10. Welcome To FA HQ

Waking from what felt like an eternal sleep didn't help either, because I kept having this nightmare that felt so real. Where I was some kind of super possessed human who killed a lot of people, bit off people's feet, squashed people's hearts and cut mouths wide open.

I didn't understand any of it, when I woke up like I said I was still feeling kinda tired my whole body ached with pain my eyes hurt so bad as if I accidentally touched them with something spicy cause they were sore and red in color.

I didn't do much when I woke up anyway after all I was wrapped with a bandage around my upper body and arms too, yes I know what you are saying right now. This dude is a mummy now... Ha, ha, ha very funny.

While I was still in awe someone entered my room before I could see who that was, I thought to myself oh no they caught me again. Would you believe me if I said whatever transpired I had no recall of what had happened to me yet I remember that particular part being taken.

The person who entered wasn't like those guys from before, this one wore different clothes and she also had that energy about her that said respect me or else. Her name was Lt. Jean Gable and she was a Freedom Army officer.

"Nice you are finally awake, welcome back" she said.

"Uh thanks I guess. If you don't mind me asking, where am I?" I asked.

"Well kid you are in a safe place outside of the districts. You are in the FA headquarters" she answered.

"No way" I said.

"Kid would you mind telling me, what day it is?" Jean suggested.

"Well sure, if I'm not mistaken it's Monday the 17th" I answered her.

"At least you are still able to think, but wrong it's actually the 23rd. You've been asleep for a week now it's a miracle you are alive we all thought you were dead or something" Jean shared a little smile when she said that.

Unable to process all that new information I just received, my mind totally went blank like lights out I just couldn't believe it.

"Impossible" I said to myself out loud.

"Dress up" Jean throws clothes to me, no. Not my old washed up slum torn, dirty clothes new fresh ones.

After I finished dressing up, Jean called me out to take a walk with her on the way she explained everything to me or at least she tried.

"Look kid, we found you lying dead outside the Outlands lucky for you we were on a mission tracking down something dangerous and very important to humankind" she told me.

Lost in thought I couldn't make out what she was saying to me I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was in a coma for a week. How in hell is that even possible?

"Hey kid! Are you listening?" Jean pinched me.

"Ouch! Yes sorry I am I'm just stunned by all this beauty" that's the lie I told even I don't believe it.

"Is that so?" said Jean in a doubtful tone.

"Heh! What's this place?" I dodged the question.

"Like I told you this is the headquarters of the FA" she said.

FA stands for Freedom Army.

"What you are seeing right now is just the tip of the iceberg, this is nothing compared to what we actually have" Jean informed me.

"You are kidding me, right?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nope" she answered back.

If you were me you won't believe her for a second, this headquarters was like a planet on its own the way it was so big, where I was from the slums didn't even match up like I said matchbox well this place made it feel that way a whole district.

The place had so many soldiers from where I was it made it look like I was staring down at ants, the vehicles all different kinds a truck, a motorcycle, a mini van and what I think was a dune buggy those weren't all the vehicles they were plenty in different shapes and sizes. Heck these people had airplanes and helicopters not one, not two at least a hundred.

The headquarters as a place on its own aside this place was beautiful it was so open and big the grass was cut and even greener, the trees were so beautiful the leaves were more beautiful, the garden didn't only have flowers it had a variety of flowers and fruits and veggies.

When we passed by it Jean gave me something called an apple, when I tasted it's juicy tendered taste...oh my god! In my mind I thought what sorcerer is this?. It was out of this world.