Chapter 102 Logic Hibernation_1

After the Wallfacer hearing ended, Logic chose to directly hibernate until the final battle, his mind always preoccupied with his wife and daughter.

Additionally, Logic gradually understood that his ability to help Lin Sen was becoming more and more limited, when in fact it should have been Lin Sen helping him. The actions of Lin Sen sometimes shocked Logic, his image in Logic's mind growing more mysterious and incomprehensible, seemingly a completely different person from the friend with whom he could once share his deepest thoughts.

But regardless, the two still trusted each other. In Logic's heart, the changes in Lin Sen were also understandable, the weight of an entire civilization's survival pressing down upon him, and it was Lin Sen who had actively taken on this burden. Perhaps Lin Sen had already changed by the time he decided to bear this responsibility.

From the Ice Lake Enlightenment, Logic too understood his own mission. His only value was to act as the Swordholder of the Sword of Damocles if needed by Lin Sen in the future, to wield deterrence over both worlds. He was not sure if he could fulfill the role, but he had no other path to follow.

Logic only wanted, before all this, to be able to reunite with his wife and daughter. If Lin Sen could confront the Trisolarans without relying on the Dark Forest deterrence, then he too could be freed. If not, his mission was already destined.

As for why Lin Sen couldn't be the Swordholder, Logic understood that the Swordholder, in reality, was the enemy of both civilizations, and he himself was the most suitable person. Humanity still needed Lin Sen, who from the current state of the civilization seemed to be able to influence the entire spirit of humanity, something humans needed. Only Logic could be the Swordholder; this was his realization.

The hibernation method Logic used this time was to freeze directly to minus 160 degrees Celsius, stopping all metabolic activities in his body. With this method of hibernation, life detectors were useless.

However, under these circumstances, Sophons still had the potential to carry out assassinations, though the process would take longer. If the Sophons executed such an assassination, when Logic woke from hibernation, he would find most of the genetic chains and key proteins in his cells severed, with all of the body's problems exploding at the moment of awakening.

Of course, this kind of assassination posed risks for the Trisolarans too. Even if the Trisolarans shattered all the genes in human cells, there would be no impact on the material level. It was just that the cells could no longer normally transcribe proteins, and the body's cancerous processes would also take time to unfold.

That is, Logic's body might briefly wake before dying, and with that brief awakening, there was the potential to convey the Dark Forest information to PDC.

The conditions for the Trisolarans' assassination of Logic required one more thing: that the human government did not care about Logic. By then, even if Logic realized that he had been targeted for assassination, he would not be able to convey the intelligence to the human government.

Despite understanding all this, Logic still made many preparations, once again reinforcing the safety measures of his safe, setting up protective measures against all potential threats he could think of.

After Logic hibernated, every year nanoprobes randomly extracted some of Logic's cells or tissues for testing. If there were gene cleavages or key protein damage, the testing personnel needed to press a button (usable for 200 years). Pressing this button or breaking it would unlock the safe, and PDC would obtain the information inside. The testers did not need to understand the significance of their actions; they just had to follow the procedure.

The place Logic chose for his hibernation was inside the Moon Base. In fact, Logic was very clever; he naturally noted the potential for the Wallfacer to break with PDC in the future, therefore he would not place himself under PDC's control.

Logic hibernated, and Lin Sen also set out to execute his own plans alone.

Lin Sen also prepared to hibernate for a while, and there were many things to arrange before hibernation.

First, Lin Sen found Ding Yi, who lived up to his reputation as Ding Six. Within less than half a year of getting hold of the quantum computer materials, he deduced the principles and mathematical models of quantum tunneling based on the fabrication process described in the materials.

And, based on the quantum tunneling mathematical model, he resubmitted the latest controlled nuclear fusion proof-of-concept report to PDC. Now, a breakthrough in third-generation controlled nuclear fusion was imminent.


"To call you a genius would be an understatement. Your progress is too rapid. This is the third generation of controlled nuclear fusion, isn't it?" Lin Sen couldn't help but express his admiration.

"Much of this is thanks to you. Without your near-lossless acquisition of the quantum computers and the quantum tunneling materials during the Netting Operation, we would still be blocked from the quantum realm by the Sophons.

"If I hadn't known about the third generation of controlled nuclear fusion, it might have blocked us for many years. Even though it doesn't seem as difficult as we thought now, I can feel that this technology might not be broken through for another 50 years. It's hard to imagine how desperate humanity would be at that time.

"It can be said that you have completely changed all of humanity!" If there's anything Ding Yi is most grateful for, it's that humanity has Lin Sen.

"Actually, the most important are still you all. I believe that even without me, you would have made the breakthrough. All I can do is have absolute faith in you.

"With the breakthrough of the third generation controlled nuclear fusion, when can it be miniaturized and moved to space to act as a spaceship engine?"

"It is estimated that moving it to space will take a few more years. I'm not very good in this area and can't be of much help.

"The third generation controlled nuclear fusion actually requires even lower standards for the fusion chamber materials compared to the first generation. With the aid of quantum computers, the fusion device can also be significantly miniaturized. The quantum tunneling model consumes too much computational power, and its computing system is a massive entity."

"Can't we use quantum computers?" Lin Sen asked.

"Using quantum computers is possible and can greatly reduce the computational system. If it's on a space particle accelerator ship, it is actually feasible to use them, but due to the fear of Sophons, many people refuse to use them.

"They think that Sophons can take control of the quantum computers and cause the spaceship to self-destruct. Actually, there's no need to worry. The computational part undertaken by quantum computers is separate; all the control modules are still traditional computers. With sufficient protective measures, there will be no effect on the entire ship.

"If there are any issues with the output data from the quantum computer, at most it would cause the fusion to stop. For a scientific research spaceship, Trisolaran interference is actually pointless.

"On a human warship, however, it's absolutely impossible. That would almost be like placing the human warship under the control of the Trisolarans."

"We can only use Hines' non-Von computer, which has sufficient computational power. The downside is that it's too large. We can only hope that future biocomputers will change its massive size." Ding Yi replied.

"That's all we can hope for. I am sure there will be a way to solve this in the future; we can't possibly resolve all problems in our generation." Lin Sen sighed.

"Yes, that's the way it has to be. Our generation has actually done enough, achieving in just over a decade what couldn't be done in half a century of normal development.

By the way, since you asked me to design the high-energy particle accelerator spaceships, here are the blueprints I've drawn up." Ding Yi spread out a long scroll densely marked with the construction of all components.
