Chapter 254: The Sixth Wallfacer_1

Ding Yi listened to Jiang Yu's answer in silence for a long time. The tobacco in his pipe had gone out, and yet he didn't take another puff. "Does this mean that monarchy, the medieval period, the Roman era, and the Zhou Dynasty are going to reappear? Is there no other way?"

"There is," said Jiang Yu with a sly smile. "Have you heard about the time I sent people to collect political wisdom from the East?"

Seeing Ding Yi nod, he continued, "The political wisdom of the East is suited for maintaining stability. A system that the East used for two thousand years!

"If it weren't for external forces, the system would have continued.

"On the other hand, the political wisdom of the West excels in enterprise. Humanity holds in its hands two sharp swords, one for stability focusing on practicality, the other for enterprise focusing on creativity.

"If we use these two kinds of political wisdom well, we could solve most of humanity's social illnesses!

"What's lacking now is a catalyst to integrate both. Once that is accomplished, your concerns will be postponed significantly, even potentially resolved."

Jiang Yu took a sip of tea. "There's also another strategy: humanity is fortunate enough to encounter the Trisolarans at the right time.

"Without the Three-Body Crisis, left to develop on its own, humanity would hardly have a clear direction for progress.

"It's foreseeable that we would have taken many detours.

"And the development speed would definitely have been slow. In the two hundred years since the crisis' first year, we would probably have only just begun colonizing Mars and barely established a frontier base on Jupiter.

"Because they lack the drive for enterprise."

Ding Yi's expression relaxed considerably. He emptied the ash from his pipe and refilled it with fresh tobacco. "Are you suggesting that in the future we should find an enemy to distract everyone's attention?"

He drew on his pipe and smiled. "As long as you are still at work, I'm at ease."

Jiang Yu also let out a long breath. "Previously, the Trisolarans were lacking in their stratagems. When they revealed their existence, it indeed caused tremendous chaos for humanity.

"Probably they also realized that while causing chaos to humanity, they also gave humanity the motivation to progress.

"But what they didn't realize is that their appearance greatly widened the perspectives of a small part of humanity.

"This change is extremely valuable for humanity!"

Jiang Yu looked at Ding Yi, who was smoking, and suddenly changed the subject. "I heard that you're going to be the first one to touch the Trisolaran probe?"

Ding Yi smiled. "I want to see what technological products that are one level higher than human base physics look like!"

Jiang Yu advised, "Don't go."

"I must go!"

"I'm begging you, don't go. You can watch it live."

Ding Yi's professional and academic caliber made him one of the few people who knew full well the great disparity between humanity and the Trisolarans.

Jiang Yu's advice warmed Ding Yi's heart. He took another draw from his pipe and smiled. "I know what this trip means. I've lived to a ripe age and am content. This life has been fulfilling, with no regrets.

"Perhaps one day humanity will make new advancements in physics, and it would be regrettable to die knowing there has been progress but not the extent of it.

"Before I leave Earth, I've instructed my last disciple to go to the future and see what physics will be like, then come and tell me at my grave!"

Jiang Yu looked at Ding Yi for a long time without saying a word. "The feeling of watching friends leave one by one is not easy to bear, but I respect your choice."

Ding Yi smiled. "People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its cycles of waxing and waning. Such completeness is an ancient rarity, let alone now."

He said solemnly, "Once we die, it's over; we close our eyes, and it's easy. But you have the arduous task of illuminating the path ahead for humanity's future.

"Only you are capable of achieving this great feat."

Jiang Yu forced a bitter smile, "Don't pressure me!"


After the conversation with Ding Yi ended, Jiang Yu left the Asian Fleet.

When he arrived, the welcome was very grand; when he left, there wasn't even a single person to see him off.

Only two sentries watched intently as Jiang Yu boarded the spacecraft, and they did not return to their post until the ship had departed from the fortress.

The journey from the military fortress of the Asian Fleet to Jupiter City took several hours.

Jiang Yu stared in silence at the "close at hand" Jupiter, entranced by the spectacular planet whose naked-eye-visible storms seemed to harbor boundless energy.

Midway through the trip, Number Three from the cockpit suddenly came over, "Colonel Zhang Beihai wishes to speak with you."

Jiang Yu was startled and quickly took out his portable computer, asking the pilot to patch the signal through.

Now, Zhang Beihai was between the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn; it took the spaceship's large communications equipment to receive his signal, as it was no longer possible to connect directly to Jiang Yu's portable computer.

The room where Zhang Beihai was situated was somewhat dim, as if he had intentionally turned off the main light.

Just by exchanging glances, Jiang Yu could feel that Zhang Beihai was much more relaxed in every way; his mission, which had settled in his heart for over two centuries, was finally accomplished.

Sometimes, Jiang Yu envied people like Ding Yi and Zhang Beihai; each of them had their unique missions, which they had now completed.

At times like this, Jiang Yu would hate owning God's View because he felt that his mission was still unfulfilled, and it seemed to have no end in sight!

Zhang Beihai was the first to speak, "When did you know about my plan?"

Jiang Yu lied, "The moment I heard you became the acting captain of 'Natural Selection.'"

Immediately after, he received Deception Points, and Zhang Beihai believed his words on the spot.

Zhang Beihai's plan was deeply concealed; even guessing it at this juncture surprised Zhang Beihai.

He smiled and said, "Just now, The East asked me what my true purpose was. She asked if I am from the Imprint Clan, or a member of a terrorist organization like ETO?"

Zhang Beihai sighed deeply, "She might not understand that I am just a responsible soldier, a soldier fighting for humanity's survival!"

In his heart, Jiang Yu lamented that many people thought of Zhang Beihai as an "escapee," which was a misconception.

If anything, Zhang Beihai should be called a "survivalist." From his outspoken opposition to "defeatism" in the beginning, he had always worked for the continuity of humanity.

Like other Wallfacers, Zhang Beihai was a lucid man, and as a representative of the Eastern elite, he was understated, restrained, and possessed a wise mind.

His actions, his plan; to call him the sixth Wallfacer was no exaggeration!

Jiang Yu smiled, "I once attended a gathering of the Future History School; otherwise, I wouldn't have thought of your plan.

"In this regard, you are not alone. The whole elite of The East had a clear understanding at that time: under the Three-body Crisis, the only way for humanity to survive was to escape.

"However, moral concepts established during the time of peace prevented human society from completing this plan openly; it had to be done stealthily!

"I was there when Lao Chang was appointed the commander of the Space Force.

"If I haven't guessed wrong, the indirect order given to Lao Chang at that time was a secret mission to implement the escape plan without anyone noticing.

"For the Star Defense Department of our time to achieve this goal securely, they issued orders to both Lao Chang and me that were almost identical.

"And 'unexpectedly,' the first person to complete this task would be you!"