Ajay – chapter 1

Cyborg tried to attack him with his straw.

But this razor, with its agility, defended itself from that attack.

"Cold Star" attacks the villain with a stream of ice from her hand. Cyborg is frozen to death.

"Vanraj" read on the forehead of the elephant and its weight grew.

Vanraj smacks him hard in the face over "Cynax"

Cyborg breaks through the ground and falls into the structure of the building below.

"Razor" attacks the villain who has fallen on the floor with his sword. The villain caught that blow with his iron hand. Converted his mechanical hand to a laser cannon with the other hand. Due to the impact of that cannon, "Razor" hit the wall.

While "Cynax" was rising, Cold Star moved forward and attacked with a torrent of ice. The villain destroys it by striking a terrible laser from his hand.

When Cold Star tries to attack by turning into a sword of ice, "Cynax" repels Cold Star by hitting him in the stomach with a straw.

"Viphot" breaks the wall with its fire power and gives an "upper cut" on that villain turning into chaff from the fire.

Due to the impact of the blow, "Cynax" breaks the roof of the building and falls out of the building, breaks the wall of the other building and falls on top of the other building.

Vanraj" flies like a monkey and jumps on a distant building and with the power of his fire the blast makes the jump fly to another building. "Vanraj" proceeded to attack the villain with his head using the power of his Marigold and his "Explosive" power. "Cynax" threw away Vanraj's attack and "Explosion" with his other hand and then "Cynax" picked up Vanraj and threw him to the other side.

Vanraj broke the roof and fell inside the building. "Cold Star" was striking with her ice stream and prepared the ice sword in the other hand. She "Razor" rotated the handle of her sword and made the edge of her sword shine. "Cold Star" thrust his ice sword into one hand while "Razor" cut off "Cynax"'s other hand with his sword. Then the "razor" turned and cut off both his legs. Cynax's arms and legs are trying to be reattached.

Blast rapidly throws a fireball attack at "Cynax". That fireball pierces the heart of "Cyanex" and comes out on the other side.

"Cold Star" completely freezes that instrument's body into ice with its ice power.

"Here it goes"

(Explosion through the phone in his ear)

We are handing over the body of Vanraj All Clear Cynax to Inspector Bapat. ,

Below, where the superheroes took the body of Cynax down to the siege of Inspector Bapat, the bodies of both of them were taken down.

People from the forensic department are taking Cyborg each and every part along with them

Inspector to the team

I cannot express my gratitude to you all enough.

" Inspector Saheb, this is our job.

Inspector in a little sad" This work is actually done by DCP Chavan. But he is still in some underground"

"Razor" is also part of the same mission but the danger was much bigger. So Chavan Saheb understood the situation and sold "Razor" because there is also a part of "Vignharta".

Cold star in a calm way looking towards Inspector

"Inspector Saheb, we know and understand razor talent. But it is not right to be interested in it right now because since "Doctor "Dhumketu invented "Cynex" 1 year ago, his cyborg army has been trying to establish supremacy over innocent people.

Inspector looking towards them

"Absolutely right with your "Cold Star" "Razor" you immediately continue your mission with Chavan Saheb.

Visphot to his team

"Vignaharta Let us return to our work."

...to be continued