Chapter 294: Trisolaran Droplet Rebellion?

Wallfacer Command Center.

Lin Sen's mouth curved slightly upward, revealing a confident and profound smile upon learning that they had captured a Trisolaran Warship.

He faced the spherical screen in front of him and said calmly and firmly,

"We have successfully captured one of your warships, which means you no longer need to worry about my technology surpassing yours, for it already has."

"We will also decipher all the technologies of your warships, thereby reverse-engineering your technological database."

"Perhaps we won't need to wait 80 years, maybe only 60, even 50, for the Human Expedition Fleet to reach your Trisolaris."

"In this time, even if you prepare to flee, how many of you can actually escape?"

"Now, are you still willing to negotiate and surrender to us? We can discuss the specifics of your surrender in detail, as this is your only way out."

The Trisolarans were once again facing a desperate situation, and Lin Sen's checkmate move seemed to leave them with only surrender as an option.

Lin Sen might be right, in the future, when humanity launches the expedition across light-years, the only chance for the Trisolarans would be to influence humans to delay or cancel the invasion of the Trisolaran Star System.

Even if they couldn't, there would be no greater loss, for the Trisolarans had nothing left to lose.

However, Trisolaris still had hope, Trisolaris also had a contingency.

Lin Sen might have overlooked one thing—the maximum speed of Trisolaran Warships was 10% of the speed of light, but that didn't mean they couldn't exceed this speed.

Therefore, they decided to make a desperate gamble, ordering the ten Trisolaran Warships ahead to accelerate at all costs, to catch up and destroy the warship captured by humans before the other Thunderstrike Ships could arrive.

This was their only chance, and their last struggle.

As for the Trisolaran Droplets, they didn't dare to come close; without the protection of the Curvature Propulsion Defense, they would immediately become the targets of the Trisolarans and be easily destroyed.

The surprise attack of the droplets could only be used once, never twice.

Subtitles: "You have driven us into a corner once again, we seem to have no choice but surrender.

We wonder, why are you so insistent on our surrender? Isn't the rule of survival in the universe about seeking the extreme advantage in competition between different civilizations?

If we were in humanity's place, we might not hesitate to eliminate all remaining resistance, to ensure our own security.

You should know, when we had the advantage, we would never let you go. We don't understand, what exactly is your intent?"

This was clearly Trisolaran dilatory tactics; the Trisolarans had indeed learned to study, just now Lin Sen used negotiation to draw them in step by step, making the Trisolarans overlook many critical pieces of information.

So now they were trying the same approach, attempting to confuse and delay Lin Sen's reactions through dialogue.

But little did they know, such maneuvers were like the acts of a clown in Lin Sen's eyes.

The Trisolarans had not yet realized what their real danger was.

Lin Sen: "So you are willing to surrender, are you?

"But your actions don't seem like those of a people about to surrender.

"Do you think talking with me will buy you time?

"That's useless to me, your tactics are not clever. With the current acceleration capability of your warships, you are still too late to catch up with the one we have captured.

"We are determined to possess this Trisolaran Warship and the technology it embodies."

The Trisolarans were now furious, wondering why none of their strategies worked on Lin Sen—it was always the same.

More importantly, had Lin Sen really seen through their ruse? They had not only failed to deceive Lin Sen but had also made themselves anxious.

No matter what, it was time to risk everything!

Subtitles: "You are not aware of the true acceleration capabilities of our warships, and since these warships are doomed to be destroyed, let them make their sacrifice more valuable."

"Have you forgotten one thing? It also has a special acceleration mode. When we are resolved to death, nothing can stop me from completing the mission."

"Trisolarans will never surrender. Our warships will not be left to you, we must destroy it, and for this, we will spare no effort."]

Lin Sen suddenly lost his smile, "Are you saying..."

["Exactly, the technology you are thinking of.

Your every calculation has overlooked it, and your schemes are bound to come to nothing."]

Lin Sen seemed a little downcast and perhaps a bit frustrated, "Ah... It seems I have finally made a mistake; I overlooked it.

"One person truly cannot calculate everything, but it has no effect. It is merely a more dignified failure for you.

"Now we are even more at an advantage, and there is nothing for you to be pleased about."

["Indeed, we are merely facing a more dignified failure, nothing to be happy about. But to see you fail just once is the greatest affirmation for us."]

Lin Sen felt a bit ashamed inside: You are thinking too much; I don't even want to keep bullying you like this. Ah... Anyway, let them be happy for a moment, just don't cry later.

At that moment, ten warships in front of the Trisolaran Warship changed formation and activated their curvature engines, causing the space around them to seem distorted and shaken by an invisible force. A powerful and terrifying space storm was rapidly forming, as if it were about to swallow everything around it.

This was Trisolaris's contingency plan; they were willing to use curvature to destroy the warship captured by humanity.

At the same time, before the storm had fully formed, from one of the ten warships in the rear, suddenly ten droplets burst out. After destroying the warship they emerged from, they instantly accelerated to their maximum speed towards the forward warships.

In just a few seconds, the droplets destroyed three Trisolaran warships with astonishing speed and force, continuing to push forward like thunder to attack the other warships.

Clearly, the purpose of these droplets was to disrupt the curvature-driven voyage of the Trisolaran warships.

This was Lin Sen's contingency plan.

Up to this point, there seemed to be no problem, but in reality, there was a big problem...

Where did the droplets come from?

They are Trisolaran Droplets for goodness' sake!

Had they betrayed their side?

This scene left both Trisolarans and humans dumbstruck, almost dropping their jaws. Everyone's eyes were as wide as copper bells, their faces etched with disbelief and astonishment.

That humanity could control Trisolaran Droplets and turn them against their own warships was a reversal that exceeded everyone's imagination; it was simply too outrageous.

In the Trisolaran World Command Center, the originally tense and busy atmosphere froze in an instant. All eyes were fixed on those droplets that were once their pride, nearly indestructible, yet no one could speak for a long while.

These ten droplets were precisely the same ten droplets that had fought against humanity in the Bunker.

When the Trisolarans prepared to destroy the Bunker, they escaped and, due to the Trisolaran's frugal nature, were not abandoned but were taken aboard one of the hundred warships.

As for why humanity could control Trisolaran Droplets, the Trisolarans quickly realized the reason: these ten droplets were actually part of the twenty launched 200 years ago.

Their internal structure and control program were exactly the same, and humanity had been studying the droplets for nearly 70 years. Now that they also had Sophon, it was entirely possible to crack and operate the Trisolaran Droplets.

Trisolarans do not like to waste any resources, even these ten droplets. They were reluctant to discard them, which is why they were carrying these ten droplets in their escape.

PS: In this chapter, Lin Sen's command seems somewhat fantastical.

Even with Lin Sen's intelligence, he could not achieve such a feat; his plot advantages were few now, and Lin Sen shouldn't be capable of this, almost as if he were not human.

Indeed, Lin Sen's abilities were surely inadequate; his strengths lay in social emotionology and stratagems, not military command to such an extent.

But maybe everyone has overlooked something, which until now, even Trisolarans have neglected due to the ups and downs of the war.

And it is that very thing everyone has overlooked that makes Lin Sen seem like a divine commander.

Can everyone guess what has been overlooked?