Chapter 42 Trisolaris Resolution for Revolution_1

Leader: "We should face our own shortcomings, and of course we should not blindly believe in Earthlings. Earthlings are not necessarily good at everything.

Looking at the history of humankind, it is filled with bloody wars, where they have almost spent their resources on fratricidal killings. The cruelty of humanity far exceeds our imagination. Those without survival threats are more insecure than we Trisolarians."

Agriculture Governor: "Yes, Earthlings are not necessarily good at everything.

The process of their life's birth is also too wasteful. On Earth, many species die after reproduction, which is consistent with us.

But after they give birth, they simply expel the offspring and allow the mother's body to rot, which is a tremendous waste. At the very least, they should be like the mantis species on Earth, where the male is eaten by the female to provide energy."

Leader: "The biological structure of Earth is utterly different from ours; these comparisons are meaningless.

We should discuss what characteristics of theirs are worth learning from us and which might pose a threat to us.

I have noticed that when they discuss strategies, they often talk about trust. Gaining trust is key to the execution of a strategy.

For us Trisolarians, the word 'trust' doesn't even exist, because we have always trusted everyone. As for Earthlings, we believe nothing they say, rendering the word meaningless to us.

I agree with the Strategy Governor's plan. We need to change. Earthling traits that are useful to us should be embraced, and we should take heed of their negative traits. To use an Earthling phrase, this is pragmatism.

The unchanging Trisolaran world needs to change. The encounter between two civilizations is a major event unprecedented in millions of Trisolaran years. We are faced with challenges and transformations like never before.

We have come to this era; we must accept the mission of this era, and we will also give this era a new mission.

Survival is the primary need of a civilization. We must eliminate all obstacles that stand in the way of survival, and that includes strategies.

I need to level the playing field in terms of strategy with aliens; overcoming this weakness in strategy is a must.

What are your thoughts?"

The other Governors unanimously said, "Agreed!"

If Lin Sen knew this, he wouldn't know what to say. Perhaps this is indeed a response to the original statement, "Weakness and ignorance are not barriers to survival, it's arrogance that is!"

The Trisolaran leader's seemingly solemn sense of mission is merely wishful thinking on his part.

If he truly understood 'trust,' he would not be able to trust others anymore.

If he truly understood the nature of missions, he would know missions are the summation of history, not the label of contemporary individuals.

If he understood what change meant, he should know that the cost of change might not be bearable for him. Every historical change has caused severe shocks to society. Can Trisolarians withstand such shocks, especially during wartime?

Trisolarians, who have never experienced change, dare to attempt such a transformation, which is admirable for their audacity.

Perhaps it is the arrogance born from the technological blockade against human civilization and their superior weapons.

Or perhaps it is because Trisolarians have always faced existential crises; they must be audacious, and survival does not allow for hesitation or careful consideration.

Sophon Governor: "Leader, there's another situation to report. Due to the technology we previously transmitted, the ETO's Gene Missile research has reached a critical juncture and is about to succeed."

Leader: "We must stop the ETO. The current assassination attempt on Logic would enable the PDC Chairman to access the information in Logic's safe.

UN Secretary-General Sayi has promoted the Wallfacer Project, and the first PDC Chairman Garanin is the one who understands the project the deepest.

Their wisdom would allow them to grasp the Dark Forest Theory quickly. Even if we assassinate them, it would be useless, and currently, the ETO lacks the capability to do so."

Sophon Governor: "We have already ordered the cessation of this research and the assassination attempt on Logic. However, the ETO has not stopped immediately; they replied that this research is useful, and they have also assured that they will not carry out the assassination of Logic."

Leader: "Bug, they have defied our will."

Sophon Governor: "We no longer respond to their requests. They have only partial authority to mobilize Sophon; they can use Sophon to breach the walls of the other Wallfacers.

Now their request is whether they can assassinate Lin Sen. They believe that Lin Sen poses a greater danger than Logic."

Strategy Governor: "Assassinating Lin Sen is also unacceptable. Logic has been acting unusually lately. Through our computational models, he might soon come to an understanding of the Dark Forest Theory.

Gene Missiles can't actually cause true death; those affected will be sent to the future for treatment.

In the original model, even if Logic figures out the Dark Forest Theory, he would experiment with a star system, and we would still have time to respond.

If Lin Sen were assassinated, his probability of directly using it against us would rise to 55."

Leader: "Immediately order the ETO to stop the assassination of Logic and Lin Sen and order them to delete the genetic data of Logic and Lin Sen. The consequences of assassinating them now are unpredictable."

Sophon Governor: "Yes, Leader."

Sophon Monitor Number Seven thought to himself: "Perhaps Lin Sen knew from the start that we would use other methods to assassinate him. Using the ETO to assassinate with almost a zero-percent chance of success—how would he know we had other means?

The only remaining means are genetic attacks, of which there are two:

One is Sophon impact, where multiple protons continuously strike at critical gene expressions and key biological proteins in the human body, but the process takes too long. Now, Sophon blockade and monitoring are more important than killing Logic, so this method is unlikely to be used;

The second is using Gene Missiles, employing the technology of genetically modified viruses capable of recognizing Logic's genetic traits. Other people infected only show mild influenza-like symptoms; once Logic is infected, however, it produces a lethal toxin.

If Lin Sen also guessed this, it would be truly terrifying."

Knowing that in the original timeline there was a Gene Missile and it was used to attempt an assassination on Logic, how could Lin Sen not be prepared?

In the original timeline, Logic's enlightenment at Ice Lake led to his understanding of the Dark Forest Theory, and he became aware of the threat he was to the Trisolarians. The Trisolarians immediately dispatched the ETO to attack Logic with a Gene Missile. Logic fell into a coma due to rapidly declining bodily functions, and the PDC had no choice but to put him in cryogenic sleep, hoping that future technology could save him.

It's fair to say that the Trisolaran assassination was a failure. The Trisolarians certainly knew the drawbacks of the Gene Missile attack, and the ETO could not rely on Trisolaran technology to immediately develop a one-hundred-percent successful Gene Missile (Trisolarians would not want to leak any of their technology, and it is unlikely they would provide the ETO with the technology in advance). But they had to carry out another assassination on Logic, who was the target of two Trisolaran kill orders.

In the current timeline, because of Lin Sen's interference, the Trisolarians even allowed the ETO to start developing Gene Missile technology earlier. Under the tremendous threat posed by Lin Sen, the risk of a small leak of technology is no longer a concern for the Trisolarians.