Chapter 24 Escape Battle Plan_1

PDC representative: "This is the most perfect plan I have ever heard, and it is the most strategically significant, with the clearest objectives.

In your Huaxia terms, this is an overt strategy—no matter how the Trisolarans respond, it is part of the plan.

I represent the PDC in paying respects to you and Logic, but my duty is to oversee whether the actions of the Wallfacers fall within the limits set by the Wallfacer Act.

If the plan you have mentioned represents Mr. Logic's wishes, it has already triggered the anti-escape restrictions in the Wallfacer Project. The warships roaming the Oort Cloud could indeed attempt to escape.

From the moment they departed, they might have no longer belonged to human civilization, and nobody knows whether they executed an escape—they can never return home.

If humanity is victorious, even if they are informed, they cannot be sure whether it is true, and the most likely choice is to escape; if humanity is defeated, they can only escape.

The PDC does not allow any actions that might lead to escape."

Lin Sen: "Yes, you are quite right; in fact, from the moment they left, they might have already not belonged to human civilization.

Mr. Logic, during the Wallfacer hearing, proposed restrictions on escape while leaving a slight gap for it, to 'show ability yet appear unable, employ it yet appear not to.'

Not only for the escape battle plan but even developing the Space Fleet makes people aware of the possibility of escape.

We cannot limit the development of the Space Fleet due to a potential escape, but we certainly need to build a good escape monitoring system.

Similarly, to restrain the escape of warships in the Oort Cloud, the departing warships need to have ties, one might even call them shackles.

We need to establish a more rigorous Cradle System for warship escape monitoring and equip each warship with an Executive Captain who must execute all commands given to the warship.

An Intelligent Poison Capsule device will be installed in the Executive Captain's heart, controlled by the warship's escape Cradle System. It requires a decoding instruction every two years; otherwise, the poison canister at the Executive Captain's heart will open.

If the Executive Captain executes an escape, and does not receive the decoding instruction after two years, they will immediately die, unless they receive information that humanity has been defeated.

There are still many specific issues to be addressed, such as the accidental death of the Executive Captain, or if crew members conspire against the Executive Captain, or if the Executive Captain needs to be in hibernation, and how to prevent disassembly—all these require detailed strategic plans to be formulated by a professional team.

The principle is to use this system to restrict their escape when humanity has not been defeated. If information about humanity's defeat is received, then let them escape!

The feasibility of this system is that the Trisolarans also do not wish for an escape to occur, and if the warships fail to receive the Solar System broadcasting station's decoding instructions (which cover the Oort Cloud), the Trisolarans may send it for us, as they are also worried about the warships escaping.

Any system may be disrupted by the Trisolarans, but only this system they will not destroy; they will even protect it.

Similarly, if the final broadcast of humanity's defeat is sent, escape will definitely happen, and that is information the Trisolarans would never fake.

Multiple Human System-wide Broadcasting Stations must be constructed, some even on warships. Once the Solar Fleet engages in war with Trisolaris, these broadcasting stations will surely be the first to be attacked.

This is the beginning of our declaration of war to the Trisolarans; the Trisolarans should now understand that any bit of information they reveal could be the weapon to break them."

PDC representative: "Incredibly impressive, Mr. Lin Sen, you and Logic are the people I admire the most.

Your strategy may not be complex, but it is an open strategy that pierces through the essence, one that is unbreakable.

As long as the Trisolarans fear our escape, escape becomes the weapon against them. Our strategy starting from this angle clears everything up."

"But now there's one thing I don't understand, how great a threat is our escape to Trisolaris? Are the Trisolarans truly afraid of our escape?"

Lin Sen, "That's a good question. We only know escape poses a threat to Trisolaris, but we don't know how significant that threat is. However, the Trisolarans will tell us the answer.

If we observe that warships roaming the Oort Cloud are destroyed, it indicates that our escape poses a significant threat to Trisolaris.

But if the Trisolarans ignore them and directly invade the inner Solar System, and if humans at that time are unable to resist, then the escaping warships might still preserve a spark for humanity, and perhaps that would be the best choice."

The core of the escape battle plan is to have a portion of the fleet engage in outpost battles with Trisolaris on the periphery, to gain intelligence for the Solar Fleet.

The Solar Fleet must fight their ultimate battle with everything they have against the Trisolarans, never retreating because there is no road back! 'Intelligence' about the Trisolarans' weapons is the key to our decisive battle.

Fearing defeat before victory, we must gamble everything. Whether it's humane or not, it's the price we have to pay because there is no compromise in a war between two civilizations, nor can there be any.

We mustn't harbor any illusions about the Trisolarans. Their only goal is to exterminate us. The Trisolarans might indeed not be cruel; they may even be utterly rational.

In the game 'Three-Body,' it was shown that they initially intended to sterilize us, but later they changed their minds, deciding that they must eradicate us completely.

The greatest respect for a civilization, is to annihilate it completely.

The escape battle plan, for the roaming fleet, is too cruel; not only might they never be able to return home, they also have to install devices in their bodies that could end their lives at any moment.

This is completely against human nature, but I believe there will always be those who are willing to sacrifice everything for our civilization.

Since the plan is too cruel, it's difficult for the fleet in the deep space to be accepted by humanity, so the recruitment of the Space Force also needs to proceed in secret, and this is why we initially had to sign a confidentiality agreement.

This is part of the Wallfacer plan, but now, standing before you is me, the Wallfacer's Assistant, and any plan needs the unanimous consent of everyone.

This plan doesn't need conspiracy. Since the Trisolaran Sophon is monitoring everything, we might as well 'lay our cards on the table.'

The PDC representative can report this plan to the PDC Chairman and Madam Sai. Let's vote now!

If unanimously passed, then everyone here is a Wallfacer for this plan."

As everyone was deep in thought, Wu Yue spoke up, "The Trisolaran Sophon must be monitoring us here. Will what we say today spread wildly online tomorrow, and will that affect our plan?"

Lin Sen replied, "The biggest disadvantage of the Wallfacer plan is that there can't be too many plans; they can't be too complicated.

The more complex a plan is, the more people it requires to coordinate, and the greater the probability of the enemy discovering it, but our plans are all overt stratagems.

As for whether the Trisolarans will disclose our plan, it doesn't matter whether they choose to publish it or not—we will continue with our plan.

We just don't want public over-attention to this Wallfacer plan, especially since the escape battle plan indeed might cause some instability among the public, leading to unnecessary losses for us.

But I believe in our people. After calming down, they will understand, they will accept. War is the most violent means, and 'sacrifice' is inevitable."

As Lin Sen finished speaking, many in the audience had a different light in their eyes, their gazes burning with excitement, gratitude, or hope.