Chapter 133: The Madman's Resistance Part 1

Day one.

Feng Zi needed a good rest, waiting for the real test to come.

As for the vibrations from the distant thunderclaps on the ground, they were hardly worth mentioning to Feng Zi.

Given Feng Zi's ability to sleep soundly amidst the gunfire and bullets, falling asleep in the current conditions was very simple, and he slept for 11 hours straight.

When Feng Zi woke up, raging winds were howling outside Cat Ear Cave, and the vibrations in the ground had become quite strong. The wind outside must have reached above level 12 by now, and it was likely that the forest trees outside the cave had already been broken and laid flat by the storm!

Feng Zi also prepared a simple temperature and pressure display. The temperature inside Cat Ear Cave had already dropped to minus 10 degrees Celsius, and the pressure had fallen significantly as well, indicating that the temperature and pressure outside were definitely even lower.

Feng Zi sealed the entrance of Cat Ear Cave with thick stone slabs and animal skins, effectively isolating it from the outside; the difference in temperature and pressure between inside and outside the cave was significant.

Of course, he couldn't completely seal it off, as the air in Cat Ear Cave would quickly deplete of oxygen if it were completely closed.

Feng Zi estimated that the outside temperature might have already reached between minus 20 and minus 30 degrees Celsius. Right now, they were only at the edge of the planetary storm, and he wondered what it would be like when the storm's center arrived.

Upon waking, Feng Zi ate some jerky he had hunted previously. In this era, there was no longer any wildlife protection law, and in addition, Feng Zi had also stockpiled some canned goods and other supplies.

After the natural disaster, it was expected that nothing would be left on the Earth's surface. The ground would be scoured by the storm to an unknown depth and then covered deeply with soil from other areas.

After the storm, the terrain's surface would undulate like the sand dunes in a desert, like waves.

At that time, finding food would be an extremely difficult task, and he did not know when he would be able to contact other humans.


Day two.

The previous day, Feng Zi slept whenever there was nothing to do, and the fierce noises from outside could hardly wake him.

But today was different. The thunderclaps felt as though they were smashing right on top of his head, like millions of cannonballs exploding simultaneously overhead, and the vibrations in the ground were also very strong, with some rocks falling from above.

Every boom made his eardrums ache, and Feng Zi knew it was not the loudness that caused his eardrums to tremble but rather the low air pressure.

Feng Zi, with his military experience of over 20 years, knew that with the current intensity of ground tremors, one must not lie down on the ground for long periods as it could injure internal organs and, in severe cases, lead to internal bleeding and death.

The best way was to squat down, allowing the ground to buffer against the torso through the legs. At the same time, he should keep his mouth wide open to ensure that the pressure inside the mouth was the same as outside, to prevent eardrum pain.

Feng Zi realized that he would not be able to sleep in the time to come. The thundering roar outside was one thing, but the important factor was the intense vibrations from the ground that occasionally came, likely due to the violent thunderstorm striking the nearby mountains.

Although Cat Ear Cave was located inside the mountain, it was at a higher altitude, so it was exceedingly sensitive to the external forces.


Day four.

By now, Cat Ear Cave was filled with a droning vibration, and even small stones were falling from above.

Feng Zi knew that the greatest test had arrived. The wind outside was strong enough to make the entire mountain tremble, the intense roaring sounds made his eardrums swell, and the thunder was even louder than before.

The mountain must be bare by now, its densely forested trees ripped up by their roots and laid bare by the fierce winds, exposing the rocks.

But the exposed rocks also faced the constant impact of debris and ice carried by the hurricane.

If one were observing from the outside, they would find even the solid granite, under the onslaught of the unparalleled storm, was continuously cracking on the surface.

The surface of the rocks kept breaking apart from the impacts, layer by layer, as if countless whiplashes were constantly eroding it.

Cat Ear Cave was also filled with the cacophony of ghostly wails and wolf howls, causing earaches and swelling. The rumbling tremors made it seem as though the entire mountain could be uplifted at any moment.

Even Feng Zi, a warrior of great resilience, couldn't help but pray inwardly that the mountain would withstand this ordeal.

The temperature inside the Cat Ear Cave had dropped even lower, and the atmospheric pressure had plummeted to extreme lows. Checking the temperature tester, it was fixed at minus 30 degrees Celsius or more, the lowest limit of the device.

Feng Zi estimated that the temperature in the Cat Ear Cave was close to minus 40 degrees Celsius, and the temperature outside must have been even lower, possibly down to minus 50 degrees or more.

Such extreme cold and low pressure would accelerate the flaking off of the mountain's rock.

Under low temperature and pressure, the internal structure and stress would cause cracks to appear on the rock surface, making it easier for the storm's hail and debris to break it apart.

The very low temperature and pressure caused Feng Zi tremendous discomfort, and even breathing became difficult.

Feng Zi wrapped himself in an electric heating blanket and put on a thick coat over it. As soon as the blanket was powered on, warmth returned.

The sixth day.

According to the previous broadcast weather forecast, it should be nearing the center of the unparalleled storm by now.

Feng Zi had barely slept these past two days. The low temperatures, low pressure, and the ceaseless sharp, piercing roar had tormented his body and mind.

Even breathing was difficult, and he couldn't take deep breaths. Even eating had to be done with extreme caution as there was always the risk of choking to death—and it wasn't a joke; it was a very real possibility.

The tremors in Cat Ear Cave had grown stronger, and large rocks were even beginning to fall within the cave, giving the impression that the mountain could collapse at any moment.

To conserve power, the lights in Cat Ear Cave had been left off. Now, Feng Zi occasionally turned them on to dispel the anxiety, tension, and fear...

Although he could be philosophical about life and death, he wasn't truly without joy or sorrow. The continuous torment and the ever-present possibility of being buried alive were exhausting him mentally and physically.

Trapped for a long period in a dark, cramped space, coupled with the unrelenting cold and difficulty breathing, ordinary people would have given up long ago, preferring to run outside rather than endure such agony any longer.

In the midst of suffering, as the minutes ticked by, all Feng Zi could do was endure. He couldn't sleep; he knew that if he slept, the low temperatures, low pressure, and the intense tremors of the ground would be enough to kill him. He had to maintain his crouching position and outlast time.

The eighth day.

Suddenly, all the tremors stopped, and the howling, piercing winds outside ceased. He also felt a rise in temperature.

The atmospheric pressure had returned to normal, even higher than before, and the world suddenly fell silent.

Feng Zi knew that he had entered the eye of the storm, with no wind, no rain, as if everything had ended.

But Feng Zi knew this was the calm before death. The real final test was coming, with life and death hanging in the balance over the next few days.

Without thunderous strikes or violent shaking of the mountain, Feng Zi hurriedly replenished some food and water, and then fell into a deep sleep...