Chapter 303: The Wallfacer Has a New Plan_1

After delegating his authority, Jiang Yu no longer had to deal with tedious official duties and began to resemble a Wallfacer.

Compared to the PDC and Fleet International, the bureaucratic system of the Solar System State was more efficient, and its error correction mechanism was more advanced. Entrusting day-to-day management to them, Jiang Yu felt relatively at ease.

At least, Jiang Yu couldn't think of a better management system. He had wanted to learn from the Trisolarans' management system but was rejected, which made Jiang Yu believe that there was still significant room for improvement in humanity's system.

Otherwise, the Trisolarans wouldn't be keeping their social institutions so tightly concealed.

Consequently, Jiang Yu increased his investments in the Strategic Department, which had previously been mostly focused on researching how to defeat the other three major fleets.

However, the emphasis that Jiang Yu provided was to incessantly investigate issues within the Solar System State itself and to research solutions.

Other research directions included further applications of Genetic Technologies, speeding up the conversion of theories into practical technologies, and social studies of the PDC and Fleet International, among others.

Most of these groups were spontaneously formed by the Strategic Department, to which Jiang Yu granted sufficient autonomy.

A few years ago, when Jiang Yu had a conversation next to the "Black Square" with Jiang Shiliu, he realized that one person's abilities are limited, and it's difficult to handle everything thoroughly with just one person's effort.

Moreover, Jiang Yu was aware of his own flaws. If the Solar System State were controlled by him alone, it would magnify his personal deficiencies to the level of the state.

The vast Strategic Department, then, served as Jiang Yu's future large-scale advisory group, constantly reminding him of aspects he had not considered, and always ready to assist him with researching a certain topic, ultimately presenting him with a credible result.

Therefore, in December of Deterrence Year Three, Jiang Yu announced his new plan: the Second Evolution Project!

The project aimed to popularize state-of-the-art Genetic Modification Technology within the Solar System State and, of course, it wasn't mandatory but rather encouraged as a start.

The Solar System State would build a New Space City where all those willing to let their offspring undergo fourth-grade Genetic Modification would relocate to live.

In that Space City, social welfare would be clearly superior to that of other space cities, and there would be more opportunities for promotion for its residents.

Furthermore, over the next twenty years, if competing for a position alongside others, preference would be given to residents of that Space City.

The fourth grade of Genetic Modification involved the optimization of human organs and tissue cells, effectively enabling a person to undergo an Evolution!

However, due to the lack of existing technology and experience to follow, this Genetic Modification could cause many adverse reactions, disrupting the original balance of human genetics; therefore, such high-level genetic alteration had always been deemed a crime in the human world!

Jiang Yu saw it differently; he was almost certain that if the Trisolarans had similar technologies, they would enforce them.

But, for caution's sake, they would likely select a group of people for experimental modification, using it as a starting point; once the technology matured, they would then disseminate it across their whole population.

Yet, humanity has always lacked a sense of urgency for survival, so this cutting-edge technology had been constantly criticized.

Jiang Yu was not one to let advanced technology sit idle. Even if it meant courting great controversy, he was determined to implement it.

He would not allow Bo Xiangdong's efforts to collect dust.

Moreover, the words of Thirty-Six, "Natural evolution can no longer provide humanity with new heights; if humans want to progress further, they must evolve on their own," constantly echoed in Jiang Yu's mind.

In the face of the Trisolaran crisis and interstellar warfare, slow natural evolution could no longer endow humanity with the strength to survive.

However, such a policy could not be imposed on human society, as it would be seen as equivalent to live experimentation, despised by people, and could even cause the citizens of the Solar System State to overturn its rule.

Jiang Yu's plan, as expected, attracted a lot of criticism, but there were also some who were waiting to see how things unfolded. Only a small number of ambitious individuals and staunch supporters of the Wallfacers actively participated in the plan.


Jiang Yu was already very content with such a result. As long as there were participants, the first step had been taken.

He also knew that it was impossible for everyone to trust him. After all, the concept of a "thieves' government" was deeply entrenched in people's minds, and they were bound to be skeptical of his plans and policies at first.

At the start of the "Second Evolution" project, You Ze's side finally reached an agreement.

Both the PDC and Fleet International agreed with Jiang Yu's idea. However, once the Solar System State's interstellar warships hit a total of sixty, the construction of new interstellar warships would be put on hold.

A consensus was reached on a treaty stipulating that from then on, the construction of every interstellar ship must be approved by the three major political entities.

Once this matter was settled, Jiang Yu finally found time to visit Wu Zheng and others.

Wu Zheng still looked aged, but his spirit was as resilient as ever.

Meeting an old acquaintance from two centuries prior brought joy to Jiang Yu. The two stood in front of a viewing window, chatting casually while looking out at the "Black Square," partially wrapped in the "steel exterior wall."

These viewing windows were commonplace in Jupiter City, offering views of space with Jupiter as the primary sight, along with the occasional satellite or other space cities.

Jiang Yu asked Wu Zheng, "How well have you adapted to modern life?"

Wu Zheng laughed, "Time is like an enormous wall, forcing us to walk along its base.

"What's there not to adapt to? It's just about walking a few steps faster."

As Jiang Yu gazed into the depths of space, he murmured, "Walls...there are too many such walls in the universe! We can't always walk around them."


Deterrence Year Eight, Earth, Desert North Farm.

Jiang Shiliu was in his somewhat cluttered workshop, carefully installing the final piece with his tools.

The female robot in front of him was now completely assembled, except for the outer skin, which made it look more like a refined piece of technology rather than a human.

Jiang Shiliu took a towel handed to him by a guard robot and wiped his hands, "Alright, you can check if the circuits are all clear!"

This was the most perfect robot he had ever crafted, many times better than Number Three's mechanical body!

Suddenly, the robot in front of him opened its eyes, indicating that Sophon had entered the machine.

Sophon tested each joint nimbly, then said, "Mr. Jiang, this feels incredible. It's as though this body was always my own!

"Your exquisite skill has exceeded my expectations."

Jiang Shiliu chuckled, "There's no need to flatter me. The technologies you provided have also been incredibly beneficial. Move around a bit more; let's see how flexible it is."

Sophon jumped a few times, "It's really good, every movement follows my will perfectly! It's as if, as if this body is an extension of my own!"

"That's great!" Jiang Shiliu suddenly said in a sinister tone, "Guard robot! Smash it into scrap metal!"

"What..." Sophon thought she had misheard, but as she was still in shock, one of Jiang Shiliu's guard robots had already stepped forward and delivered a punch to her abdomen, causing severe damage to Sophon's energy system.

Sophon: "Why, why would you do this?"
