22. The Unexplainable Power

When I look around I discover that Otto, Chris and Luke are still all out cold my head was spinning so I felt a little dizzy. I woke Otto up and he woke up the others.

"What happened?" asked Chris.

"I don't know, but the girls are gone" I answered.

"What?!" Chris stands up.

It was a few minutes later maybe ten to fifteen minutes if I'm right.

"Someone knocked us out cold" Otto said.

"Yeah no kidding!" Luke stopping the blood out of his head.

All of us weren't in any good state we were out of it, to say the least.

"Chrysler! Chrysler! Chrysler!" Chris called out.

"Hey man it's no use she's nowhere to be found" said Luke.

On the ground I found the girl's belongings the towels and bags, I look through them hoping I would find a clue or something.

I found myself getting angry I faced down I didn't want anyone to see me in my state, I tried to fight this emotion that I was feeling but. I was kinda failing to do so.

"I will find them don't worry" I said in a angry tone while getting up.

"What are you saying? We have to ask for help I mean look at us we are still kids. What can we do?" Otto asked.

"Hey Jordan man, I'm with you" said Luke unable to stand.

"No Otto take Luke and Chris to the doctor and let me worry about the girls" I formed a fist.

My body started to emite steam I could feel myself getting more angry and more stronger, I didn't want the guys to see what's going on with me.

"I'll be back" I started to run.

As I was running I saw myself running faster than the speed of light and sound itself, I went through the training facility everywhere there was lights or electricity I would disturbing it. I was pretty angry I felt a strange power surge in my body.

If I kept going a little bit further I was totally going to get hurt, so I had to do what I did I got home and ran a cold shower, I just stood there.

Otto came even though I had no idea how he knew where I was staying.

"Hello! Miles are you home?" Otto called.

He must have heard the water running because he knew where to look, he opened the shower door and I was just standing there and my face looking down.

"Hey, are you okay buddy?" Otto asked.

"Otto go away I'm not in the mood" I was grunting.

"It's okay I'm here for you" Otto said.

I don't know what was he thinking but Otto kept getting close to me he reached out his hand.

"See nothing bad is happening" Otto continued.

"Otto!" I looked at him with a side eye.

The moment his eyes met mine he got scared and stepped out of my eye, apparently my eye was blue and electricity flowed through it.

I came out of the bathroom and there was Otto waiting by my bed, not knowing how to approach me after what just happened.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"What are you talking about? You didn't do anything" said Otto.

"I mean in the shower I can explain" I said.

"That your shower lights are in a bad state? Come Bud it's not your fault" he said.

"Huh?" In confusion I asked.

"Yeah when your light flickered and exploded I got scared that's why I jumped and ran out" said Otto.

"You didn't see anything else?" I asked.

"Like what?" Otto asked.

"Never mind" I said.

In that strange moment I was actually relieved that Otto didn't see anything, cause if he did I wouldn't be able to explain even now I'm still unsure what's happening with me.

"So what did you find?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" asked Otto.

"Who took Sally and Chrysler?" I asked.

"How did you?" Otto asked.

"Know? Lucky guess maybe" I answered.

"It's not much but this is what I found I have no idea what it is" Otto showed me something.

What Otto showed me was some kind of a dart with a broken glass, I took it from him to look at it clearly. There was some kind of gamma blue-ish juice coming out of it, when my hand came to contact with it, it shocked me.

"Ouch!" I reacted and threw it to the floor.

"Are you okay, bud?" Otto picked up the dart.

"Uhm yeah, I guess the broken glass cut me" looking at my hand.

What was that, that just shocked me? And how come Otto didn't see anything even before in the shower too? What was going on when me? What did I do? I thought to myself.

Otto was saying something I think he was explaining something I didn't pay attention to him so I didn't hear anything he said.