Chapter 233: The Final Battle, The 200-Year-Old Plan


However, it was at this critical juncture, this moment of do-or-die,

that Lin Sen's plan, sealed away for two hundred years like a slumbering dragon, awakened. It broke free from the shackles of history and finally emerged from its chrysalis, transformed.

The quantum state Tyler had already reported the position of The Waterdrop to Lin Sen, and everyone at Wallfacer Headquarters eagerly awaited this ultimate moment, fully aware of Lin Sen's plan within the Sophon-Blocked Zone.

Whether humanity could break free from the chains of fate hinged on this moment.

As the four Waterdrops launched their attack, Sophons sounded a loud alarm:

[Alarm! Alarm!

Two unknown ultra-high-energy particle beams detected, energy intensity reaching hundreds of quintillion electron volts!

The particle beams are striking towards the position of the four Waterdrops...

They have hit!]

As Sophons displayed this alert, in less than 0.05 seconds, two ultra-high-energy particle beams shot out like two silver streaks of lightning from the depths of the dense fog, aiming precisely at the four closely clustered Waterdrops.

These two silver streaks of lightning were the visual manifestation of ultra-high-energy particles colliding and scraping fiercely against the nanometer particles in the fog.

At the same time, the four Waterdrops' propulsion systems were emitting ultra-high-energy rays, unable to switch to conventional power modes in time.

In the face of this sudden attack, they were like helpless targets, utterly incapable of evasive maneuvers.

The Waterdrops' surfaces, made of strong interaction material believed to be indestructible, were now as fragile as paper mache, completely unable to withstand the impact of such intense ultra-high-energy particle beams.

In an instant, the beams punched tiny holes finer than a strand of hair through them, with a diameter similar to that of the Flying Blades from the Guzheng operation two hundred years earlier.

The ultra-high-energy particle beams continued forward, like unstoppable arrows, instantly piercing through the Waterdrops and exiting from the other side.

Because the four Waterdrops were attached to each other closely, the beams that passed through one Waterdrop continued to strike the adjacent one, instantly penetrating it as well.

Simultaneously, another ultra-high-energy particle beam from a different direction precisely pierced through the other two Waterdrops.

The strength of an ultra-high-energy particle beam with an intensity of hundreds of quintillion electron volts is something beyond the grasp of ordinary people.

To attempt to understand it, we can make a simple analogy: the energy carried by each particle in such a beam is akin to that of a pebble dropped from a height of one meter to the ground.

This level of energy nearly brings the energy of the microscopic world into the macroscopic world and is many orders of magnitude stronger than anything we could imagine.

It is energy levels a million times higher than the highest energy achievable by human-made particle accelerators two hundred years ago.

Normally, a beam of particles in a hadron collider contains hundreds of billions of particles, but the particle count in these beams had been adjusted to the level of thousands of trillions.

If that still doesn't give a clear picture, consider this: 100 grams of such ultra-high-energy particles could obliterate the entire Earth, not just its surface but completely shatter the entire planet.

And when such overwhelmingly powerful particle beams strike a single point, one can only imagine the effect.

For beams at this energy level to pierce through strong interaction material is like a Waterdrop piercing through human warships.

Trisolaris responded to humanity with an impact, and humanity now returned the blow with an impact of its own.

The most critical point was not just this; the Waterdrop rapidly recoiled under the reaction force, which effectively propelled it into a state of full speed.

When two ultra-high-energy particles passed through the Waterdrop from two different directions at the same time, it was as if the particles sliced through the rapidly retreating Waterdrop with surgical precision.

For the Trisolarans, losing four Waterdrops was a significant loss, but perhaps still within tolerable limits.

What truly caused them concern, even to the point of being fatal, was that the sudden slicing completely destroyed the Waterdrops' crucial propulsion system.

This loss meant not only that the Waterdrops were bereft of their propelling power, but more disastrously, they had also lost the capability to self-destruct.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, as quick as lightning, too fast for the Trisolarans to respond.

The cutting enacted for the fourth time two hundred years earlier.

The first time, nanometer Flying Blades sliced through the Judicator, codenamed "Guzheng."

The second time, the Flying Blade Net cut through the First Emperor of Qin and the quantum computer, codenamed "Fishing Net."

The third time, warship nano-filaments sliced through Earth Camp's Thunderstrike Fleet, codenamed "Dandelion."

The fourth time, the act of slicing through the Waterdrop by ultra-high-energy particle beams, codenamed not yet decided, could tentatively be referred to as "Photon."

With the same principle as the Hines Strike, but its power differed by a factor of a billion.


For the Trisolarans, this was like a bolt from the blue; they had handed over their most powerful weapon to humanity.

Once humans mastered the technology of The Waterdrop, it would inevitably spell doom for the Trisolarans — an unbearable burden for a civilization.

It could be said that this time, the Trisolarans lost too thoroughly.

Witnessing the destruction of four Waterdrops, the last Waterdrop dared not linger any longer and rapidly withdrew from the battlefield.

At this moment, Lin Sen, together with over a thousand Trisolaran Warships, hundreds of refurbished warships of Rey Diaz, as well as a large number of military port weapon systems, were still on high alert.

The Trisolarans didn't dare to risk any further engagement, unsure if other ambushes lay in wait, but more importantly, continuing the battle had already lost its original purpose.

The debris of the four sliced Waterdrops could not be completely destroyed by the remaining Waterdrop alone; the power system of The Waterdrop could only be completely destroyed by self-detonation from within.

In fact, at this moment, the Trisolarans were still immersed in the enormity of the strike, so shocked that they could hardly come to their senses, their thoughts seemingly imprisoned.

The only thought in their minds was "This is impossible, I don't believe it!"

When did humanity acquire such formidable power?

This was tens of thousands of times stronger than the high-energy particles produced by the human Super Particle Collider.

No. 7 suddenly thought of something, could it be...

As the four Waterdrops were sliced by the super-high-energy particle beams, the energy rays they had emitted had already reached the positron-electron pairs at the center of the Sophon-Blocked Zone.

With the triggering of the positronium annihilation reaction, an unprecedented surge of super-energy was suddenly released, as if a new star were born in the universe, its brilliance and heat almost unbearable to behold.

This wave of energy blasted outwards at a staggering speed, forming dazzling energy shockwaves.

Behind the power of these mighty energy shockwaves, space swiftly returned to stability, and the Sophon-Blocked Zone was destroyed.

Now, Sophons could finally unfold within the thick fog and observe this area.

How those two super-powerful particle beams had appeared, was finally revealed to the Trisolarans.

They were two Super Particle Colliders, each as long as 1200 kilometers, now set up across the split military ports.

Without these modular, separable military ports, it would have been impossible to refit such Super Particle Colliders.

It turned out this was Lin Sen's plan. Humanity had spent nearly a century building 120 High-Energy Particle Accelerator Spacecraft that could connect bow to stern, together forming a 1200-kilometer-long super-super particle accelerator.

Thousands of large fusion reactors supplied it with power; even the fusion reactor power engines from Rey Diaz's old warships were refurbished to provide energy for it.

Energy is conserved; the stronger the particle beam energy produced by the super-super particle collider, the larger the energy consumption. Almost all the resources of the Wallfacer Base were invested into these two particle colliders.

Everything was for this critical moment.

Single Super-Large Particle Colliders were planned by humanity during the early years of the crisis, with the combined effort of the entire world intending to build four, yet ultimately only two were completed, consuming even more resources than the Wallfacer Project itself.

However, Lin Sen found another way, capitalizing on his authority as a Wallfacer and his reputation for destroying the Earth-Trisolaris Organization, to propose a resource exchange plan.

Unbeknownst to them, by the 110th year of the crisis, humanity had constructed 120 Super-Large Particle Accelerator spacecraft, each 20 kilometers long.

The resource exchange plan almost succeeded, nearly breaking through the sophon blockade of the Trisolarans, yet it ultimately fell short at the last step.

The Trisolarans never imagined there was a follow-up to this plan, that its true purpose was to be revealed here.

There were several layers of objectives behind every plan, an endless cascade, how could the Trisolarans possibly guard against this?

The particle beams from a single Super-Large Particle Collider could not damage The Waterdrop, and the Super-Large Particle Accelerator spacecraft were too intricate. Each being 20 kilometers long, they were extremely difficult to maneuver and essentially impossible to use against The Waterdrop.

So after the failure of the resource exchange plan, the Trisolarans felt a poignant regret and even made efforts to control themselves from thinking about the resource exchange again.

From the very beginning, Lin Sen placed special emphasis on modular design, citing the rationale of ease of transport for assembly in space.

The true purpose was to facilitate modification, allowing the components of the accelerator to be interchangeable, with just a few parameter adjustments at key points.

Linking 60 such Super-Large Particle Accelerator spacecraft formed a 1200-kilometer-long super particle collider, and there were two of these.

The final layer of the resource exchange plan: who says a scientist's tools can't be weapons?

This is the tool of a scientist's research and now also the weapon in Lin Sen's hands, as well as Lin Sen's true plan sealed for 200 years.

It's not about destroying The Waterdrop but about… capturing The Waterdrop.