Chapter 211: The Final Battle, Wallfacer Showdown_1

At the same time, in the Second Battle Zone, at the Wallfacer Headquarters, within the Thick Fog Zone.

This was the battlefield the Trisolarans valued most, where the Sophon-Blocked Zone created by the stimulating antagonist macro-atoms had been in place for seven days.

It was dangerous for Sophons to enter, so no one knew what Lin Sen was plotting here.

In the Thick Fog Zone, neither electromagnetic waves nor visible light signals could penetrate, and with the addition of the Sophon-Blocked Zone, everything within the fog was unknown to the outside world.

At this moment, Tyler, who was maintaining a quantum life state, was at the outer edge of the thick fog; information from the outside world could be instantaneously transmitted to Lin Sen via the Mental Quantum Sensing Array.

And Lin Sen could also issue simple commands to the outside world through the quantum Tyler and quantum Lin Yun.

The Thick Fog Zone had a diameter of over 1.5 million kilometers, and the Sophon-Blocked Zone within it had a diameter of over 1 million kilometers. The Sophon-Blocked Zone was also referred to as the inner layer of the fog, while the area not covered by it was known as the outer layer of the fog.

Although No. 7 had not fully grasped Lin Sen's stratagem, two Waterdrops were rapidly approaching the fog, and the war was on the brink of erupting.

There were certainly traps designed by Lin Sen within the fog, but if the Trisolarans thought the Waterdrops would not dare to enter the inner layer, it would be a huge mistake to underestimate Lin Sen.

The intelligence of the Waterdrops' approach had already been transmitted to Lin Sen in the center of the fog via the Quantum Induction Array.

Now No. 7's plan was to clear the "small fry" in the fog first—Rey Diaz's fleet.

The fleet included 50 of the latest warships and over 400 retrofitted old warships, positioned at the edge of the inner layer of the fog, ready for battle.


The showdown between the Wallfacer and the Trisolarans had officially begun!

Lin Sen still planned to have a conversation with the Trisolarans through quantum Tyler first.

As previously mentioned, quantum life doesn't have a fixed form; the appearance of quantum life that humans see is a product of their own thoughts and imagination.

Now, in the eyes of the Sophon, the quantum state of Tyler also turned into subtitles, as if both parties were exchanging messages using subtitles.

Lin Sen, "Let's talk! I think you can stop the Waterdrops now!"

No. 7 (including all members of the Trisolaran Joint Chief Executive Officers), "We never heed the calls of humanity, not out of contempt, but indifference.

"But you are special, and we are willing to respond to you, a sign of our respect."

Lin Sen, "Before, you all addressed me as 'you' in the honorific sense, but now it's just 'you' in the familiar sense.

"You're very pragmatic, aren't you? No need for pretense anymore?

"You should be aware that the power to decide is now in my hands. Hines is at the Global Broadcast Station within the inner layer of fog, and if the station moves forward just a little, it can send out a global broadcast.

"Even if you could destroy it instantly, humans still have three more broadcast stations, one on Earth, two in Earth's orbit, located on either side of the sun.

"You must have noticed that I've replaced the content of the other three broadcasts, something you cannot stop."

"I think we should talk now."

No. 7, "I've always wondered why you seem to be so confident, believing everything is under your control, never failing in 200 years.

"But overconfidence is arrogance.

"You had the conditions to negotiate with us the moment you contemplated the Dark Forest, but you did not.

"You are greedy; you want too much, and it's hard to say if this is arrogance or folly.

"Only when we lay siege to your city do you prepare to negotiate with us.

"But are you not underestimating us too much? We never dare to underestimate humanity, yet you nearly scorn us."

Lin Sen, "I am not arrogant, just waiting for the most appropriate moment.

"Well… the time has come!

"I think we should be able to talk now…"


Meanwhile, millions of kilometers from Earth and the two Global Broadcast Stations, three asteroids were steadily moving along their predetermined paths towards their respective targets.

On each asteroid's path, 100,000 kilometers away, was the Earth Orbit Stellar Defense Base of the Moon Base, which housed a plethora of naval docks and automated combat platforms.

Earth's orbit, the path Earth follows around the sun spanning 9.4 billion kilometers, was humanity's last line of defense, and this was not segmented by right ascension but was an overall defensive zone.

Near Earth and the other two Global Broadcast Stations, numerous military bases were deployed, with naval docks and automated combat platforms regularly mobilizing under the overall direction of Feng Zi.

Lin Yun in his quantum state was also present in the headquarters, facilitating Lin Sen's real-time grasp of the battlefield. The Mental Quantum Sensing Array allowed Lin Sen to acquire information about the Earth orbit battlefield instantaneously.

Otherwise, it would take over an hour for information from the Earth orbit battlefield to reach Jupiter Orbit.

Feng Zi, who had also been pondering the Dark Forest theory alone, had come to understand the Trisolarans while cooperating with them for several years. Sometimes, a few inconspicuous interactions with Lin Sen were enough to complete information exchanges and comprehend Lin Sen's intentions.

When it came to actual combat command, Feng Zi's talents far surpassed those of Lin Sen.

Suddenly, the main laser cannons on the Earth Orbital Base roared in unison. Thousands of turrets fired at once, like countless dragons breaking free from their chains, with their roars leaping from the cannon muzzles.

These laser beams, like a thousand swords from the heavens, with unrivaled might, sliced through the silence and depths of the universe. They targeted the "meteorites" with precise strikes.

These colossal swords sealed off all paths for the "meteorites," making the entire starry sky tremble at that moment, as if witnessing a spectacle of cosmic-level confrontation.

At the same time, the other two "meteorites" met a similar fate.

Crafts and naval bases all have a Centralized Command System, an upgraded version of the centralized battleship command system, used for fleet coordination.

If the fleet is not too far apart, within the Centralized Command System, the entire fleet operates as if it were a part of the commander's body, with one person able to control hundreds or thousands of battleships.

The commander on the Central Flagship can issue commands to all battleships, especially orders regarding fleet formation and coordinated attacks. After the commander's orders reach each battleship, they are executed by the ship captains and the spacecraft's computer systems.

It is similar to "Ender's Game," where one person, through holographic projections, controls tens of thousands of drones with gestures.

But in reality, one must consider issues such as communication interruptions and delays. This method is rarely used and can be quite dangerous if the fleet moves too quickly.

However, a sudden attack now necessitates the use of this centralized command system.

The main cannon fires quickly, unlike in films and series where it needs to gather energy for a substantial amount of time, even leading us to mistakenly believe that the more powerful a cannon is, the longer the gathering time.

In fact, once the firing command is issued, it can be executed immediately, with the only significant time expenditure typically being aiming.

The principle behind the main cannon's attack is to direct the energy of a nuclear explosion outward; one only needs to think of the speed of a nuclear blast to understand.

As long as the main cannon is primed and ready, from the moment the "launch button is pressed" to when the energy cannon fires, only a few microseconds pass.

In just 0.4 seconds, those thousand laser greatswords traversed 100,000 kilometers and pierced the target meteorites with swift precision.

In an instant, like sand castles destroyed by a fierce wind, they crumbled and shattered, eventually dissolving into fine dust, scattering among the cosmic dust.

All surveillance equipment had been activated, closely monitoring the scene after the attack, not missing any hint of abnormality.


No. 7's subtitles appeared: "You had known all along that we would hide The Waterdrop within the meteorites; no wonder you are our greatest enemy.

"I often think it's not that humans have no secrets from us, but rather that we have no secrets from you.

"You seem to know everything about us, our weaknesses, our thoughts, even our battle plans you already know.

"For all these years, the only thing we couldn't see through was you!"

Lin Sen: "Your composure surprises me. Although I still don't know the outcome of the battle, you shouldn't be so relaxed, right?

"I don't believe your Waterdrop weapons can remain unscathed in the face of such an attack, not even if they're made of strong interaction materials.

"I think it's time we had a talk."

The two Waterdrops attacking the Wallfacer Headquarters were close to the Thick Fog Zone, and the peripheral fleet had also scanned The Waterdrop, concluding they were similar to strong interaction materials.

No. 7: "Let's not rush, we can talk first. I guess you're very keen to know the result of this attack.

"According to your designation, we refer to the defense of Earth orbit as the Sixth Battle Zone.

"You anticipated our surprise strike on the three Global Broadcast Stations in the Sixth Battle Zone. So, you turned our scheme on its head, deploying a considerable military force ready for ambush.

"The key is that you also guessed we would hide The Waterdrop in the meteorites. The Waterdrop is small and can easily burrow into a meteorite to hide.

"We thought this ploy was quite sophisticated, but you saw through it at a glance. You deliberately lured us on, drawing us into the ambush point. Your strategy was flawless."


No. 7: Our biggest mistake was communicating with you. Your arrogance in this chapter actually made us despise you inside, just wanting to see you humiliated.

The revelations in the next chapter, witnessing your defeat and disgrace, made us despise you even more.

But, unknowingly, we became arrogant, and then...

Lin Sen: Seventh brother, take comfort. Although your strategic prowess has improved, acting is innate, something you can't envy.