Chapter 60 Giant Reflective Mirror Plan_1

After a while, Logic and Lin Sen came before Zhuang Yu, accompanied by guards.

Zhuang Yu was unaware of his cousin's situation, but he had always followed all major international news and had seen all the information about the Wallfacers on TV. He recognized at a glance that this was Logic, the most prominent Wallfacer of late, although he had no idea why the Wallfacer was looking for him.

At first, his heart pounded with excitement, thinking that his materials might be of use to the Wallfacers; society was full of opportunities.

Golden birds flew everywhere in the sky, and any day you might catch one just by reaching out, but first, you had to take yourself seriously.

But he quickly thought that it wasn't that simple. The safety of the Wallfacer was of utmost importance. If it was just for the materials, they could have directly contacted him, and there would be no need to meet here, where the place was crowded and posed a great risk to the Wallfacer's safety.

There might be other reasons for the Wallfacer's visit, but the fact that the Wallfacer approached him indicated that it definitely concerned him, although he had no clue what the purpose might be.

Logic displayed the Wallfacer's smile. Ever since he had "broken the wall" within himself and understood the Dark Forest, he had never had a sincere smile again; there was no turning back.

Logic smiled and said to Zhuang Yu, "Mr. Zhuang Yu?"

Zhuang Yu, after all, was well-educated and wouldn't stand around dumbfounded like Shui Wa standing nearby.

Zhuang Yu stood up and formally said, "I am Zhuang Yu, a doctor of solid-state physics. I'm very pleased to meet you, Mr. Wallfacer."

Logic said, "Don't be so formal, uncle. Let me reintroduce myself, Zhuang Yan's husband, your brother-in-law, Logic."

Zhuang Yu was obviously stunned by this news, meeting the Wallfacer for such a personal reason.

Shui Wa leaned in and whispered, "He's your relative? Your relative is a Wallfacer? That's so impressive, having so many bodyguards."

Zhuang Yu immediately came back to his senses; however, he ignored Shui Wa. His thoughts raced, even wondering if the Wallfacer had sought him out because something had happened to Zhuang Yan. As for the Wallfacer's smile, he understood that much.

Zhuang Yu responded a bit nervously, "Mr. Logic, this is somewhat sudden... Yanyan... Is she, is she alright?"

It was clear that Logic was unaware of Zhuang Yu's worries, and he smiled saying, "She's doing well, and we now have a very lovely daughter. We are all very happy."

Zhuang Yu said, "That's good to hear. So, what brings you to me?"

Logic said, "Of course, Yanyan's happiness is part of the plan. I don't want her to worry about you.

There's also a minor matter concerning the nanomirror film material you invented, which will be useful for my plan."

Zhuang Yu was somewhat speechless at Logic's first comment. Do all Wallfacers deceive people like this? But the latter part excited him. The day had finally come.

He had almost lost faith in everything, and now his invention was of significance to a Wallfacer, which was his greatest comfort. A golden bird had flown to him, a very big golden bird indeed.

Zhuang Yu, excited, said, "Really? That's wonderful! This is my fortune. Only you could see the use of my invention. I have waited so long for this day."

Logic replied, "It indeed is your fortune. The first to see the value of your invention was this man beside me, my assistant, Mr. Lin Sen."

Zhuang Yu looked at Lin Sen in surprise; he had noticed him when the Wallfacer entered, but had always thought of him as Logic's bodyguard or butler or some such. He never expected him to be the one who had discovered the value of the nanomirror film material.

Lin Sen said, "Dr. Zhuang Yu, good day. We are here to request that you join the Wallfacer project."

Zhuang Yu said, "I appreciate it. Just acknowledging this invention and not letting it be buried is the greatest recognition and support for me. I will devote the rest of my life to the plan requested by the Wallfacer."

At this moment, Shui Wa asked Zhuang Yu, "Are you leaving? Your Solar Cooker is really that amazing, isn't it?"

Zhuang Yu replied, "Yes, Shui Wa, I am leaving. The time I spent with you was the happiest. Even though you haven't had much education, that's your advantage. In your company, we often see the most essential aspects of things.

Sometimes, this may even be an advantage. The greatness of this era lies in its unpredictability. No one knows where miracles might happen."

Shui Wa didn't understand Zhuang Yu's words but realized that Zhuang Yu was leaving and that he had found his golden bird.

Suddenly, Lin Sen turned to Shui Wa, "Your name is Shui Wa, right? Are you interested in joining us? I have a job offer you might be interested in."

Shui Wa seemed a bit confused yet excited, and he asked, "What kind of job? I haven't had much education!"

Lin Sen explained, "Cleaning mirrors, mirrors for humanity, mirrors that all need to look up to!"

Shui Wa became excited, "That must pay more than shining shoes. Take me with you!"

He didn't understand what the mirrors for humanity were or why they needed everyone to look up to them.

He believed cleaning mirrors was a job he would like; he always enjoyed shining shoes until he could see his reflection in them. It was like seeing life from another perspective.

He couldn't articulate his inner thoughts but he just knew.

Zhuang Yu and Shui Wa left, taken away by the Wallfacer. Their deeds henceforth would always be talked about in this simple rented room. Shui Wa didn't know that he was going to a place beyond his wildest dreams and was unaware of what the mirrors for humanity were meant to do.

In the days that followed, the mirror meant something different to him at every moment. Now it was the "Solar Cooker," later it would be the Lunar Sun, in the future the Starship, and beyond that the mirror of the human soul.

Humanity would forever remember there was a man light years away, who alone flew out of the Solar System, bringing human gaze back into the depths of the universe.

His job was to clean mirrors, the mirrors of the human soul. Only by standing high can one see far. Shui Wa was such a mirror, needed by Lin Sen and all of humanity.

Weakness, ignorance, arrogance—none of these impediments to civilization's survival; the lack of a mirror was.

In Lin Sen's mind, the significance of Shui Wa was no less than that of Zhuang Yu. The real reason he dared to come to pick up Zhuang Yu was for Shui Wa, trusting the Trisolarans would not believe that Lin Sen had come for Shui Wa, which would also lead the Trisolarans to misjudge Lin Sen's character.

Upon returning to the Wallfacer's Direct Research Base, Logic immediately launched a new project—the Giant Reflective Mirror Project on the Moon.

At the L1 and L2 Lagrange points of the moon, the Giant Reflective Mirrors were to be constructed. They would be located at geo-lunar stationary orbit at a distance of 60,000 kilometers from the moon, covering an area of 11,000 square kilometers—about half the size of Beijing—to provide for the Moon's energy needs.

This was Logic's fourth specialized department, the Giant Reflective Mirror Engineering Department, with Zhuang Yu as the natural choice for department head, responsible for all engineering matters related to the Giant Reflective Mirror.