Chapter 268: People After the War (Part 5)_1


Up ahead on the road, from time to time, came huge "thud, thud, thud" sounds.

You Ze carefully went ahead to look and found that many people were screaming hysterically while crashing their private or shared cars into each other like bumper cars.

If they didn't smash it up, they'd back up a bit and crash again.

On both sides of the street, quite a few cars had been wrecked beyond repair, many people had been killed, many laughed crazily even after being injured, and some bled until they were weak.

You Ze didn't have the slightest sympathy for them; the Wallfacer had repeatedly warned them, but they had ignored every warning.

All of this was a making of their own doing.

You Ze took out his portable computer to check the map; City Hall was right in front of him. He ordered two armed robots to clear the way ahead.

If any car dared to crash into his convoy, it would be blown up directly.

In front of City Hall, many people were crying and asking what they should do now? What about the underground city? What about humanity?

Luckily, a row of robots kept them outside the gates, and the City Hall could operate as normal.

Within the crowd, You Ze spotted two members of the Dongguo Clan; he had seen them giving passionate speeches on the streets during his previous visit to the underground city.

Now these two were crying miserably, constantly asking the officials inside what they should do.

You Ze couldn't help feeling indignant, commanded the robots to rudely push the crowd aside, and then landed a punch that took one of the Dongguo Clan to the ground.

After a flurry of punches and kicks, You Ze looked at the two Dongguo Clan members lying on the ground clutching their stomachs and sneered, "Didn't you want to secure living space for the Trisolarans? Why not fight for it now? Huh?

"Pah! You don't even look at what you are, you've disgraced humanity!"

After hitting the people, You Ze felt much better and entered City Hall with ease under the escort of the armed robots.

On the bench outside the mayor's office, he finally found Luo Ji and Shi Qiang.

You Ze smiled and said, "Good to see you, Wallfacer Luo Ji, District Chief Shi Qiang."

Shi Qiang gave You Ze a glance: "The administrative head of a small district is at best a sub-district office, who counts as a 'district chief'?"

Luo Ji also said, "The Wallfacer no longer exists."

You Ze smiled, "Wallfacer Jiang Yu has some words for the two of you."

As he spoke, he took out his portable computer and played a video message from Jiang Yu that had just come in: "Da Shi, I'm grateful for your protection of Teacher Luo Ji during this time.

"Jiang Shiliu will arrive on Earth in a few days. Please help her find the laboratory she needs, research equipment, scientific researchers, and so on.

"I can guess what a mess Earth is in right now, and only you are capable of finding what Jiang Shiliu needs amidst such chaos."

Shi Qiang seriously said, "I can't help for nothing, from now on, if I take cigarettes from Desert North Farm they better be free. Damn it, you're all making a killing, with cigarettes and cigars being so expensive!"

You Ze paused the video and then said, "Wallfacer Jiang Yu instructed me: agree to any conditions you propose."

Shi Qiang curled his lip: "Had I known earlier, I would've asked for more benefits."

You Ze smiled and let the video continue to play. Jiang Yu in the video spoke, "Teacher Luo Ji, I'm sorry I wasn't there to greet you when you awoke.

"Our second round of battle with the Trisolarans is about to begin. In a few days, Jiang Shiliu will visit you. Please help her with the doubts in her heart.

"I'm at Jupiter; you're on Earth; we can coordinate well.

"You and I may become Wallfacers again, but I have to warn you, the PDC is no longer trustworthy.

"After becoming a Wallfacer, if you need anything, you can find You Ze. I guarantee he's more efficient than those indecisive PDC bureaucrats.


"Additionally, from now on, my safety is in your hands, no pressure, just follow your own plan!"

Logic didn't understand what Jiang Yu's last sentence meant, and he didn't have the mind to ask. Instead, he grabbed You Ze's arm and said, "I need a high-power..."

You Ze reminded, "Wallfacer Jiang Yu just said that after you become a Wallfacer again, I will await your orders."

Logic slowly let go of his hand and looked at You Ze, "Did Jiang Yu know all along? Then why didn't he make some preparations earlier?"

You Ze said, "Wallfacer Jiang Yu mentioned that if Teacher Luo Ji has any doubts, please take a look at the streets outside, look at the chaotic underground city."

Logic shook his head, "None of that matters anymore, I'm going to be killed by 'The Waterdrop' in ten hours."

He laughed at himself, "The Trisolarans must have been watching my joke all along. I have a method to deter them, but nowhere to use it, and no one takes me seriously.

"This is the sorrow of humanity!"

Da Shi laughed and said, "Little brother, things are not as good as you think, nor as bad."

At that moment, a staff member came over and informed Da Shi and Logic that the mayor finally had time to see them.

Da Shi said, "You see, someone still takes you seriously."

Logic gave a bitter smile, "After hearing what Jiang Yu just said, I suddenly don't have much hope for this meeting."

Da Shi stood up and said, "There will always be hope!"

The two talked as they went to meet the mayor.

Meanwhile, You Ze sat on the bench to wait for Logic, his new mission being to serve as the liaison between Logic and the Solar System State!

While The Waterdrop was still more than ten hours away from reaching Earth, many Earthlings, driven to desperation, began to rally out of the norm.

Then, two shocking pieces of news were publicly released by the media: the star designated 187J3X1, cursed by Luo Ji, had been destroyed—a result observed a year ago but only discovered as The Waterdrop was nearing Earth!

The second piece of news came from the "Jupiter Circle"; before The Waterdrop reached Jupiter Orbit, Wallfacer Jiang Yu had sent out over a dozen interstellar warship fleets in one go!

Everyone already knew about Zhang Beihai's defection before the attempt to intercept The Waterdrop, and now they heard about Jiang Yu sending out the starship fleet.

This made everyone realize one fact: Humanity would not be extinct; the future would surely thrive in another star system.

Because of the destruction of star 187J3X1, many people believed Luo Ji was a god, a great spokesman, an angel of justice, possessing the ability to destroy stars and supposedly the divine power to defeat the Trisolarans!

While Zhang Beihai and Jiang Yu were seen as prophets, having foretold that the human fleet would be defeated by The Waterdrop, thus, leaving a seed of humanity behind.

However, because of the dark battle that had taken place on Starship Earth and Zhang Beihai's departure from the Solar System, people gradually came to recognize only Jiang Yu as the great prophet of humanity.

One was a god on Earth, the other a great prophet of humanity; only they could save the human world!

With seven hours left before The Waterdrop's arrival at Earth, PDC and Fleet International were preparing to hold an emergency meeting.

However, the Solar System State had yet to send a representative to the Fleet International meeting.

After being urged several times by the other three major fleets, Jiang Yu suddenly announced the Solar System State's withdrawal from Fleet International, leaving only the Asia, Americas, and European Fleets.

Everything had returned to the situation of a century prior, with the Solar System State once again emerging as an independent force of human civilization.

PDC and the three major fleets were powerless to change this situation and had no choice but to grudgingly accept it.

After a short emergency meeting, they decided to revive the Wallfacer Project, reinstating the identities of Wallfacers Luo Ji and Jiang Yu.