Chapter 314 Predictions of the Trisolaran World


Crisis Era, year 333.

In the deep space 100 astronomical units away from the Trisolaran Star System, the Human Expedition Fleet had finally arrived at the Trisolaran Star System after a long interstellar journey. At this moment, they had completed the strategic encirclement of the Trisolaran home system, and an unprecedented space confrontation was about to unfold.

The Trisolaran Star System has three suns; currently, two of them are close to each other, and the other is farther away, which is Proxima Centauri. The Trisolaris planet orbits around this Proxima Centauri.

Now, humanity is surrounding this star system. Against the pitch-black cosmic backdrop, the vast fleet of warships with their silvery tails appear like scattered stars, silently hovering in the void, seemingly delivering the final judgment on the Trisolaran Star System.

Before this, the Trisolarans had already had seven massive fleets escape their home planet, each fleet consisting of more than 420 interstellar warships. In the darkness of the universe, they moved like seven giant dragons, slithering through the cosmos, each heading to different starfields in search of a new homeland.

This scene almost completely confirmed humanity's predictions. The Trisolarans had mobilized nearly 3,000 warships, a scale so grand that it was unprecedented. This was not simply a migration, but a civilization's struggle and will to survive, an interstellar escape marked by tragedy and solemnity.

In the face of such a scene, the soldiers within the Human Expedition Fleet generally believed that the Trisolaran Star System had given up on defending their home planet and had chosen to flee. In their view, even if all 3,000 warships stayed behind to engage in a head-on confrontation with the Human Fleet, the Trisolarans would have almost no hope of victory.

Of course, many people also believed that the Trisolarans would not give up so easily, and there might be deeper plans hidden.

However, the higher-ups of Wallfacer International back in the Solar System were puzzled about the Trisolaran Escape Fleet—why hadn't they used curvature propulsion to escape?

The Solar System Alliance's current research on curvature propulsion was still in the early stages, and the Expedition Fleet's understanding of it was also relatively limited. They had not yet realized that if all 3,000 of those warships were to activate curvature propulsion, they could turn the entire Trisolaran Star System into a low-speed Dark Domain.

Of course, that would also be equivalent to marking themselves in the universe.

With further analysis, Wallfacer International quickly deduced that it was very likely the Trisolarans were hiding some kind of contingency; they might have already prepared in secret to respond to the humans' attack.

At this moment, all Wallfacer International could do was issue certain warnings to the Expedition Fleet.

But no one knew just what kind of ace the Trisolarans still had up their sleeve; everything was still shrouded in mist. The contest between humanity and the Trisolarans was going to be even more intense and unpredictable.

Trisolaran World.

The Head stood silently in the command tower's hall, his gaze piercing through the transparent dome and deeply cast towards the universe sprinkled with stars.

In that distant starry sky, he seemed to see the 10,000 human warships, forming an impenetrable siege network, tightly encasing the Trisolaran Star System.

The Head, "The battle of dust has been over for 63 years, and the Human Expedition Fleet has finally arrived. The fate of the Trisolaran Civilization will be determined in this engagement with humanity.

"This is a battle concerning the survival of the Trisolaran Civilization, are you all prepared?"

The Military Governor spoke gravely, "This time, humanity has come in an overwhelming formation, a whole 10,000 warships, and they have completed a comprehensive strategic encirclement of us, a situation we did not foresee.

"Since humanity also possesses Sophon tracking technology, our Sophons can only observe the human warships from a distance, which prevents us from obtaining more detailed information about the Human Fleet.

"Our previous predictions were off. We had thought that the best strategy for humanity would be to send several fleets of a few hundred warships each, to sneak past our surveillance area and encircle us from all directions, then find the right moment to directly attack our military forces and destroy our living power in one fell swoop.

"However, humanity did not, as Lin Sen said, choose the most direct strategy—using more than 10,000 warships to form an encirclement, intent on using absolute military superiority to approach step by step and gradually compress our living space.

"They also seem to aim to force us into surrender through immense military pressure, or as humans would say, to form a civilization alliance."


The Science Governor reflected, "It seems that the Human Warships also make no deliberate attempt at concealment, and they are not worried that we would employ Dark Forest Deterrence."

"This may be the reason why our predictions were off."

The Military Governor nodded and said, "Indeed, we have three reasons for this analysis.

"First, our mode of thinking is relatively easy to predict. The Trisolarans who fled make up only 8% of our entire population; our civilization's main body is still on the home planet. Therefore, it is unlikely that we would easily choose to expose ourselves. Compared to humans, we have a greater fear of the Dark Forest Theory, and humans are well aware of our fears.

"Second, within our civilization, there has long existed a voice in favor of joint development with humanity. Some believe humans could bring a new future to Trisolaris, and they even refer to themselves as the Trisolaran Earth Organization. As beings of collective consciousness, once such currents of thought emerge within us, it reflects to some extent that these ideas start to blend into our own thinking.

"Human propaganda for the expedition to Trisolaris also always emphasizes the hope of progressing hand in hand with the Trisolarans, to build a joint civilization. Besides, the Trisolarans who have integrated into human society, even when captured, live much more comfortably than they did in the Trisolaran world; many of them yearn for the human way of life.

"This is also why many Trisolarans are reluctant to expose both the Trisolaran and human worlds at the same time; exposure means destruction.

"Even though Sophons have completely withdrawn from the Trisolaran Star System, individual Sophons occasionally risk venturing into our world, and such overt messages are easily obtained by humans.

"Third, humans may not absolutely believe in the Dark Forest Theory. They might even have a certain margin for errors, and even if we broadcast their coordinates, they predict it would take them a few decades to prepare for escape. With their existing technology and resources, humans would only need thirty years to build enough warships to ensure the safe evacuation of all humanity.

"In human society, more and more people are beginning to doubt the Dark Forest Theory. In their understanding, humanity has never truly succeeded in establishing an effective Deterrence based on the Dark Forest Theory.

"Looking back at history, we can see that in the Battle of Judgment Day, we were the defeated side, and the Dark Forest Deterrence established by Logic did not play a decisive role.

"Similarly, in the Battle of Dust, we first chose to attack the Deterrence system, which was more of a strategic consideration in warfare; it does not serve as strong evidence for the absolute nature of the Dark Forest Theory.

"To date, humans have not directly verified the Dark Forest Theory nor have they actually observed a real case of a Dark Forest Strike.

"Therefore, although the Dark Forest Theory is widely debated in human society, the common consensus is that while the theory might exist, its authenticity and absoluteness remain to be further discussed and verified.

"At present, the evidence that humans have found supporting the Dark Forest Theory is mostly circumstantial, lacking direct and absolute argumentation. One might even say that it is because Trisolarans believe in the Dark Forest that humans have come to believe in it as well.

"So, humanity's belief in the Dark Forest Theory is quite conservative, and this makes establishing an effective Deterrence even more difficult for us.

"After all, the crux of Dark Forest Deterrence lies in humanity's absolute faith in the Theory."

The Head sighed, "Indeed, facing humanity's aggressive invasion, establishing Dark Forest Deterrence is proving to be so difficult.

"Human thought and behavior are always full of variables, and we cannot even be sure if this is truly human skepticism of the Dark Forest Theory, or yet another human conspiracy.

"This may also be a game between humans and us. In this game, each move requires our utmost caution, because one false step could spell doom."

The Military Governor said, "Trisolaris has nothing left to lose; if this is a game, then we must muster all our courage and intelligence to truly gamble with humanity once.

"Our Escape Fleet has already set off, and humans will not be able to catch up to them; thus, strategically, we no longer have any concerns for what lies behind.

"In this battle, we must do everything in our power to withstand the humans' attack. If we fail and ultimately choose to surrender to humanity, then our fate will likely be very bleak.

"I have no doubt, once we lose our usefulness, humans may well choose a moment to completely eradicate us."