Chapter 283: The Contest of Stratagems

The Trisolaran Droplets evidently did not dare to use a direct collision to destroy the human giant broadcasting station, and furthermore, there wasn't enough time, drawing the Trisolaran Droplets away was an act of depriving the Trisolarans time to think.

It seemed that the Trisolarans had fallen into a desperate situation. Even if they dispatched all eight Droplets to attack the human giant broadcasting station, two stations would still survive. This meant that humanity would have the opportunity to rebuild the Dark Forest Deterrence, subjecting the Trisolarans once again to the threat of deterrence.

At the same time, the Trisolarans also dared not rashly use the Droplets' Directed Strong Electromagnetic Resonance Technology to attack. This technology required four Droplets to form a tight formation, and such a formation would render the Droplets temporarily immobile, making them exceedingly vulnerable to destruction by humans.

In the battle of Doomsday, the Trisolarans' emotions went through a roller coaster of intense fluctuations, like riding a roller coaster, and now, they once again experienced that heart-stopping sensation.

As The Waterdrop desperately broke through all of humanity's artillery interception, the ten giant human broadcasting antennas had also raced to the outer layer of the Bunker, about to reach the position suitable for broadcasting.

The situation became increasingly tense, ready to explode at any moment.

The Trisolarans understood that under the current emergency circumstances, The Waterdrop could at most destroy eight giant broadcasting antennas, and the remaining two were beyond reach. If in the next moment The Waterdrop did not halt its actions and actively seek negotiations, humanity would inevitably trigger the Dark Forest.

Until now, neither side had engaged in any talks, nor was there any need to talk, everything was out in the open.

If the Trisolarans couldn't find a way out of the current situation, then they would either have to seek negotiations to re-establish Dark Forest Deterrence or prepare to flee once humanity broadcasts, signaling they could do nothing but await their fate.

Humanity was too formidable!


At that moment, the Trisolarans seemed to demonstrate their decisiveness as the eight Droplets rapidly retreated.

This action was like an unspoken understanding, akin to the Trisolarans expressing their good intentions and compromises to humanity. At that moment, it was as if humanity had, like during the battle of Doomsday, once again established the Dark Forest Deterrence.

As the Bunker and the Trisolaran Droplets were engaged in a battle of life and death, warships from various factions near Jupiter Orbit were speeding towards the Bunker as fast as they could.

Whether from the Naturals' Camp or the Long-Livers' Camp, they had set aside all their differences and concerns at this moment, heading for the battlefield with all their might.

They understood that even if their participation might not change the outcome of the battle, and they might be destroyed by the Trisolarans' gluon field as they approached the Bunker.

But they did so without regret. A soldier's duty is not to decide their actions based on the potential outcome, but to fulfill their responsibility, no matter what the result.

They needed to vie for an opportunity for the Bunker, so they went without looking back. It was just as Zhang Beihai had done in the original timeline, nothing was more responsible than fleeing, so he did.

As The Waterdrop rapidly withdrew, thunderous applause and cheers erupted among these warships, crew members embraced each other, rejoicing and slapping each other on the shoulders, expressing their inner excitement and joy. They knew the difficulty of the victory at this moment.

All who witnessed this historic moment were immersed in the joy of victory, yet they did not anticipate that an even greater crisis was about to descend suddenly.

In the next instant, all the giant broadcasting antennas on the periphery of the Bunker and all the human warships vanished as if swallowed by an unseen force, leaving only a vast and silent expanse of the universe.

Even the armor made of strong interaction material, once considered indestructible, was as fragile as paper at this moment, instantaneously torn into dust by an invisible colossal force, scattering in the dark depths of the universe.

In the same stroke, the nanomaterial mist and icy substances surrounding the Bunker's periphery were also significantly reduced.

All these sudden changes were like illusions, as if a nightmare had arisen out of nowhere. They stared with eyes wide open in astonishment, hardly able to accept what had happened before them, filled with shock and confusion.

The Trisolarans are too frightening!


At that moment, the Trisolaran high command turned their hopeful gazes toward their leader, reflecting on the decision made four hours earlier and couldn't help but deeply admire the leader's wisdom and foresight.

It could be said that it was the leader's crucial decision that once again saved the Trisolarans from a predicament.

Four hours earlier, No. 7 had keenly perceived that Lin Sen's true intentions were not as simple as they appeared on the surface. To ensure absolute certainty, No. 7 decisively decided to launch a comprehensive and thorough strike against the Bunker.

Consequently, No. 7 made a swift decision, ordering the 600 warships that had been pursuing Human Warships on the periphery of the Solar System to immediately adjust their strategy. They halted pursuit and concentrated fire on the Bunker, preparing to launch a full-scale attack. This attack would employ a simultaneous main cannon volley from all warships to ensure maximum damage to the Bunker.

At the same time, another 600 warships that were approaching the Bunker, at a position less than eight astronomical units away, also received new instructions. The Trisolarans intentionally lowered the attack frequency of these warships so that more could coordinate with those outside the Solar System in a synchronized volley.

Warships not participating in the volley also continued to maintain sustained pressure on the Bunker.

Through precise calculation and strategic planning, the Trisolarans successfully coordinated a simultaneous volley from a total of 1000 warships, ensuring that their attacks would converge on the Bunker at the same time.

Originally, No. 7 intended to use the continuous volleys from the 1000 warships to gradually break down the defenses of the Bunker. Especially when 400 of the warships drew close to just eight astronomical units from the Bunker, their main cannons would unleash even more powerful force.

According to Trisolaran precise calculations, if a volley was executed every five minutes, it would take just over seven hours to completely destroy the Bunker's outer defensive material and fully expose the interior of the Bunker.

By then, Trisolaran warships would be just over two astronomical units from the Bunker, and whatever was inside the Bunker would be destroyed, turning the entire Bunker into cosmic dust.

Unexpectedly, No. 7's attack strategy resolved an unprecedented crisis for the Trisolarans and completely crushed Humanity's attempt to re-establish the Dark Forest Deterrence.

In the Trisolaran world, countless Trisolarans were immersed in a frenzy of joy, their celebration mirroring that of Humanity just moments before, their passion uncontrollable.

Remembering the heart-pounding moments just passed, the Trisolarans still felt a lingering fear knowing that without the leader's timely strategic shift, the entire Trisolaran civilization might have fallen into irrevocable doom.

Lin Sen proved not to be underestimated; he was too frightening. However, what the Trisolarans were even more grateful for was having a leader like No. 7 with substantial strategic wisdom and decisive decision-making. He not only successfully thwarted Lin Sen's plans but also gave the Trisolarans an absolute advantage in the game against Humanity.

No. 7's status among the Trisolarans had peaked, even surpassing all previous leaders.

But No. 7 felt a bit strange, what was this familiar feeling all about? Surely, this couldn't be another of Lin Sen's schemes!


Bunker Central Command.

Members of the Military Advisory Group revealed meaningful smiles and reported to Lin Sen:

"Mr. Lin Sen, our strategy succeeded, the Trisolarans finally took the bait!"

"In terms of cunning, the Trisolarans are still far behind us. Both battles they waged were straightforward, devoid of twists and deception, overly blatant.

"Besides their technological advantage, they are completely unqualified in the field of strategic deception!"