Chapter 79: Five Thunders Bombarding the Top_1


The captain of DX-7723 squadron, Sergei, immediately understood that this was the real counterattack against the Trisolarans.

All the previous arrangements he clearly understood must have been hiding a conspiracy against the Trisolarans, of this he had no doubt. His sole worry was whether the action would achieve success, not that these activities were meaningless.

In order to increase the chances of success, Sergei often even expressed complaints about Lin Sen, aware only to himself that what he was actually waiting for were Lin Sen's action commands.

He had made many secret preparations for this; he had prepared 200% for every deployment made by Lin Sen, all to ensure the success of the operation. Luckily, he had received Lin Sen's orders.

After receiving the orders, Sergei immediately flew at full speed towards the Qin Shi Huang Base, dropping all other equipment except for the Flying Blades Network Launcher, and retaining only necessary personnel, all others parachuted out.

Sergei knew the significance of Lin Sen's orders—Trisolaran Sophons must have been able to monitor his actions and would notify the ETO to evacuate or even destroy important intelligence.

This attack was consistent with the previous Guzheng Operation, only this time the ETO had the support of Trisolaris intelligence, while the Guzheng Operation did not, making it ten times more difficult.


It was not until now that Sophon Monitor No. 7 realized that the Flying Blade Net Lin Sen had prepared long ago was intended for an assault on Qin Shi Huang.

Looking at Lin Sen's arrangements and the coordinated plans of various departments, all his actions were surrounding Qin Shi Huang.

At this moment, something utterly shocking happened to No. 7, striking him like a bolt from the blue. This was very similar to the deployment Lin Sen made two weeks ago. Analyzing Lin Sen's behavior over the past months, he realized that Lin Sen actually knew Qin Shi Huang's location months ago.

The thought was terrifying...

How could Lin Sen have possibly known who Qin Shi Huang was beforehand?

If he hadn't sent that message to Lin Sen, Lin Sen might have launched an attack on Qin Shi Huang that very night, and his "betrayal of the Trisolarans" merely delayed that by two weeks.

The Trisolarans could think exceptionally quickly with precise and swift logical analysis. Lin Sen had made similar preparations before both actions: once could be a coincidence, but twice was definitely not.

One had to admire Sophon Monitor No. 7 for his analytical skills—other Trisolarans might have needed some time to understand the relationship between Lin Sen's deployments over several months and the attack on Qin Shi Huang, but he needed only a few seconds to clarify everything. This was one in ten thousand among the Trisolarans.

At this point, Sophon Monitor No. 7 was on the verge of a breakdown. He couldn't understand where the problem lied; Lin Sen should not have been able to access any information about Qin Shi Huang under the surveillance of the Sophons.

Lin Sen also couldn't have known the true identity of Qin Shi Huang. According to Lin Sen's narrative, the only lead was a Habsburg who had visited Huaxia by chance years ago; the two could not be connected. No. 7 even doubted whether that story was deliberately fabricated, but that was even less plausible, leaving too many loose ends unexplained.

At this moment, to No. 7, Lin Sen was ten thousand times more terrifying than Mr. Poison Snake, an enigmatic venomous serpent.

You think the serpent is lying low, ready to strike, and you're even prepared for it— but the attack always comes from where you least expect it, and in the next second, you suddenly succumb to the poison, without even catching sight of the serpent.

This sent shivers down No. 7's spine; he sincerely wanted no more interaction with Lin Sen ever again.


Thinking too much now was useless, he must immediately notify Qin Shi Huang, although it's already too late.

Qin Shi Huang, lost in slumber, was suddenly startled by a bright light and many words appeared in front of him.

The alertness of humans is lowest in the early hours of the morning, and Qin Shi Huang, still groggy with sleep, realized that a Sophon had a message to convey and immediately sat up, still somewhat dazed.

Yet he also saw the terrifying message that struck him like a thunderbolt.

Captions: "You have been exposed. Lin Sen has sent a Flying Blade Net to attack you. Immediately destroy the modified Quantum Photolithography Machine. Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Qin Shi Huang instantly understood the gravity of the situation, although he could not fathom how his location was compromised. But that was not important now, the key was to escape. Although still not fully alert, Qin Shi Huang's thoughts turned curiously to flight.

Captions: "They have deployed the Flying Blade Net. You have 6 minutes!"

More than 2 minutes had already passed due to the Sophon's thinking and waking Qin Shi Huang.


The First Emperor of Qin was also somewhat annoyed and said, "Why didn't you remind me earlier? Six minutes is simply not enough to destroy the data. How did Lin Sen lock onto me?"

He immediately understood that escape was impossible for him now.

Subtitle: [I also don't know why he was able to lock onto you; there were no signs at all beforehand. The strike is coming!]

The First Emperor of Qin seemed to snap back to reality, sighed, and did not make a move:

"It's too late to destroy it, it takes five minutes to get to the photolithography machine from here, and the photolithography machine is equipped with the highest security measures.

To destroy the photolithography machine, it needs to be covered and injected with aqua regia, and the process takes at least another ten minutes.

It's too late. So tell me, why was I exposed?"

Subtitle: [Indeed, it's too late. We are also unclear about the reason for your exposure, with absolutely no traces to follow.

In the past few months, Lin Sen often issued some meaningless actions and deployed some matters, but we never connected those to you.

His strike also caught us off guard.]

The First Emperor of Qin sighed again: "Ah, I didn't expect him to be so capable; we underestimated him too much.

It seems this is the last moment of my life; I really can't reconcile myself to this.

As your teacher, I want to ask you one last question.

After all, my life is now counting down."

Subtitle: [Say it, I have also reported the situation here to the Führer.]

The First Emperor of Qin: "Can... can you tell me, what was the real reason behind your abandoning Evans and the assassination attempt on Logic?

I'm about to die; this is my final request?"

The Sophon was silent for a moment.

Subtitle: [Sorry, I am not authorized to tell you, you wouldn't want to know.]

The First Emperor of Qin fell silent, perhaps one's thinking becomes exceptionally active before death arrives.

Realizing that these were the final moments of his life, the First Emperor of Qin was not angry or violent, but his mind was exceptionally clear.

Seeing the Sophon's reply, he suddenly realized something, and an instant chill swept through his body, leaving him shivering. He understood that the Trisolarans wouldn't be afraid of any individual from human civilization, but they were indeed afraid.

There was only one possibility, that the Trisolarans were worried about a more advanced civilization. No matter what the logic chain in between was like, at the very least, the universe was not at peace.

Beneath the calm façade of the universe, there were countless predators gaping widely, and everyone needed to hide; this was the reason, for the survival of civilizations was never easily attainable.

A single phrase "you wouldn't want to know" actually made everything clear to the First Emperor of Qin.

The First Emperor of Qin: "Thank you, Master, you need to grow. Face what needs to be faced; fear and avoidance are of no use.

"Your schemes are currently at the level of a human middle schooler,

"You can't win against humans in cunning,

"Now that you've lost the ETO and humans have Lin Sen,

"Your future... is worrisome."