Chapter 248: The Possibility of Developing a Sophon

Lin Sen's battleship, equipped with certain industrial capabilities, could even use 3D printing technology to directly manufacture the required equipment.

Combining the resources of 20 battleships, humanity commenced various scientific research projects in four-dimensional space. The scientists' research was somewhat affected by a shortage of materials, but not significantly so.

This was also thanks to Lin Sen's advance preparations; he had brought everything except for a particle collider.

As research progressed, people gradually discovered something: studies involving the micro-world were not being interfered with by Sophons, meaning that Sophons had not come to this place.

This discovery sent the scientists into raptures. It was the first time in 200 years that humanity had the opportunity to conduct scientific research without the interference of Sophons.

However, the emergence of another research finding was like a bucket of cold water, instantly extinguishing everyone's joy.

Using a variety of research methods, Ding Yi delved into the study of the basic particles of four-dimensional space and ultimately confirmed: The basic particles of four-dimensional space were in fact 10-dimensional. This discovery further corroborated the theory that our three-dimensional universe actually fell from the higher dimension of four-dimensional space.

Regardless, humanity's march of scientific research would not cease. The researchers were wholeheartedly devoted to their work, seemingly pouring their pent-up discontent and passion from the last two hundred years entirely into the pursuit of scientific research.

The most notable outcome was that Ding Yi, indeed using four-dimensional space, successfully opened the shell of microscopic particles.

This achievement filled everyone with elation; humanity could finally probe the secrets of the micro-world once again.

Recalling the promise made by Lin Sen to Ding Yi two hundred years ago, he had pledged to take him to explore the mysterious world hidden behind the Sophon's blockade.

Today, that day had truly arrived; for this moment, Ding Yi had waited two long centuries.

Half a year later.

Ding Yi was reporting the research findings of the past six months to Lin Sen.

Ding Yi: "In the past half-year, in addition to studying the micro-world of particles, we have also communicated with other Magic Rings. However, I have been very cautious, trying not to provoke their ire.

"If there was no response, we would not continue our in-depth research,

"Fortunately, they have not attacked us. As they have said, they are dead; they will not attack.

"We also tried close examination but have achieved no results after half a year.

"Perhaps this is what they meant by the absence of a Dark Forest between different dimensions. Based on current research, the physical laws of higher dimensions differ from those of lower dimensions.

"Low dimensions cannot threaten high dimensions, and low-dimensional resources are useless to high dimensions. Similarly, high-dimensional technology and resources are useless to us; our study of higher-dimensional technology is nearly impossible."

Lin Sen: "Indeed, our study of higher-dimensional technology is nearly impossible, and high-dimensional technology has little effect on lower dimensions.

"Perhaps we should focus on studying space itself."

Ding Yi: "Yes, macro space and micro high-dimensional space have been proven to be unified.

"Through this, we have also studied the world behind microscopic particles."

Lin Sen: "What results have we obtained from the study of the spatial dimensions of microscopic particles? Is my conjecture likely to succeed?"

Lin Sen once shared with Ding Yi the idea that if the dimensions of macro space could collapse and curl up at the very small micro scale, perhaps the dosdimensional unfolding of Sophons is simply the reverse process of this.

High-dimensional macro space, especially, can be reduced in dimension, a concept we can simplify like this: If four-dimensional space has four straight strings, reducing it to three dimensions is like one of those strings bending and curling up.

The unfolding process of a Sophon is about straightening the bent and curled string. Every time a string is straightened, the projection of a Sophon in three-dimensional space gains an additional dimension.

If such a theory holds, just finding the method to straighten that string would reveal how to make Sophons unfold in lower dimensions and then, by curling the string, elevate Sophons to a higher dimension again.

This might be the principle behind the dosdimensional reduction of Sophons. While it seems to suggest that dimension reduction in the universe is reversible, it is not actually so.

Firstly, unfolding Sophons in lower dimensions requires a tremendous amount of energy. A single experiment by Trisolarans consumed the resources of an entire fleet, indicating the vast amount of energy required, and even then, it was just the reversal of one basic particle.

Secondly, the reduction in dimensions within high-dimensional space releases energy, which is related to the release of spatial energy, and causes a sustained collapse effect in the surrounding space. This trend is almost impossible to stop, but it should be possible to slow it down.

Otherwise, according to the original text, the speed at which three-dimensional space reduces to two dimensions happens at the speed of light; hence, even lightspeed spacecraft wouldn't be able to escape it.

The process of dimension reduction can be slowed down and many advanced civilizations should be able to achieve this, but it is always a deceleration, not a cessation, and certainly not a reversal.

Destruction is always easier than construction.

The following summary is that Lin Sen was asking Ding Yi if humanity could develop Sophons!

Ding Yi, "We have already proven through various experiments that your conjecture is valid. This is the basis for developing Sophons.

"What we lack now is to find that string and straighten it, but straightening it requires immense energy. According to our current calculations, it may need the energy that would require us to build a 3000-kilometer-long particle accelerator.

"Hopefully, the two super particle accelerators we had during the battle of Armageddon can be repaired. I might then have a chance to create Sophons.

"Our current research in four-dimensional space can only help us find that string, but with our conditions, we are unable to provide the energy to straighten it; we must return to the solar system to make it possible."

Lin Sen, "I understand. You'll continue to work on the related theories of Sophons so that once we return to Earth, we can begin to develop our Sophons.

"This will be our most powerful weapon against the Trisolarans."

Ding Yi, "Yes, I will. Besides, there may be another technology you might be interested in."

Lin Sen, "What is it?"

Ding Yi, "You've also entered four-dimensional space through warp points several times. What do you think a warp point is?"

Lin Sen, "Intuitively, three-dimensional space is a cross-section of four-dimensional space. A warp point, though called a point, is actually a sphere that allows this cross-section of three-dimensional space to extend into four dimensions."

Ding Yi, "That understanding is correct, but it can be delved into further. Warp points can be thought of as the ripples formed by the reduction of dimensions.

"Its extension into four-dimensional space means it can cross countless three-dimensional spaces.

"Through researching warp points, we've discovered that three-dimensional space can be sliced. Even more, by connecting countless sliced layers of three-dimensional space through 'warp points,' we can form a four-dimensional space.

"Of course, nobody would want to do this. The scale of the project and the energy consumed are just too great, and it's pointless.

"But by changing our approach, we don't need countless layers of three-dimensional space; we only need two sliced layers of three-dimensional space connected through 'warp points.'

"When an enemy's attack comes through, the energy from the attack after passing through the first layer of three-dimensional space would be directly transmitted to another layer of three-dimensional space through 'warp points.'

"This would be equivalent to giving our warships an absolute defense!"

Lin Sen's eyes widened, "Is there really such a technology?"

Ding Yi, "In theory, it's possible, but we need more time to research."

Lin Sen, "You've given me too many surprises. If there is such absolute defense, combined with Sophons, we would also have the confidence to face the Trisolaran warships in a fair fight."

Ding Yi, "Indeed, but we might still be missing a decisive attack weapon. Nuclear-pumped weapons can no longer meet our needs."

Lin Sen, "Have you come up with any new ideas?"

Ding Yi, "I have a concept, but right now we don't have the conditions to develop it, and I haven't even clarified the theory yet.

"Research of this weapon would at least have to wait until we can fully analyze The Waterdrop's force field generators."

PS: Doesn't this warp point defense sound like the Flying Thunder?