Chapter 279 The Trisolarans' Another Choice

The words of the Supreme Leader plunged everyone into silence, reminding them of the final battle where it seemed that Lin Sen had predicted and controlled every step of the development.

Throughout the entire campaign, the Trisolarans appeared to have been led by the nose by Lin Sen, closely resembling the current situation.

So was this time, was everything happening now also part of Lin Sen's calculations, including the sudden attack on the Bunker purposely guided by him as part of his plan?

Strategy Governor, "This possibility does indeed exist, but our current situation is not the same as that during the final battle.

"In the final battle, our greatest constraint was that we only had ten Waterdrops, yet we had to confront all of humanity's forces, and the Waterdrops had resource constraints, which greatly hindered us.

"The Waterdrops, though powerful, rely on the most primitive form of attack through collision, which was actually very unfavorable to us, as the universal rule is that offense is far greater than defense.

"As long as the attack energy reaches a certain level, any defense can be breached. Once humans understood the characteristics of the Waterdrops, they could potentially find a way to counter them.

"But the gluon field transformation is different. Apart from the defensive method used in the Bunker, there is no possibility of defense within our theoretical framework.

"Now, our great fleet has arrived in the Solar System, and we are no longer bound by any constraints. This will be a head-on confrontation of absolute power between both sides.

"Individual warfare can rely on tactics to achieve victory, but in large-scale military confrontations, the outcome depends only on the hard power of both parties.

"In such a situation, all schemes and trickery will be rendered useless. They must be close to us in absolute power, at least on the same level, to have room to utilize tactical warfare.

"Therefore, I believe we may have overestimated Lin Sen. He may be executing some plan within the Bunker, but from all the information we have obtained, humans should not have the capacity to contend with us now."

The Military Governor spoke gravely, "Although the analysis by the Strategy Governor is the most logical, I still think Lin Sen is not so simple. Lin Sen cannot be judged by normal reasoning, and it is not an exaggeration to overestimate him.

"I share the same premonition as the Supreme Leader, I always feel an indescribable unease about this raid.

"The Bunker feels like a bottomless black hole that instills fear and seems to be capable of swallowing everything at any moment.

"But the arrow is on the bow and has to be shot. We've prepared for this day for a whole century, and we cannot abandon this attack because of some vague and bad feeling. This is the most critical battle to determine the future of our Trisolaran civilization.

"We no longer have an escape route!"

The Trisolarans began building the great fleet more than 30 years before the final battle, so it can be said that the Trisolarans had been preparing for the dust battle for a full century.

Supreme Leader (No. 7), "Our civilization is like a frail boat floating in the tempestuous sea, at risk of capsizing at any moment. Each decision is like a gamble with the waves, and a single misstep could lead us to an irredeemable fate.

"It seems we have many choices before us, but God may never have given us the opportunity to choose.

"Just like now, we feel like Earth's Bunker is a deep-sea monster opening its massive maw towards us, ready to devour all that we have.

"However, we cannot evade or shrink back, and we cannot easily forfeit this opportunity to strike simply because of this feeling of insecurity or Lin Sen's unusual behavior.

"Fate has placed our civilization on the gambling table, and we have no choice but to give it our all.

"Our star system, marked by the trials of the Lightspeed Spacecraft, has become unsafe. We must leave our home system as soon as possible to find a new homeland.

"Yet, the harsh reality is that the resources provided by our home star and Great Moon are very limited and far from enough to meet the needs of the entire population for interstellar colonization.

"If we cannot occupy the Solar System and use its rich resources as our stepping stone, our civilization may be on the brink of extinction at any time, and we don't have much time left.

"Although I support this raid, I think we can still make some adjustments to the attack strategy.

"I suggest that we can allow 100 warships to appropriately reduce their speed and maintain a certain distance from the forward fleet."

"If our 500 warships are unable to complete the task of destroying the Bunker, then adding merely another 100 warships is unlikely to reverse the situation."

"Our habit is to put all our eggs in one basket, but we should also learn from humanity's habit of not putting all our eggs in one basket."

In fact, No. 7's suggestion hides another layer of concern, just like the capture of The Waterdrop, humans could cause significant damage to the Trisolaran warships.

If the Trisolaran warships were to be defeated by humanity in one fell swoop, the remaining 100 warships would then serve as risk diversification.

This kind of thinking is almost unimaginable in Trisolaran civilization; they are accustomed to forging ahead without hesitation or fallback plans, and risk diversification is rarely considered.

In the original tactical planning of the Trisolarans, the possibility of defeat by humans was almost never considered. No. 7 didn't discuss this either, as such concerns could easily be misunderstood as excessive anxiety or paranoia.

Military Governor, "Indeed, we should not be entirely committed to a single throw of the dice; no military operation, especially combat operations against humans, can unfold entirely according to our wishes."

"We must maintain the necessary tactical flexibility and reserve force; in the face of an overwhelming battle, we don't need to go all out from the start."

"Although, there's also a possibility that if 500 warships can't complete the task, then holding back 100 would be meaningless too, which is why our final plan did not involve staggered combat readiness."

When considering problems, Trisolarans focus more on how to succeed rather than on how to respond to failure, possibly because, in their view, failure often equates to extinction, making such considerations of little significance."

Ultimately, the Trisolarans' blitz strategy did not undergo major adjustments, and their 600 warships still charged at the Bunker at maximum speed, only with 100 of them moving slightly slower.

The same choice of destiny was given to the Trisolarans once again, but their choices had never and seemingly could never change.

In the original timeline, humanity always failed to choose the correct path; now, Trisolaris was the same.


At the same time, both the Human Eternals' Command Headquarters and the Naturals' Camp Headquarters received the news of the Trisolarans launching an attack in the Kuiper Belt.

This mode of attack was unheard of; their faces were filled with disbelief and shock, and the atmosphere in the meeting room instantly became tense.

Everyone understood that the second battle between humanity and the Trisolarans had begun!

The Long-Livers' Camp received the news a bit later. While everyone was still shocked by the sudden news, the next message followed closely.

All the Faster-Than-Light Communication Stations between Neptune and Jupiter Orbit, along with the 20 Interstellar Broadcasting Stations scattered there, had been hit with precise and powerful strikes by the Trisolarans.

It was foreseeable that the Trisolarans must have also dispatched a considerable force, aiming their attacks at the Interstellar Broadcasting Stations on Earth and throughout the Inner Solar System.

Since all the Faster-Than-Light Communication Stations had been destroyed, this message could not be immediately transmitted to the Earth Swordholders' Center. If conventional electromagnetic wave signals were used instead, the Trisolaran attack would certainly reach Earth before the message.

The human leadership immediately urgently convened all the Science Advisory Groups, trying to study the principles of this weapon and possible defense measures.

With humanity's current technology, scientists quickly deduced that the Trisolarans were using gluon field transformation weapons. But then a bigger problem arose, as this type of weapon was absolutely indefensible within the existing theoretical framework, and its immense destructive power was unparalleled and unstoppable.

It was as if you were still exploring radioactive elements and suddenly found out someone had launched an attack with a nuclear bomb. Such news undoubtedly dropped a bombshell in the hearts of the people, with shock and panic spreading like wildfire among the crowd.

All of humanity's defense systems would be worthless in the face of a gluon field transformation, and a deep sense of helplessness enveloped everyone's hearts.