Chapter 70 Dilemma_1


Trisolaran world, Supreme Governing Council Hall.

Everyone was also analyzing Lin Sen's latest plan at this time, and they had been contemplating the resource exchange plan for four years already.

Strategy Governor: "Logic and Lin Sen have actually become factual Wallfacers.

The importance of Lin Sen is now equal to that of Logic, and his degree of terror is even far greater than Logic's.

Since five years ago, when Lin Sen found Logic, everything about humanity has not been consistent with our predictions, and to this day, we still have not discovered the specific reason for Lin Sen's sudden change in personality.

We've been forced to alter many of our plans because of just one person, Lin Sen, and now we're being forced to change them again.

Who knows how many more plans we'll need to alter when we arrive in the Solar System?"

Leader: "This is your last warning, do not harbor such emotions again. We have no other choice, what we need are countermeasures!

I find that when you face Lin Sen, you exhibit fear, and this is not permitted.

What impact does the resource exchange plan proposed by Lin Sen have on us now?"

The Leader was somewhat aware of the capabilities of Lin Sen, the Spirit Master (a title the Trisolarans definitely didn't know, but could understand), who could not only infect the emotions of everyone around him, but even his abilities could radiate out to the Trisolaran planet, four light-years away, affecting the Trisolarans who were observing him to varying degrees.

Science Governor: "The current human technology is not yet sufficient to build the high-energy particle accelerator spacecraft, but humans should be able to conquer these technologies.

It will take at least ten to fifteen years for humans to start this project.

The full completion of ten high-energy particle accelerator spacecraft is estimated to be thirty-five Earth years from now, with their initial spacecraft possibly being even later; once the industry matures, the pace will greatly accelerate.

As for us, we have twenty Sophons under construction, which can be used to disturb these particle accelerator spacecraft when we cannot assassinate Lin Sen and Logic.

However, in order to achieve saturation-level interference, we still need to build another ten Sophons, meaning we need another eighteen Earth years for the unfinished Sophons.

It seems we have a great advantage, but in reality, we are in a dilemma.

We've calculated a limit; if humans build without stopping, once the number exceeds sixty, we will no longer be able to lock down their science.

So even if humans stop building particle accelerator spacecraft, we cannot halt our Sophon production and must continue building. Because when they have a technological breakthrough in the future, they will certainly be able to speed up their construction, while the speed of our Sophon construction cannot increase.

Our Second Fleet, Third Fleet... all need to be postponed, and considering the consumption of some key resources, by the time of the final battle, we will find it very hard to even build three fleets.

If we successfully occupy the Solar System, we can utilize their resources to build new fleets in the Solar System. The new fleets would return to the Trisolaran Star System in fifty years, taking the rest of our people to the Solar System.

If during the occupation they launch an all-domain broadcast or use Dark Forest deterrence, then our time will be running short.

Escape is our best option; we need not only to abandon the First Fleet (The Waterdrop used up all the reserved resources; either it reaches the Solar System or becomes a living fossil) but even to leave behind all the remaining people on the homeworld (we must hasten the escape, building a fleet for escape one by one).

The Trisolarans tend to consider problems to their extremes when analyzing issues, a result of a lack of strategy, and it also reflects their ultimate principle for survival.

Nothing can be calculated perfectly; humans won't possibly be able to build sixty particle accelerator spacecraft, and even with current conditions, they might not be able to build six.

Leader: "This is our dilemma,

We have faced difficulties countless times more perilous than this,

and we have come through them. Today will be no different.

The people of Earth have blocked our way back,

but... when have we ever had a way back?"

Strategy Governor: "Humans have an idiom, 'fighting with one's back to the river,' we have no way back and can only fight with our backs to the river.

This battle is not just a battle of technological weapons between two civilizations, but a battle of our resolve.

The Waterdrop has launched, blocking their possibility of escape, and just one Waterdrop can completely destroy all their strength; in this respect, they stand no chance.

What we are measuring now is strategy.

If we successfully assassinate Lin Sen and Logic and destroy or block all the all-domain broadcasts and the Sun, then we will have won."



If we don't achieve this, no matter the situation, we have lost, and we will lose utterly.

Based on our analysis, a major crisis is emerging in human society; their great decline is imminent. Will they still be able to build so many high-energy particle accelerator spacecraft?

Our poison and smartmachines plan can also interfere with them, preventing them from building the high-energy particle accelerator spacecraft for which they see no hope.

We... will not give up... the advantage is with us!"

(Some unknown big shot: Have the copyright fees been paid?)

The Leader: "To not give up... that is our belief, and I am very comforted.

We understand strategy; it's just that our strategic genes have been suppressed by the long-term hostile environment.

The harsh environment has left us no time to consider strategies, whereas Earthlings use their strategies against their own, something we cannot imagine.

They use strategy against us; our poison and smartmachines plan is our response to them.

Sophon Governor, you are key to the plan; no mistakes are allowed."

Sophon Governor: "Yes, Leader."

The Leader: "Finally, analyze Lin Sen's last exercise plan. What do you think?"

Strategy Governor: "We all believe he should act, but we do not understand what he intends to do yet?

I think we should take no action for the time being, the best response to Lin Sen is to remain dormant."

The Leader: "Agreed."


Upon arriving in this world, Lin Sen realized one thing: the greatest enemy of the Wallfacer was actually the ETO.

The Trisolarans who left the ETO in the original timeline managed to turn the tables on Logic under complete surveillance, which goes to show the heavy price the Trisolarans paid for their poor strategic abilities.

Lin Sen prevented Logic from finding a star system to verify the correctness of the Dark Forest theory,

on one hand, because he believed that once humanity understood the Dark Forest, they would lose the courage to venture into the sea of stars and would instead lock themselves firmly within the Solar System.

On the other hand, he also believed that if he could severely damage or even obliterate the ETO, then he might also be able to confront the Trisolarans' Waterdrop on the battlefield.

The plan to annihilate the ETO had been continuously fashioned, negated, and refashioned in Lin Sen's mind.

Lin Sen immersed his thoughts in a state of Void Meditation, his brain working at high speed and undergoing a brainstorm:

Recalling the original timeline, after Logic's Ice Lake Enlightenment, the Trisolarans had several plans, three of which were significant:

The first was the Waterdrop Plan, which involved sending the Waterdrop on a two-century journey to the Solar System.

The plan was for 9 Waterdrops to circumvent and enclose the Solar System; one would enter the Solar System, first destroy all human warships, then kill Logic, and finally block the Sun's function of amplifying electromagnetic signals by a billion times.

The Waterdrop that arrived in the Solar System destroyed almost all human warships, but did not manage to kill Logic and directly blocked the Sun.

(Previously, it was mentioned that astronomers had discovered the destruction of the stars cursed by Logic; they understood that the so-called spell was actually stellar fingerprint coordinates. It's highly likely they would cast a "spell" on Trisolaris too; thus, the Waterdrop had no choice but to first block the Sun.)

Now, Logic has not cast the spell, so the final battle will be even more perilous. The Waterdrop can deploy at leisure and then launch a sudden attack to kill both Logic and Lin Sen and target their universal broadcasting station while simultaneously blocking the Sun and pursuing the Escape Fleet.

The second was the Gene Missile, whose technology was passed to the ETO to study and release a gene missile targeting Logic's genes. This gene missile was a virus that would not affect ordinary people, causing at most a minor cold.

But if it identified Logic's genetic traits, it would produce a lethal toxin in his bloodstream.

After being poisoned, Logic could only enter hibernation, hoping future technology could save him.

The plan largely succeeded; Logic in hibernation meant he could no longer reveal the Dark Forest to others.

The third was the KILLER virus, also a contingency for the assassination of Logic. However, the Defender of Luo Ji, Da Shi, proved too strong and always managed to save Logic.
