Chapter 250: The Worst Case Scenario_1

Jiang Yu said, showing Gu Cheng the relevant documents.

Eight years into the crisis, the Trisolarans launched ten probes, but when they passed the last "snowfield" to the Solar System, only nine probes left traces through the interstellar dust.

Gu Cheng didn't look at the electronic screen, instead, he said, "This issue has been settled more than a decade ago. It's very likely that one of the probes lost power, or was damaged.

"After all, it was nearly two centuries of space flight; anything could happen, and it's said that many of the Trisolaran starships broke down.

"Another possibility is that two of the probes were very close to each other, either side by side or one after the other, so the ten probes only produced nine traces."

"That's not right," Jiang Yu said, flipping through a picture on his portable computer: "This was taken fifty years ago, when they passed through the previous 'snowfield'.

"Look, one of the traces is far from the other nine!"

The picture in Jiang Yu's hand had been processed with enlargement and color adjustment, otherwise, the original image captured by the space telescope would hardly show the traces left by the probes when passing through cosmic dust.

The interstellar dust, after being color-adjusted, showed a faint silvery white, much like a thin layer of dirty snow.

Just as Jiang Yu said, in the picture taken fifty years ago, one of the traces was far apart from the other nine.

Jiang Yu asked, "Haven't you ever speculated that one of the probes had a different mission, which is why it separated from the other nine probes and didn't even pass through the last interstellar dust?"

Gu Cheng thought about it while taking a sip of tea.

In the colonies along Jupiter Orbit, many everyday items are quite different from those on Earth, like the metal tea cups with integrated lids used in Jupiter City.

In the center of the lid, there is a straw with a small mechanism inside, which includes a valve-like structure that is normally closed until you press a button on the handle to open it.

So, when you drink tea, your hands are not idle.

Due to the lack of gravity, here you drink tea by sucking, otherwise, tea could spill everywhere.

For easy cleaning, the tea cup and lid are detachable, but when pouring tea, the two need to be screwed together.

The teapot is also airtight, allowing you to add water through an inlet after placing the tea leaves inside, then pour it into the cup through the straw.

The entire process of brewing and drinking the tea keeps the liquid concealed.

Gu Cheng, after a sip of tea, said, "It's not impossible, but where did that probe go? What was its purpose?"

Jiang Yu sighed, "That's exactly what I've been thinking about."

Gu Cheng smiled, "It probably isn't a big deal, after all, it's just one probe. To use an expression from your era, 'It won't stir up much of a wave!'"

Jiang Yu shook his head, "This morning, I just consulted with astronomers about Probe No.2, um, I refer to the probe that possibly 'strayed' earlier as Probe No.2.

"The probes that were within your monitoring range are called Probe No.1.

"Based on the picture from fifty years ago, astronomers used the traces left by Probe No.2 to estimate its approximate orbit, and it was also capable of reaching and entering the Solar System.

"It just entered the Solar System from a different direction than Probe No.1.

"I also found that the position where Probe No.2 entered the Solar System was closest to Jupiter!"

Gu Cheng spread his hands, "What does that prove?"

Jiang Yu rubbed his temples, "I really envy how carefree you guys are!"


He took a deep breath, looking into Gu Cheng's eyes, "This indicates that the situation has exceeded my expectations, I need to prepare for the worst!"

At this point, Jiang Yu suddenly smiled, "Believe me, my arrival in Jupiter City should have facilitated your negotiations quite a bit."

He grinned and said, "As a Common Era person, I've always wanted to command a fleet, give me five hundred warships, let me have my fill of excitement!"

Seeing Jiang Yu start to set terms, Gu Cheng also revealed a smile, "To be honest, your contribution is far from warranting the command of five hundred warships.

"Two hundred warships, that's the limit I can negotiate for you."

Jiang Yu laughed, "Don't be so stingy, I should at least have four hundred warships!"

Gu Cheng shook his head, "Two hundred and twenty warships."

Jiang Yu was so angry he could spit blood, "Is this how you bargain? I drop a hundred warships, and you only add twenty?"

After an intense bout of haggling, Jiang Yu finally obtained command of two hundred and eighty warships.

Gu Cheng let out a small sigh of relief, as long as Jiang Yu had demands, he felt reassured, at least he could use these requests to keep a grip on Jiang Yu.

He cautioned, "Once you're on the warship, you have to follow the orders of the Fleet Commander, our plan is to set off in ten days..."

Jiang Yu smiled, "Don't be mistaken, the warships under my command will not participate in actions involving contact with the probes."

Gu Cheng suddenly stood up, "Not participate? Then what do you want..."

He realized his own loss of composure, his voice lowered a bit, "Then what do you want these warships for?"

Jiang Yu sighed and asked, "If I speak the truth, would you be willing to give me command of all the Solar System State's warships?"

Gu Cheng fell silent, just now he had felt confident that he could manipulate Jiang Yu, but now he realized that he had completely failed to understand Jiang Yu's intentions.

So he dared not speak rashly anymore!

Jang Yu lamented, "Just one Trisolaran probe, and yet you intend to meet it with all your possessions.

"What's the reasoning behind this, petrified of poverty, terrified that they'll look down on you?"

Gu Cheng took a deep breath before replying, "This is Earthlings' first formal encounter with an extraterrestrial civilization, and there won't be wars with the Trisolarans in the future, so..."

Jiang Yu waved his hand, "I don't want to hear your excuses! You'll hand over command of two hundred and eighty warships right away, from today onwards, these warships will be entirely at my command!"

"Impossible!" Gu Cheng quickly said, "I can't give you so many warships."

It was a joke, he was going with the main forces to engage with Probe No.2, and the military strength in Jiang Yu's hands was enough for him to stage a mutiny!

During the previous price negotiation, he was so generous mainly because he thought that Jiang Yu would definitely join in intercepting the Trisolaran probe, and with Jiang Yu under his watch, Jiang Yu couldn't cause any trouble.

But things were different now, who knew what Jiang Yu planned to do with these warships? Moreover, from Jiang Yu's insistence, not only would the two hundred and eighty warships not accompany the main force, but Jiang Yu himself didn't intend to take part in this contact operation with the extraterrestrial civilization.

After another prolonged round of haggling, Gu Cheng was only willing to give Jiang Yu eighty warships.

Jiang Yu wanted to ask for a few more, but Gu Cheng was adamant. Jiang Yu argued fiercely and just managed to ensure that all eighty warships he would get were the latest models.

But Gu Cheng was unwilling to give even one more.
