I am a dividing line_1

Seeing this title, everyone should understand that the second part of the book has completely ended.

Just as Jiang Yu said, "There will be no more trouble from Sophon."

Jiang Yu will advance like a frenzied wild dog without its shackles.

But the intelligence game with the Trisolarans hasn't stopped. I wonder if everyone has noticed that, up to now, the Trisolarans haven't got a clue about Jiang Yu's Wallfacer plan.

Actually, his plan, or rather his goal, is not complicated. Jiang Yu even mentioned it before—it's just so ordinary, and yet so difficult to achieve, that it has been overlooked by the Trisolarans, and humanity hasn't realized it either.

Everyone only notices every action Jiang Yu takes; his plans seem to lack coherence. But when the solution is revealed, they'll find out: so that's how it was.

As an author, I want to thank everyone for their support all this time. I know the "hibernation—awakening—hibernation again…" pattern can be quite tiring.

But just as Jiang Yu said to Gu Cheng, humanity still finds it difficult to handle interstellar disputes.

This is not just reflected in our thinking, but in all aspects such as life span, will, moral views, and so on.

In the third part of this book, there will be some changes in the pattern, but naturally, the major events from the original work can't happen without Jiang Yu's presence.

I can't wait to let Jiang Yu battle it out with the Trisolars!

Many readers are worried about whether I can keep going without ruining the story.

I feel that if it's handled properly, it shouldn't happen.

In the QQ group, I've shared the preface to my analysis of "Lord of the Mysteries", and what has benefited me most from this phenomenal web novel is the setting pattern by Brother Squid.

It's about getting the setting right first, which can effectively prevent the story from "collapsing".

When I started writing this book, I wanted to learn and experience this pattern, so the overall setting was already there. The story development also had a general direction.

For instance, the scene where Jiang Yu uses "Stealth" to fight the Trisolarans, this image came to my mind when the "Stealth" device was first introduced.

Of course, not every preconceived plot can be used in the novel. Similarly, Jiang Yu's fight with Number Three was seemingly a weakening of the Wallfacer's abilities, as flaws in the strategy forced the protagonist into a dangerous situation.

Before writing this scene, I prepared three directions: one was waiting for Logic's success, another was paying a price before establishing deterrence, and the last was paying a heavy price, such as Number Three dying in this battle.

The first option surely reflected the Wallfacer's flawless planning, but this is an interstellar war, with the enemy having an absolute advantage. Always coming out unscathed would actually seem less credible.

In the end, I chose the second plot approach because it makes the story more exciting, but the cost is that Jiang Yu's strategy had a flaw, which forced him into such a perilous situation.

Many times what troubles me the most is making such choices, weighing the pros and cons, to the point that I lose sleep and my hair falls out o(−_−)o

The attack by Jiang Shiliu on The Waterdrop was an expression of my helplessness: the gap is there, and Wallfacers are not omnipotent.

Nor am I all-powerful. For example, a previous plot point involved a vaccine used by the Genetic Modification recipients before the Great Rift Valley.

I understand the theory of vaccines—the story of cowpox, right?

I was designing a special cure for Bo Xiangdong, meant to partially complete the immune system of the Genetic Modification recipients, followed by using a vaccine to generate antibodies.

But when I wrote that part, I omitted the explanation, creating a minor plot hole. Now, the problem is that it can't be changed since new chapters are locked about one to two weeks after they're published, and I can no longer edit them.

There are several such minor plot holes, and there might still be more to come. I'll try my best to minimize them, but sometimes imperfections are unavoidable. Especially in a long work, some oversights are bound to happen.

I hope you all will understand. You can remind me in the comments, and if I can smooth it over, I definitely will.

But I hope everyone will understand that I can't spend a lot of energy on these minor details. What I need to ensure is the correctness of the overall direction. Getting too caught up in the details might result in missing the forest for the trees.

Let's return to the topic of the setting pattern. The setting and plot direction are already there; what's left is to fill in some details.

The only thing I'm really worried about now is not filling in the details well enough, making some of my settings seem unbelievable.

But worrying is useless. I'll proceed carefully and do my best to satisfy everyone.

Finally, I want to thank everyone again for their support. I will make sure to finish this book well; that's the best way to repay your support!

Also: A reader group has been set up: 542558524

Password: Two-dimensional foil

Everyone is welcome to join the group chat.