Chapter 181 Thief Shi Starts a New Venture Again_1

A few weeks later, Shi Xiaoming had come to understand the basic situation of this era, and thanks to his strong ability to embrace new things, he quickly adapted to this era.

Shi Xiaoming was actually quite satisfied with this era, firstly because the language system of this era was still based on Chinese, despite including many English and other foreign terms in everyday language.

This was naturally because the Huaxia people had achieved a dominant position in the world. Whether it was the Earth Camp or the Moon Camp, this era gradually weakened the concept of nation and ethnicity, becoming more inclusive.

Secondly, this era was very friendly toward people from different times, providing basic life support for Common Era People. Everyone was allocated a residential capsule unit, and additionally, the rulers also provided them with a considerable amount of startup Credit Points.

If one did not start a business, those Credit Points could only ensure basic living but were limited to the minimum survival needs. However, few people were willing to lead a mundane life for the rest of their days; they aspired to create their own exciting lives in this era.

There were also some who, due to illness or other reasons, had their families pay for them to hibernate. They had lost their advantageous life and status and couldn't quickly adapt to this era, lacking competitiveness.

Shi Xiaoming, "Can Head, what do you think I can do in this era?"

Can Head, "For Common Era People, you do have certain advantages in some retro industries."

"For example, some have brought your era's acupuncture and massage to this era and it's very popular. They've even established chain companies, earning quite a handsome income."

"Like some designers combining modern elements with ancient styles in their clothing and jewelry designs, which are also very popular. Nowadays, clothing materials are all image-projection materials, so the design of patterns and shapes is the most crucial."

"And there are those who've brought breeding techniques from your era over here to grow natural plants on the surface, which actually isn't much different from those cultivated underground."

"But they're very good at smooth-talking, and many people have been convinced to choose their food. I must say, the strongest skill of the Common Era was smooth-talking."

Shi Xiaoming, as if enlightened, "I get it, you're saying we basically have no technological advantage and can usually only create new things by combining the strengths of the past with the present in non-technical industries to gain an edge."

"Unfortunately, I can't do any of that, but we do have an advantage in smooth-talking. This era should still be easy to fool."

"You're right, that's my strongest suit. The tricks from those days can still be put to good use, heh heh..."

Can Head, "Hey, hey, don't be foolish!"

"I didn't say that, it's you who's saying it. I'm a law-abiding and good citizen."

"You're not thinking about using the escape fund to scam people into buying, are you?"

"I'll tell you, that was illegal in your time, undoubtedly stirring up the sentiment of escape-ism among the public, posing a great threat to the social stability and even national security of the time."

"It's also illegal in this era. Although it's not to the extent of endangering national security, it's still a serious crime."

"If you get locked up, where will I find such an easy target to scam?"

Shi Xiaoming, "Hmph, you've spoken your true thoughts, haven't you?"

"Don't worry, I won't make the same mistake twice."

"My old man will also wake up in a few years. If he finds out I'm still using the escape fund for fraud, he'll flay me alive!"

"Besides, are people nowadays really so easy to fool?"

Can Head, "Then what are you talking about?"

Shi Xiaoming, "Do you remember my Profound Company?"

Can Head, "Yeah, that's what I admire about you. Only a rare breed like you could come up with such an idea, turning funerals into such a variety of services."

"But this era isn't into that anymore. There's no longer a prevailing sense of inevitable human defeat; even their descendants are having regrets."

"Listen to your brother's advice, that business is not going to work in this era."

Shi Xiaoming, "Is that so? That's even better. If they didn't have regrets, then my new business wouldn't be so easy to roll out!"

"Heh heh heh..."

Can Head, with a mischievous face, "You laugh so slyly, you seem very cunning, but I like it! What do you want to do? Tell me!"

Shi Xiaoming, "The goal of Deep Space Company is to launch the cremated remains or corpses of the deceased deep into space or bury them in deep underground wells, right?"

"Back in the day, the purpose was to avoid the Trisolarans from digging up the graves, to let them rest in peace after death. So, at that time, the launch directions and underground well coordinates were intentionally deleted."

"With the destruction from planetary-level storms, I've investigated, and there's absolutely no information about those coordinates now."


"But no one knows that I made a backup of those coordinates and hid them in a deep well, only I know where it is.

"If I were to bring out these coordinates now and contact the descendants of those people.

"To bring back the remains of their ancestors from space or to dig out the ancestors buried in the well and reinter them.

"Wouldn't it be right for them to pay a fee for that?

"Thinking of their ancestors' remains drifting alone in space or buried deep underground with no place for their descendants to commemorate them.

"My conscience just doesn't sit right, it's time to rectify the mistakes of the past."

Can Head was so shocked by this thought that his mouth hung open, holding any illusions about your conscience was my mistake. I really was wrong, truly.

Can Head: "Cough cough cough... Doesn't your conscience hurt? It's almost 200 years now, do those people's descendants even want to bring back their ancestors?"

Shi Xiaoming: "Didn't you just tell me to hoodwink them? I have their information, and nothing can stop me from searching their descendants' archives to find them.

"Especially the wealthy elderly, they probably wouldn't want their ancestors drifting out there.

"I've speculated that the authorities would probably support this plan too, as it also serves as a way to prevent the spread of the escapism. There's much less of it now."

Can Head: "So, you're still using your strongest professional skill, hoodwinking people, and your latest forte is hoodwinking the elderly.

"Alas, what a sin, how did I end up meeting someone like you.

"My mechanical life is full of no regrets, I remember the running under the sunset that day, that was my fading youth."

Shi Xiaoming: "Stop being sentimental, just tell me if you're in or not."

Can Head: "Hmph, shameless Thief Shi, I am determined to fight evil to the end, how could I do such a heartless thing... I need a raise!"

Shi Xiaoming: "Following Big Bro, you can't go wrong. After I make money in six months, I'll buy you, Bro, and take you to conquer the world."

Can Head: "Big Bro..."

Shi Xiaoming offhandedly: "Little Bro..."


Almost 200 years later, Shi Xiaoming's new Profound Company is operational again. Seeing the new business of the company, many were astonished. Can you even play like this?

Shi Xiaoming also contacted the descendants of those people again, hoping to retrieve their remains and take them home.

Those who received this news were initially very angry. Isn't this making monkeys out of us?

The ancestors were hoodwinked to send their remains into deep space, and now we're being hoodwinked to bring them back. How can someone be so despicable.

However, after Shi Xiaoming's repeated sincere hoodwinking, they had no choice but to accept reality, damn Thief Shi!

Sending the remains into space was also a refusal to be enslaved in spirit, and now bringing them back is also a refusal to be conquered in spirit.

In addition, the authorities also support this plan, even providing quite a bit of technology, making it easier for Profound Company to expand its business.

Although this era doesn't hold the conviction that humanity will definitely win, it also doesn't believe that humanity will surely lose. But defeatism isn't completely absent either, and retrieving the remains of ancestors can also suppress ideological escapism.

Bringing back the remains of ancestors also gained the support of the majority, although Shi Xiaoming's operations were truly vexing.

Shi Xiaoming's name was seldom spoken, as everyone gradually got used to his nickname, Thief Shi.

As the first set of remains floating outside the Kuiper Belt was brought back and it caused widespread societal impact, more and more people contacted Shi Xiaoming, causing his business to take a qualitative leap all at once.

In less than six months, Shi Xiaoming also gained a substantial amount of capital through this and made a splash in the new era.

Can Head became his exclusive robot. Sharing the same nefarious tastes, they used their considerable wealth to invest in numerous innovative Common Era People's ideas.

They even established the Common Era Investment Consulting Company, named "Thief Shi." Based on the experiences of the Common Era People before hibernation, they gave advice, allowing them to also thrive in the new era.

The name Thief Shi gradually spread in the business world, becoming a prominent figure.

It's unknown what Shi Qiang, upon waking from hibernation, would think when faced with his unruly son, who has become an age-peer and a business magnate.
