Chapter 62 Aerospace Exoskeleton Armor_1

The Giant Reflective Mirror Project was advancing steadily, and Lin Sen once again sought domestic experts to conduct scientific verification of the Giant Reflective Mirror.

During this period, the achievements of Logic's Wallfacer department came one after another; Wang Miao's nanomaterial production speed had even reached 30 times its original rate, with the construction of the space elevator about to commence.

One day, Marcus and Wu Yue came to see Lin Sen, recommending a new device to him, a product jointly developed by their brain-machine interface department and the Giant Reflective Mirror Engineering Department, "Human's Wings."

Marcus: "This is a product we developed in cooperation with Minister Zhuang Yu. The nanomirror film material becomes very rigid when electrified, and very soft when not. By using these properties, we crafted a pair of wings, added an electronic control system and combined it with a brain-machine interface equipped with an efficient power supply, providing humans with a real pair of wings."

Operating it is quite convenient; most people can fully master it after two or three days of training. It truly allows humans to experience the feeling of flight," he said.

Lin Sen was also somewhat interested, "This is indeed a great leap forward for brain-machine interfaces. Congratulations on your progress!"

Marcus, too, was somewhat anxious, as other departments were continuously producing results, while the brain-machine interface department had yet to produce any significant achievements, leaving him quite worried. Waiting for breakthroughs in computing power before conducting further research was not a viable option.

Marcus continued: "It's a toy, but also 'Human's Wings,' enabling humans to fly like birds! And it has even more potential applications."

Lin Sen: "Yes, where do you think it should be applied?"

Marcus, a business prodigy, had reached a level of scrutiny over societal development, market transitions, and human nature that commanded worldwide attention.

He understood that this was an autocratic era, where the market economy had little chance to flourish. Human incomes were gradually shrinking, so who would buy such a product? In the end, 'Human's Wings' were just the realization of a childhood dream.

Marcus: "'Human's Wings' can only be a recreational tool for a few. In peacetime, it could generate immense wealth, but now it's almost useless. Humanity has largely achieved technological sharing, except for technologies that relate to national security or can directly change a country's status.

Thanks to global efforts, technological bottlenecks have been broken one after another, indeed a grand era. Humanity seemed to have established a true community of shared future. This means outstanding products lack value in production, as they could be obsolete by tomorrow. Every drop of human society's resources must be utilized effectively, as people's incomes have reduced drastically, diminishing consumer desire and leading to even more income reductions for many. This is the inevitable outcome of a planned economy."

Lin Sen: "Yes, 'Human's Wings' isn't suitable for this era, but you must have a target in mind for its potential application, right? How about its cost?"

Wu Yue, who was beside him, answered: "Its manufacturing cost isn't too high, roughly equivalent to two cars for an ordinary person. 'Human's Wings' – the toy – is also our tool for testing the brain-machine interface. It can even be manipulated at will, functioning as an extension of our limbs.

With the Moon Base and space elevator construction yet to begin, having an aerospace suit fit for regular people with some mechanical control capabilities is essential. We have modified the properties of the nanomirror film material to create a similar substance. Made from it, the aerospace suits are extremely light, capable of withstanding tremendous pressure, yet allow our joints to move unhindered.

Together with certain mechanical components, aerospace exoskeleton armor can be achieved. Such armor would need to be usable on both the ground and in space, and compatible with brain-machine interfaces, greatly simplifying control procedures.

The task of constructing the space elevator and Moon Base is monumental. We cannot only rely on highly skilled labor for space operations; the shortage of human resources is too vast – we must allow ordinary people to participate in space construction.

The builders rallied by Rey Diaz are mostly from less educated, third-world countries. This would be their best partner, significantly speeding up their construction process."

Rey Diaz and Logic may have collaborated already, and this was not something the keen-minded could keep secret, even the PDC might be aware. Naturally, Marcus and Wu Yue knew as well.

Lin Sen also understood that this might be why human technology had no significant breakthroughs during the period of the great slump. The things once dreamed of might have become worthless in a different era.

Human technology does not solely rely on top-tier scientific researchers; they are dancing in shackles. With the frontiers of theory locked today, the mid-level researchers are the most precious. They are numerous enough that as long as they remain passionate, progress can still be made even without a second ideological revolution.

Lin Sen, "Such a cost indeed has the value for mass production. Are you planning to gather some talent from the mechanical departments to jointly research this type of exoskeleton armor?"

Marcus, "Yes, I need you to apply for the best mechanical experts to research with us.

The current spacesuits are too cumbersome. This nanomaterial also has excellent thermal insulation and protective benefits, the key is its very low production cost.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, with the major transformation of industrial structures, the value of ordinary people will diminish further, and the unemployed population will increase dramatically.

At the same time, with the vigorous advancement of the aerospace industry, whether it's our Moon Base or the space docks needed for the mainstream defense plan, more labor will be required to meet the demands of project construction.

And any personnel related to the aerospace industry will need to be highly specialized and knowledgeable to be competent.

Only by allowing ordinary people to undergo brief specialized education and training to adapt to the needs of the aerospace industry, can this contradiction be hopefully resolved, and can ordinary people be of certain value.

The brain-machine interface aerospace exoskeleton armor is designed for this purpose.

It may also be a way to cope with the great slump."

Marcus had unwavering faith in Lin Sen's prediction of the great slump, although each country had taken certain precautions, the global trend was unstoppable.

While the brain-machine interface might not change that, it may perhaps delay the arrival of the great slump.

The structure of society depends on the positioning of each individual and the ways they can realize value.

A significant reason for the future slump is also that ordinary people have lost their value.

The second layer of the brain-machine interface plan is precisely to address such situations.

Now, Marcus had preemptively realized the plan for Lin Sen, and it seemed that all the progress was happening faster than Lin Sen had anticipated.

Lin Sen said, "Okay, I'll immediately contact the Hua Xia Science Advisory Group and ask them to recommend the best mechanical experts in the country to join the project.

Besides, I have someone to recommend to you, Shui Wa from Minister Zhuang Yu's department. Your goal is to have him wear the brain-machine interface aerospace exoskeleton armor. He has only a third-grade elementary education. If he can use it proficiently, I believe your research will be a success.

We have many plans and lots of construction to do, and your exoskeleton armor can determine the progress of its construction.

This is a big step forward for us, as it undoubtedly multiplies our manpower resources hundreds of times.

The importance of your results is no less significant than controlled nuclear fusion for humanity.

You are the guarantors of the plan!"

A pep talk later, Marcus and Wu Yue, this CP (Close Partners), left excitedly.