Chapter 170: The Silent Battle_1

Moon Chief Executive: "Mr. Lin Sen, your opinion is excellent.

"We almost let victory cloud our judgment. With our current scale of civilization, we truly cannot control the Earth Alliance.

"If we were to forcefully negotiate with them, even if we currently hold a dominant position in the alliance, in the long run, they would certainly use their enormous scale and vile means to gradually engulf us.

"We must wait until our civilization has developed sufficiently; then we will not fear integrating with the Earth Alliance.

"At that time, we will also have a better chance against the Trisolarans."

Although the people of the Moon Camp had not become so arrogant as to believe that achieving the Trisolaran Interstellar Fleet's maximum speed of their warships meant they could match the Trisolarans, they still would not think that human civilization had no chance of matching the Trisolarans.

They were much more rational than the new humans described in the original work. In this era, they had shaken off their parents' despair and did not possess the arrogance and ignorance of the new humans.

Their naïveté in certain aspects was just the influence of a long-peaceful environment -- something that could be quickly changed with some warfare and setbacks.

Moon Military Advisory Group: "We must completely blockade the Earth Alliance, not only militarily,

"but also utterly suppress them spiritually. We are like the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads.

"At any moment, we might strike them; the strike could come from any direction -- we are their Swordholder.

"They will live in constant worry, unable to focus on development, with fear and unrest plaguing their lives day in and day out."

Lin Sen felt a hint of surprise. Was this a rehearsal for the executioner?

Indeed, it even had a taste of Heisen's strikes. Let's consider this the Earth Alliance's Dark Forest rehearsal!

But do you know? Being a Swordholder is not so easy. When one believes oneself to be a god, destruction is not far off.

Under the pressure and deterrence of the Swordholder, the Earth Alliance needs to find a way to break through the blockade, not only militarily but also spiritually.

Lin Sen: "I am gratified by your growth, but never underestimate your opponent.

"The weapons they've shown this time should have made you aware of their strength. Their next large-scale assault won't be like this one."

Feng Zi: "We understand. Our military actions will now revolve around blockading the Earth.

"At the same time, we will continue to colonize and expand throughout the Solar System. We need to stay ahead of everyone else."

Moon Military Advisory Group: "We have organized the technology we need.

"We will broadcast directly, demanding they provide these technologies and ignore any communication requests from them.

"In fact, this is akin to a 'negotiation,' as we've put forth our conditions; they give us what we want or we continue to fight. Of course, even if they comply, the fighting will still go on.

"Silence is the utmost disregard; let them experience the pain of being ignored -- this is also punishment for their initiation of the war.

"This is the 'Silent War'!"

After receiving the Moon's broadcast, the Earth side sent multiple communication requests, which went unanswered by the Moon side.

Ye Chen knew that this silence was a form of 'negotiation,' a response of contempt for the Earth Alliance.

Negotiation terms had been laid out, but there would surely be more than just these conditions, possibly countless more in the future.

The Earth Alliance was also urgently discussing countermeasures, the atmosphere tense and serious.

Hours later, a secret military base in Earth's low Earth orbit was struck, apparently urging the Earth Alliance to make a rapid decision.

Half an hour later, a large amount of technical data was broadcast and received by the Moon Base, seemingly signifying that a 'negotiation' between Earth and the Moon had been reached.

Three days later, a flood of surveillance satellites suddenly appeared in Earth's low Earth orbit; they, like a network of watchful eyes, brought every inch of the Earth's land under their sharp scrutiny.

At the same time, a military base on Earth was violently attacked without warning. The attack came from the Moon.

The entire base was engulfed in flames instantly, and the massive explosion resonated through the empty night sky, shaking the souls of all who heard it.

A terrifying silence fell between Earth and the Moon, with space itself seeming to solidify. Everyone in the Earth Alliance was treading carefully, vigilant of the threats and blows coming from the Moon.

This unprecedented tension weighed heavily on everyone's minds, as if an invisible mountain pressed down upon them.

War isn't frightening, but the silence that shrouds everything is, the kind of unfathomable death that may descend at any moment, like the Sword of Damocles.

In the original work, after The Deterrence Era, one of the significant reasons humanity doesn't thank Logic is because Logic hung the Sword of Damocles, which could fall at any time, over humanity's head for more than half a century.

The Sword of Damocles not only hangs over the heads of the Trisolarans but also over humanity's, like a grim reaper ready to harvest the lives of all at any moment.

Rationality is the most useless thing in a group, and perhaps humanity needs to get accustomed to the Sword of Damocles.

The Lagrange battle is far from over, it has just begun. Both Earth Alliance and the Moon side will be baptized in this battle.


Earth and Moon stand in silent opposition, as the years quietly slip away in silence.

The path of the Earth Alliance is bound to be tortuous and long, but they have already found their direction and goal.

Since Moon Base has no intention of completely annihilating the Earth Alliance, the future awaits their own desperate counterattack.

Earth Alliance can only secretly develop military technology in the shadows and stockpile sufficient war resources, as well as devote themselves to developing new weapon systems, defensive devices, and tactical strategies.

All of Lin Sen's plans are linked, as he understands that no matter how great the objective technological and military achievements are, they aren't enough to truly confront the Trisolarans.

Only by making the spirit incredibly strong can one truly withstand the Trisolarans, and Lin Sen's goal isn't just the Trisolarans but the Dark Forest.

Lin Sen intends to let humanity rehearse and accept the costs that a starfaring civilization must bear in advance.

Humanity's worst trait is their ability to cope with the unknown, but once prepared, human nature and willpower are incredibly strong.

This is Lin Sen's real Lagrange plan, where Lagrange is not a point of balance, but of constant readiness.

The core of Lin Sen's plan is to simulate for humanity the final battle, the Dark Forest, wielding the Sword of Damocles, striking like the grim reaper...


After all the military deployments and Solar System colonization planning on the Moon were arranged, Lin Sen entered hibernation.

This may be Lin Sen's longest hibernation yet, and unless there is an unexpected situation, Lin Sen will hibernate directly until the final battle.

All preparations have been completed, and the fate of humanity's great depression has changed; the technological science of this era is now comparable to that of human civilization during the final battle in the original work.

In the next 130 years, humanity will experience unprecedented construction and development.

According to the analysis and extrapolation of future history, humanity will make great technological and social breakthroughs and surges in the next 130 years.

Human creativity and wisdom will be fully utilized, continuously breaking through their own limitations, and creating a more splendid future.

Humanity may well confront the Trisolarans head-on with the strongest provisions, a hundred years of gathering life, a hundred years of lessons learned.


Feng Zi also took advantage of cooperation with the Trisolarans to understand their combat thinking, while learning human military strategies, Feng Zi was also rapidly learning the Trisolarans' methods of combat.

At the same time, Feng Zi utilized Sophons to monitor and understand all of Earth Alliance's deployments, reciprocating in combat with the Earth Alliance.

In fact, the real contest is no longer between Feng Zi and Earth Alliance, but between the Trisolaran Military Counsellor Group and Earth Alliance, although the Trisolaran Military Counsellor Group can only mobilize Sophon surveillance once a month.

Earth Alliance also constantly improved tactics, adjusted strategies, and sometimes even brought some trouble to the Moon side.

The advantage of the Moon side is the ability to plan each action carefully and precisely, ensuring every operation succeeds.

Both sides showing their strengths, occasionally engaging in fierce confrontations with guns blazing and planets trembling; sometimes maneuvering cleverly with strategies emerging amidst a heavy fog.

This confrontation not only tests the strength and wisdom of both sides but also their patience and determination, and strangely enough, what neither lacks is patience and determination.

The Moon and Earth aren't always competing; Feng Zi will also hibernate at the right time.

Allowing the Moon Military Advisory Group to lead the war directly is also part of their training, for one can only grow through failure.

PS: "A hundred years to gather life, a hundred years of lessons." This comes from "ten years to gather life, and ten years of lessons," which means to spend ten years accumulating population and wealth, then another ten years to educate and train with the goal of revenge.

Here it implies completing societal changes and technological surges in a hundred years, then another hundred years to build and train. The confrontation between the Moon and Earth is this training, before raising their heads to face the Trisolarans.