Chapter 207: Sophon-Blocked Zone_1


The method of Sophon shielding involves using Ball Lightning (two-dimensional unfolded electrons) or other low-dimension unfolded entities to stimulate a particular regional space. In this space, the unfolding of Sophons into lower dimensions is no longer possible, rendering them unable to monitor the macroscopic world.

The space of this region is unstable, Sophons can enter, but if they drop to six dimensions or below, they are very likely to be destroyed by the unstable space.

Sophons that cannot drop to six dimensions or below are unable to observe the macroscopic world outside. Therefore, even if Sophons are present, we are relatively shielded from them, because our goal is to block Sophon surveillance.

Ball Lightning, also known as a macro-electron, is a two-dimensional unfolded excited state of an electron. Its essence is still that of an electron, but why does it possess such apocalyptic energy in macro atomic fusion, even becoming the most powerful weapon known to humanity today?

How could a macro-electron, which is fundamentally still an electron, possess such immense energy and power?

The most plausible conclusion is that this energy originates from vacuum energy, with the harnessing of vacuum energy causing gigantic fluctuations on the micro-scale in this region's space. Where there were once ripples on the surface of a lake, there are now towering waves.

Tyler entered Quantum Space precisely to verify this hypothesis.

This is also why the specialized regional space stimulated by Ball Lightning makes Sophons wary of unfolding into lower dimensions.

In the original work, humanity during the Broadcast Era mastered the technology of Sophon shielding, which likely refers to this very technique.

In the Trisolaran Universe, the utilization of space and spatial energy is not considered a very advanced technology, and it is not far beyond humanity's reach. Lin Sen conjectures that the Sophon blockade of human development of microscopic theories is to stifle this technology.

This technology is also extremely harmful; Sophons utilize zero-point energy of space with borrowing but no returning, undoubtedly causing irreparable damage to the structure of space;

The traces left by the manipulation of curvature in space are indelible, like scars in the universe that can never heal;

Even more terrifying is the collapse of spatial dimensions, which is akin to an avalanche. A dimensional collapse not only releases immense energy but what's worse, this energy will trigger a chain reaction of collapses in the surrounding spatial dimensions.

This ceaseless phenomenon of collapse, like a plague in the universe, erodes the very foundations of the universe, casting the future of the universe into despair.

The description of the two-dimensional foil by the Singer civilization in the original work also indicates that this item is rather worthless.

It suggests that mastering this technology is not very difficult, but its use should be exercised with great caution.

The Singer civilization's decision to use it on the Solar System is partly because they are preparing to lower the dimension of their own home star. They have fewer concerns and do not mind releasing a few more two-dimensional foils.

Perhaps… this is the true root of the universe's plunge into despair.

An ordinary Dark Forest Strike might not be an attack of a higher civilization on the universe, but rather their way of protecting it.

A mere chain of suspicion and resource plundering could indeed trigger the Dark Forest of the human heart, but it would not likely throw the universe into utter despair.

There are too many civilizations in the universe, some of which will surely unite. They will challenge the Dark Forest and bring a glimmer of light and hope to the universe, ensuring that it will not be too dark.

Our journey from primitive tribes to civilization was made possible because those unyielding tribes came together, emerged from the forest, and proceeded towards civilization.

However, this has always been just a vision. In this forsaken universe, the truth behind the Dark Forest is what truly drives all civilizations to despair.

It's not because of the chains of suspicion, nor the struggle for living space, but because… the rules of this universe… are inherently so.

Returning to the topic of the Sophon-Blocked Zone.

People can communicate here wearing simple anti-radiation suits, without worrying about Sophon surveillance.

Within this zone, Sophons can only perform microscopic surveillance, unable to monitor the macroscopic.

Completely preventing Sophons from entering is impossible. For example, using an ultra-strong electric field would make the space so hostile that not even protons could exist, but what use would that be to humans? Can we shield Sophon eavesdropping on our conversations?

The simplest method is that Sophons could enter your body in advance; you cannot do anything about all the atoms that constitute your own body. Whatever you see with your eyes and hear with your ears, they can monitor.

The Sophon-Blocked Zone cannot prevent Sophons from interfering with high-energy particle collisions, which do not require Sophon unfolding to lower dimensions; only 11-dimensional Sophons can interfere with high-energy particle collision experiments.

Otherwise, this technology would have been handed over to human governments long ago, and humanity would have already broken through the Sophon blockade in the study of high-energy particles.

What Lin Sen is now trying to do is to use pairs of matter and antimatter macro-electrons to stimulate an unstable region of space with a diameter that can reach millions of kilometers.

Next, it's Hines's turn to stimulate the matter-antimatter macro-electron pairs.

Lin Sen has always played down the phrase "You can no longer paint within a painting," aiming to keep this plan hidden until the last moment.

If it's exposed too early, humans could indeed plan many things within this Sophon-Blocked Zone. But if too many people knew the scheme, would it still be effective?

A strategy has the greatest effect when not shared with anyone. If the Sophon-Blocked Zone were exposed prematurely, it could be more detrimental than beneficial to humans.


Lin Sen's concealment was also extremely successful due to the Trisolarans' habitual thinking, which led them to assume that once Lin Sen discovered the principle of Sophon shielding, he would certainly implement it ahead of time.

Even No. 7 had never detected Lin Sen's plan.

By now, the Trisolarans must have also analyzed Lin Sen's intention, but the war had already begun.

The experiment began.

Positive and negative macroelectrons started to get stimulated, and a surge of energy fluctuated outward, performing a grand yet dangerous dance on the stage of the universe.

As they danced, the electromagnetic radiation, like spectacular fireworks, radiated in all directions, illuminating the space around them.

The nano particles in the center of the dense fog were even ionized, forming a giant glowing canopy, dazzling and eye-catching.

Outside the dense fog, one couldn't see this layer of luminescence, for the light was blocked by the outer fog, only giving off a sense that the million-kilometer-wide fog had brightened somewhat.

The stimulation of the positive and negative macroelectron pairs was continuous and could be maintained for a long time. Within the area of macroelectron pair stimulation, there was no effect on macroscopic humans.

But it was best to wear charge-protective suits; everyone's nano space suits had this feature.

No one expected the experiment to succeed on the first try.

Now, within this million-kilometer range, it had become a region that the Trisolarans could not detect, and humanity, apart from their thoughts, finally had a secret from the Trisolarans.

In the Trisolaran world, at the Military Governor's joint meeting.

The Supreme Commander said, "We have been deceived again. Lin Sen's plan turned out to be the Sophon-Blocked Zone.

"I need an immediate analysis. What impact will the existence of the Sophon-Blocked Zone have on our plans?"

No. 7 said, "It was my mistake, 'A painting cannot contain another painting.' How could I have overlooked this phrase? I should have thought of it sooner.

"It's just not clear why Lin Sen wouldn't use it earlier; that way, he could have started planning ahead."

The Military Governor said, "Now, Sophons cannot unfold into low dimensions within the 'dense fog.' We know nothing of their actions here.

"Moreover, there is the Universal Broadcast I must destroy and the Wallfacers. All this adds a shadow to the war."

No. 7 said, "Each of Lin Sen's plans must have its profound implications. Surely, other plans are hidden within the fog.

"If we cannot work them out, this battle will be very unfavorable for us, and we cannot rule out the possibility of defeat.

"When the Sophon-Blocked Zone appeared, our chances of victory decreased by at least 20%, if not more!"

The Supreme Commander said, "There's nothing we can do now. Let The Waterdrop, prepared to attack the Wallfacer Project Headquarters, start its operation immediately, which was the plan anyway.

"The other three fleets attacking humanity's three major space forces should now move out."

No. 7 said, "To be more cautious, let The Waterdrop leave the asteroid at the blind spot of human monitoring. If it can evade human detection, it will. If not, it will directly emerge and proceed at full speed to the respective targets.

"It's just important that we do not reveal The Waterdrop used the asteroid for cover when entering the Solar System. This will also make Lin Sen believe his plan has not yet been exposed and will make him think he is still leading us by the nose, which is more advantageous for our plan.

"These five Waterdrops are expected to reach their target locations in seven days.

"Whatever Lin Sen is preparing to do, this battle needs to go on."

PS: This is the author's most rational explanation of the Sophon shielding principle, as well as why the macro-atomic fusion would release such tremendous energy. This energy must have tapped into that of space, also causing severe spatial tremors.

Sophons observing the macroscopic world need to stay at dimensions below six (micrometer scale) to adequately receive macroscopic information. The original work also suggests that if above six dimensions, even the Trisolarans' command messages could not be received.

Sophons, when unfolded in low dimensions, cannot exist in severely oscillating space and may even be torn apart by the violent spatial tremors; thus achieving Sophon shielding.

Some believe that Sophons do not need to unfold into low dimensions (at least six dimensions) to observe the macroscopic world, as the original work mentions that Sophons can use induction arrays to form a system that senses the macroscopic world and receives all bands of electromagnetic waves.

There seems to be a misunderstanding of this point, which essentially is still about the mutual induction and instantaneous communication of Sophons.

Receiving all bands of electromagnetic waves still relies on Sophons themselves; a single Sophon is capable of monitoring.