Chapter 224: Future Strategy_1

"There are," Gu Liang reported to Jiang Yu, "the Solar System State plans to build three to four colonial cities around Jupiter in the next half-century, sending more immigrants into the depths of the Solar System.

"At the same time, the Burton Government has held several hearings on whether the focus of the Solar System State should be moved to Jupiter in the future.

"There's no final decision yet, but it seems Burton is leaning towards shifting the focus of the Solar System State outward."

Jiang Yu nodded. Despite the many problems with Guanghan City, the half-century-long struggle with the PDC had raised the vision of the elite class of the Solar System State.

The Solar System State was originally founded on space power; it should no longer be centered on Earth.

Considering Earth as a psychological home is enough. Being too dependent on Earth could actually hinder the development of the Solar System State.

Only when the governors' thought processes reach a certain height can they begin to appreciate these deep issues of future development.

Gu Liang continued, "We predict that once Earth begins to focus on people's livelihood, it will certainly introduce advanced agricultural and pastoral technologies from us, and the support and export of food to Earth will gradually decrease.

"To address this change, the Burton Government is now actively adjusting the agricultural and pastoral proportions in various domestic cities and has demonstrated our advanced technologies to PDC member states multiple times.

"The dividend from agricultural and pastoral exports will gradually convert into a dividend from technology patents."

Jiang Yu nodded again. He wasn't too interested in these everyday operational strategies.

Gu Liang noticed this and said, "There's also the Genetic Modification Colonization Plan!"

At the mention of this plan, Jiang Yu's interest was indeed piqued.

Gu Liang smiled, "In about twenty years or so, we should be able to basically perfect controllable Genetic Modification Technology.

"This is our own technology and can be used with confidence.

"However, to avoid the class stratification that occurred on Earth due to Genetic Modification, the Burton Government plans to specifically establish a colonial city on one of Jupiter's moons.

"Those willing to have their descendants undergo Genetic Modification will all move to that colonial city.

"Once the new generation that has undergone Genetic Modification grows up, we can then decide the next step for the Genetic Modification plan.

"Currently, the plan just has a rough outline since the Trisolarans' Genetic Modification left many with psychological trauma.

"It's estimated that we'll have to wait another decade or two, once the great plague from Crisis Year 67 has been mostly forgotten, for people to be willing to allow their descendants to undergo Genetic Modification."

Jiang Yu commented, "This plan requires significant attention. Genetic Modification Technology is the trend for the future. I will discuss this with the new mayor in the future; be prepared for it."

Burton is about to retire, and Jiang Yu wouldn't hand over plans that require a long time to complete to him, leaving the matter to a newly appointed Governor instead.

The once uniformly dismissed "Super Soldier" project now finally had the conditions for implementation, and recalling the hardships of those years, Jiang Yu felt a surge of emotion.

Gu Liang nodded and continued reporting, "There's also the Mars University Plan. Lunar University is now recognized as the finest institution in the human world, but it leans towards theoretical research.

"Therefore, we plan to build an institution on Mars that leans towards the practical application of technology.

"Another major plan for the next two or three decades is the 'Return to Earth Plan.'

"As our diplomatic relations with various PDC member states normalize, the Commerce Department will resume investments in Earth and intertwine with the interests of Earth's elite class.

"At the same time, we're ready to restart the 'Green Pastures Plan,' using the group's technology to plant greenery on vast desertified lands, improving Earth's ecological environment, and perfecting the 'Climate Air Conditioning' technology."


Gu Liang also spoke of several plans, such as the development of nuclear engines and the application of new nuclear energy, all of which were to be implemented in the coming decade. Many of these would have to be replanned after ten years.

Although this basically appropriated the "Five-Year Plan" model, Jiang Yu was still very satisfied with the Strategic Department's work. Planned and focused development was always better than running forward blindly with no method to speak of.

The government of the Solar System State recognized this model; in fact, the elite class had become aware that in the vastness of space, humanity's power is truly limited. Prioritizing the development of pillar industries to then drive other aspects of development was the only viable approach.

After reporting the future plans of the Solar System State, Gu Liang hesitated before saying, "I don't know if it's just my impression, but based on a summary of information from various sectors of society, it seems that a new current of thought is brewing within the Solar System State.

"However, the specific direction of the new thought has not been concluded by me yet. It just feels like the younger generation of the Solar System State is quite perplexed and lacks a lot of centripetal force.

"Especially the gradual lack of fighting spirit. 'Reinforcements for the Future' — the cadre and technical personnel who have all been heavily relied on — it's precisely because we possess a fighting spirit and dare to take responsibility.

"However, the younger generation seems to be deficient in this regard, even though kindness and high quality are indeed flaunted among them.

"When you entered Guanghan City a few days ago, I don't know if you noticed, despite the sidewalks being so crowded, no one stepped onto the roadway.

"How should I put this feeling, it's like, it's like..."

Jiang Yu took over, "Like the landlord's simpleton son!"

"Exactly, exactly." Gu Liang laughed and said, "Although I've never seen a landlord, nor what his simpleton son looks like, this analogy is quite apt.

"They're not really fools. Their IQ and EQ are not low, but it seems like there's a string missing in their brains; it's akin to, akin to..."

Jiang Yu interrupted again, "It's like they've been overprotected!"

Gu Liang slapped his thigh, "That's right!"

It was only then that he realized that the Wallfacer had noticed this issue early on, and his contemplation of these problems seemed even more profound than his own.

In the past, Gu Liang often heard his colleagues at Yanjing University saying that Kong Xiang had a disciple who showed potential to surpass his master.

At the time, he hadn't taken it to heart, but after today's in-depth exchange, Gu Liang felt that there was much truth in those words.

Jiang Yu sighed, "This is the side effect of a high-welfare society. You should remember, before the Crisis Era, many Western countries, or countries that adopted the Western system, collapsed under their high-welfare systems.

"Take Brazil as an example; they clearly lacked the capability, yet they emulated the high-welfare society of the West. The result was the government went bankrupt, and the people suffered tremendously. That was a warning from history.

"Then came the Crisis Era, and the PDC started the Planetary Defense Plan, Wallfacer Plan, and other initiatives.

"Worry about the future rekindled the drive of these countries and societies that had been brought down by high welfare, thus preventing further national bankruptcies and the loss of the will to progress.

"This was simply a problem solved by external forces, and it's bound to recur in the future. The high-quality life in the Solar System State has brought this problem back to the surface.

"To resolve this issue, we have no precedents to follow; we have to come up with our own solutions."

Gu Liang asked, "So, do you have any solutions?"

Jiang Yu sighed and said, "There are solutions, indeed. Give everyone a substantial shock, followed by a survival crisis; that should ensure no recurrence for half a century.

"The entire new generation of the Solar System State would then be uplifted and progress, pushing the Solar System State forward by another step."