captured!

In the end, Jiang Yu was somewhat perplexed: could it be that alien legacies like "Dark Forest" are common throughout space?

But why did these advanced civilizations disappear without a trace?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu shook his head; there were too few clues, he could only speculate this far.

The second piece of intelligence provided by Bai Xiao was clearly a description of the "Dark Forest."

Jiang Yu had already made plans regarding this; it would be better for Teacher Logic to announce the "Dark Forest Law". If Jiang Yu became the Swordholder, he would be trapped.

Regarding the first piece of intelligence, Jiang Yu had a vague clue in his mind, but he would consult an astronomy expert before coming to any conclusions.

With these thoughts, Jiang Yu let out a long sigh—the intelligence provided by Bai Xiao and his group was absolutely crucial!

Without their probes, even Jiang Yu, with his God's View, would struggle to come up with such ideas.

After pondering for a few minutes, Jiang Yu came back to his senses. Seeing Kong Xiang's spirit flagging, he smiled and said, "Let me show you something to cheer you up."

After a few days of learning, Jiang Yu had basically mastered how to use the appliances in Guanghan City.

After all, they were just more convenient, without any fundamental changes.

Jiang Yu turned on the television embedded in the wall and found the video Kong Fangcheng had sent from Mars the day before yesterday, and played it for Kong Xiang.

Previously, Jiang Yu had contacted Kong Fangcheng via "delayed communication," and the two mostly chatted about family in the videos.

Watching the incoming videos felt to Jiang Yu much like watching clips during his school days.

Only the expressions and demeanor in the communication videos were more natural.

Kong Fangcheng, in his prime, talked about life in Mars City, mentioned that his mother had died during the crisis 38 years ago, and also about falling in love with a lady after waking up and getting married last year.

With tears streaming down his face, Kong Xiang seemed deeply moved. Jiang Yu sighed, understanding that as a father, missing his son's wedding must have been a great regret.

But no one else could be blamed for this; after all, the path Kong Xiang chose was his own.

After watching the video, Kong Xiang suddenly collapsed into convulsions on the sofa.

Jiang Yu quickly came to check on him: "Teacher, what's wrong?"

Trembling, Kong Xiang took out a slip of paper from his pocket: "This contains information on Bai Xiao and the five others. When I learned of their glorious deeds, I felt, felt that my life has been truly boring!"

Jiang Yu took the slip of paper, and as he saw Kong Xiang's lips turn purple and his complexion pale and frightening, he was just about to ask Number Three to call a doctor when Kong Xiang grabbed his wrist first:

"When we started the conversation, you asked me if I knew the consequences of coming to find you?

"How could I not know? Only with my death can your plan be absolutely safe! Only with my death can you completely let down your guard with my son!

"I regret it, I should not have lived this life this way; it would have been more meaningful to fight like you!"

Unfortunately, by now it was too late for regrets.