Chapter 270 Humanity's Preparation 1

Lin Sen was also holding a small discussion with Rey Diaz, Ding Yi, Hines, Wade, Shi Qiang... and others at the moment.

As for Tyler, since 30 years ago, humanity has never contacted him again, and perhaps never will in the future. Tyler and Chen Yun's consciousness was also gradually dissipating in Quantum Space, and now they had reached their limit.

Shi Qiang said, helplessly, "Brother Lin, the news that just came in says the war has escalated further. There is no longer any possibility of stopping it, Ye Chen and Feng Zi have both gone to take personal command."

"I completely don't understand the space warfare of today, not targeting logistics, not vying for ground. They employ guerrilla tactics to strike at the enemy's warships, using stealth drones, rapidly hunting and striking, then withdrawing. These tactics are completely beyond my comprehension."

"Clearly, the top leaders on both sides don't want to fight, and the best form would be to establish a military standoff, but the end result is that both sides are fighting more and more fiercely."

Rey Diaz said, "War is always the main theme of civilization, and that's unchangeable. Fortunately, Ye Chen and Feng Zi made a lot of preparations in advance to keep the war from affecting the ordinary people as much as possible."

"Reducing the defensive forces of the major military ports, and equalizing the military strength of each, there's no so-called key strategic location in space, and almost no battles for territory occur."

"Military ports are strictly separated from civilian populations' starports, and attacking starports is completely unnecessary. As for the possibility of taking a starport hostage to gain corresponding rights, it's not impossible, but it is also very unlikely to happen. In space, there's no way to escape, and they must pay a price for their actions. In many ways, warfare has actually become simpler in the cosmic environment."

"The defense capabilities of the major military ports are weak, and due to the rarity of Strong Interaction Armor, it's impossible to equip them widely on military ports; it can only be equipped on warships."

"This has led to the reality that in this era, the most deterrent force is only the newest type of Strong Interaction Armor warships, also known as Strong Armor Ships. The Strong Armor Ship is the center of this era."

"I see they still have more fighting in them, and I personally favor the Natural Human Nation more. The Elixir Nation's strength does not completely overwhelm the naturals, and they treat war as a game, holding their lives very dear."

"The warship's hit-and-run tactics rely more on psychological warfare between the two sides, the Long-Livers have almost no chance of victory, but this war will probably last a long time."

Wade said, "I'm not concerned about these matters, what I'm more concerned about is what the Trisolarans might do taking advantage of this opportunity."

"According to the research of the Future Intelligence Office, the Trisolarans' Second Fleet might have already departed during the Battle of Doom. Their last batch of warships is definitely incredibly powerful, and they've avoided all areas that could expose them."

"We suspect they've already reached near the Solar System, possibly just 500 to 1000 astronomical units from us."

"This internal conflict of humanity is giving them the perfect opportunity, and when they present themselves before humanity, they will surely strike us with a lightning attack."

With a meaningful glance at Lin Sen, Wade continued, "But we should now be fearless in the face of a second battle with the Trisolarans, right?"

The Future Intelligence Office, rather than being disbanded after the Battle of Doom, had become the largest strategic intelligence agency targeting the Trisolarans.

With an intelligence analysis master like Wade, it was easy to infer: This crisis of human internal war wasn't just the Trisolarans fanning the flames from the shadows, but more crucially, Ye Chen and Feng Zi were using it as bait. They were using the human internal strife as bait to lure the Trisolarans into making a move.

In this battle, they aimed to truly defeat the Trisolarans, thereby completely securing humanity's upper hand over Trisolaris, a decision that would shape the history of both civilizations for thousands of years to come—a battle that would determine the fate of the universe.

Lin Sen said, "I suppose you've guessed by now, this human internal war crisis is a ploy to lure the Trisolarans into an offensive."

"Now is our best opportunity, with our current strength, as long as we deploy carefully, dealing with the unforeseeable as if it were foreseeable, it's possible to defeat the Trisolaran Second Fleet."

"At present, we are not clear about how many warships the Trisolarans' Second Fleet has, nor the performance of their warships. But following the Battle of Doom and our advancements in micro-theory, we can now make an estimate of their true technological strength."

"Our technology has now surpassed that of the Trisolarans from 200 years ago. Their strongest technology amounted to The Waterdrop and Sophons, and now we have these as well."

"What really gives the Trisolarans an edge over us is their new round of technology explosion that has occurred over these 200 years. We are no longer completely unable to imagine Trisolaran technology; at the very least, we can make out shapes through the fog."

"Moreover, the war with the Trisolarans must now begin:

"One reason is because Bunker is about to reach its housing limit, and continuing to prepare for war serves little purpose.

"Another reason is that the longer time passes, more Trisolaran warships near the Solar System, and we are still far inferior in absolute strength compared to the Trisolarans. Our chances of victory would be even slimmer."

"In the Battle of Doom, if the Trisolarans deployed 20 The Waterdrops, they could calmly arrange various tactics, and it would be difficult for us to capture any of the Trisolaran Waterdrops. The likely outcome would be to utilize the Dark Forest as the most basic form of deterrence."

"Of course, we can choose another option, which is to wait another few decades or even a century, until the technology of humanity is comparable to that of the Trisolarans, and then go to war with them. Actually, this approach carries higher risks, as we cannot guarantee that the secrets under Bunker will not be discovered by the Trisolarans."

"Now we dare not build Sophons anymore, for fear that during the construction process, Trisolaran Sophons would enter the Bunker for inspection. If we let the Trisolarans find out that we can build Sophons, it would be nearly impossible for us to win against them."

"However, our Solar System protected by the Dark Forest will likely not be occupied by the Trisolarans. The most likely choice for the Trisolarans would be to flee, and after their escape, the coordinates of the Solar System would most likely be exposed."

"This is the outcome I least want to see; my goal has always been to form some kind of alliance with the Trisolarans, to break through the shackles of civilization together, and move into a higher level of civilization."

"The complementarity between Trisolaran civilization and human civilization is too strong, the Trisolarans need the Solar System, and we humans probably need Trisolaran civilization even more."

Hines said, "I agree with your point of view; it does indeed seem like a miracle. In the universe under the backdrop of the Dark Forest, if humans were to ally with anyone, it would have to be the Trisolarans."

"We and the Trisolarans are like a deliberately designed creation; we are gentle and cunning, proficient in using strategy and intrigue; they are cold and sincere, with straightforward and resolute thinking."

"Now, many scholars are studying the science of Civilization Reflection, believing that it could allow us and the Trisolarans to simultaneously complete our self-optimization and development."