Chapter 100 Discussion on PDC_1

Many details from the hearing were also relayed to the general public, who naturally felt encouraged and cheered to know that future resources would be inclined towards them, and crucially, that this inclination would not affect the decisive battle against the Trisolarans.

Unlike the general public, however, the PDC was also secretly convening to discuss Lin Sen internally.

PDC Staff Group: "Mr. Chairman, through Lin Sen's conversation with Hines and Keiko Yamasuki, we believe it is possible. Through hypnotism, microexpressions, psychology, vital signs monitoring, and comparative testing methods, it is feasible to penetrate a person's inner thoughts to obtain the intelligence we desire.

"The tricks he employs may seem mysterious, but the rationale is quite simple. For instance, making a person write a number on a piece of paper that only he knows, and then having another ask in sequence what number he wrote.

"When the question reaches the number he has written, there will be a noticeable change in his microexpressions and heart rate, which allows us to determine the number he wrote. Our lie detectors are based on this simple principle as well.

"He applied this skill with exceptional precision and proficiency, which requires professional training over a long period, and is almost impossible to self-learn. In reviewing all of Lin Sen's records, he never formally learned these skills. If self-taught, one could only say that he is a genius.

"Additionally, we noticed a significant change in his behavior during the crisis seven years ago. At first, there was little change, but then he gradually started to demonstrate his talents, and the changes grew larger and larger.

"According to the intelligence we have obtained, Dr. Ding Yi's proposed controlled nuclear fusion pathway was also inspired by him, and even the current research on third-generation controlled nuclear fusion was pre-planned by him. He suggested studying quantum tunneling mathematical models and has now delivered this technology to Dr. Ding Yi. In the near future, third-generation controlled nuclear fusion is bound to make a breakthrough.

"It seems that all of this is like his own planning, a term no longer befitting to describe as simply 'genius.'

"Dr. Wang Miao's progress with nanomaterials also skyrocketed after meeting him. His proposal on the biological model concept completely opened up the thought process for nanomanufacture, and the current space tethers are all constructed using this method, improving speed by more than seventy times.

"According to the news we've received, this biological model concept was proposed by Lin Sen as well. He seems to possess a kind of magic, with those following him appearing as if they've received a boost.

"Lastly is his ability to influence emotions. He's like a god—every time I see him, I feel as if I can burst forth with unlimited passion."

PDC Chairman: "Indeed, if there were gods, he would be the closest to one—a true god in terms of emotional control over humans.

"As far as we know, his plans have not shown any danger to humanity. All of his plans seem to be geared towards resource exchange, producing a vast number of Space Particle Accelerator Starships. Of course, we're aware that there must be other plans behind this.

"Actually, the performance of the Wallfacers can all be said to be quite remarkable, each making an indelible contribution to humanity.

"Even though Logic may seem to have done nothing much, Lin Sen's appearance is Logic's greatest contribution.

"The most critical aspect is that we believe the Trisolarans' real assassination target is still Logic. I have a premonition that the Trisolarans deploying twenty Whirlwind Stomps is for Logic.

"He must still have plans unknown to us that we need to protect. This protection is not only against potential Trisolaran assassinations but also against the criticisms from human society towards him.

"Some negative comments about Logic have already emerged in society, with the Mercury crashing into the sun plan even used as an excuse to attack him."

PDC Staff Group: "Mercury crashing into the sun is impossible, not because it cannot be executed, but because we can completely stop it during its execution. Such plans can only be hypothetical.

"Logic and Lin Sen undoubtedly have a plan, which is utterly opaque to us. Of course, that's a good thing. We also believe that their hidden plans pose the real threat to the Trisolarans.

"If we were to talk about our real hope for the future, it actually doesn't lie in Lin Sen's analysis of the future, but in the Trisolarans believing Logic to be a threat."


"We will take care of the protection for Logic and Lin Sen. The possibility of Sophon assassination mentioned by Lin Sen is entirely plausible, and we have restrictions in place, hoping that Lin Sen's logic ring is effective.

"The biggest factor for the logic ring to work is for the Trisolarans to believe that upon the death of Lin Sen or Logic, we will vigorously build a space particle collider. Only if we stand firm on this will the logic ring function.

"Of course, we will persist in this belief, but we think it definitely won't be that simple. This might be part of Lin Sen's other plans, and possibly the plans behind it that are the real threat to Trisolaris.

"However, we don't need to figure out exactly why, as that is the best of the Wallfacer plans. The best plans are those that no one can see through. We have provided the Wallfacers with corresponding resources; how they use them is their own business.

"In any case, it proves one thing: the PDC's Wallfacer Project has succeeded, reaching our initial goal."

PDC Chairman: "Your analysis is very accurate. Additionally, have you figured out his purpose for requesting Hines's resources? Does he have any plans to concentrate all the Wallfacers' resources?"

PDC Staff Group: "Originally, we thought so too, considering Rey Diaz and Tyler had both stayed at Logic's estate for half a year, and then their previous plans changed, showing a tendency of collaboration.

"Now that he is openly proposing to unite with Hines, this also dispels our doubts.

"His motive might really be to request five Steel Mark machines from Hines, which are crucial for the Deep Space Fleet and form a part of his plan.

"Lin Sen must have formed cooperative relationships with other Wallfacers; we just can't discern how they came to such cooperation.

"Lin Sen is very clever, he knows our red lines. He always acts within the boundaries we have drawn and has never crossed them. He also understands us very well.

"Moreover, he knows how to use us, like in this meeting. He purposely spoke about the Steel Mark Clan's preferential issues, which was actually to guide us to raise the issue of secrecy within the Steel Mark Clan. It was only afterwards that we realized this, and we must admit he possesses a certain cunning talent."

PDC Chairman: "Whatever their purposes are, we must support them unconditionally. Our role is to monitor and control, to prevent them from doing things harmful to humanity.

"We don't need to enquire about other matters. We have entrusted humanity's future to them, so we must believe in them. If they cooperate, we have no way to restrict them, nor do we need to.

"As long as there isn't born a true dictator who could cause irrevocable harm to all of humanity, we must steadfastly support them."

PDC Staff Group: "Indeed, the Wallfacer Project does not stipulate that Wallfacers cannot cooperate. It is their freedom. It's truly unexpected that those secluded in their own minds can come together for cooperation, but thankfully, the outcome is not bad.

"A real dictator is an arrogant individual with a sense of authority and a tendency towards despotism. After analyzing Lin Sen's psychology, he does not harbor such mentality.

"He has been trying to guide the emotions of all humanity, pointing out the direction for everyone. Perhaps this is what being a true Wallfacer is all about.

"We should be glad to have them. Logic must be preparing something, perhaps he is even ready now. I even believe that Trisolaris's twenty Whirlwind Stomps are a response to Logic's plans.

And Lin Sen is like the guardian of Logic's plans, clearing all obstacles around Logic's plans. They complement each other."

PDC Chairman: "Yes, that's the reason why we have unwaveringly supported them. More importantly, they have also demonstrated their value to us."
