Narrator – At 7:30 pm, a ruined city of Pune, parts of which are submerged in water. whose scene not even a natural disaster can create
In which no one survived.
There are many helicopters hovering around the scene. Every journalist is pointing out this scene. The one who is showing this news is using his power. The cameras are showing this accident. The anchor is speaking with his power.
Journalist – You can see on this that
There is an atmosphere of despair and anxiety in the police headquarters.
Journalist – Where that demon has created this huge thick structure with his power.
Common citizens everywhere in the world are very scared after seeing this news.
The superhero is quite worried.
There is a lot of frustration at Vinay's house too
Journalist – This scene is quite horrifying, no human being could escape the cruelty of this brute.
Glitch sits on a tall building in the distance and watches the devastating scene. So Hazardious is coming from behind and approaching Glitch.
Hazardious–did you like this view
Enough to create a fear in the minds of defence employees and superhero's
Hazardious–should I destroy the other cities
Glitch–enough for today
Let them cope up for the while after that
their going to be really big destruction
Glitch creates a portal with his power and they both go through it.
Within a few minutes, Defence forces is recovering the ruined remains with his modern technology robots.
Soldier – Sir, there are four dead bodies here
Second soldier – 10 corpses on this
The top officials of the strict security have become quite disappointed by giving those dead bodies.
DGP Sunil – This is a terrible disaster
The Major kept trying to contact him through his walkie talkie.
Major – This is Major Jai Singh, it is my order to call a meeting as soon as possible.
Walkie Talkie – Yes Sir
Walkie Talkie – Sir, I am calling from Sector 7.
Major – Tell me young man
Young - Sir, some injured people have been found here, they need immediate medical attention.
Major – Okey . We will reach the doctor soon.
D.G.P – How did this happen?
Major – Don't know some undercover superhero must have done it
same evening
Vinay and Bhavesh both reached the superhero gym.
Bhavesh – Hey, I was waiting for you only.
Vinay – let's start
Bhavesh – Come on
Bhavesh pointing to an instrument
Bhavesh – This is "Lifting Weight". Whichever person has more strength in his stomach, lifts that weight and if he is successful in lifting the fixed weight within the time of 5 minutes, then the weight is increased further. There is a restriction on the weight according to the ability of the lifters.
Vinay – Right, let's start
Vinay stands under the machine and holds it in place with blood in his hand.
Bhavesh Yantra stands near the control point
Bhavesh – This first weight is 500 kg
Bhavesh presses the button and puts weight on Vinay.
Bhavesh – What ....more weight should I add?
Vinay – Yes, it is nothing
Bhavesh now weighs 1000 kg.
Bhavesh – now
Vinay – Ha..ha this time pour 3000 kg directly
Bhavesh – tick hai
Bhavesh has gained more weight. Vinay is easily seen.
Vinay – No, this time add 10,000 kg weight directly.
Bhavesh – How sure because….
Vinay – Oh yes, absolutely.
According to Bhavesh, he puts more weight on Vinay.
Bhavesh- It is okay, isn't it...
Vinay – Hey sir, this time add 50,000 kg.
(comic scene)
Bhavesh – what?
Bhavesh's weight increases and others nearby see this miracle.
Vinay – And this time try 70,000 kg pulses.
(comic scene)
Bhavesh – (face full of shock ) did it
Bhavesh looking at people nearby
Vinay – No, 90,000 kg
Bhavesh is not paying attention
Vinay – Bhavaya (pet names ) , weight is big
(comic scene)
Bhavesh – (face flushes) (What is this? Why is it? Which world record will it make?)
Vinay – (astonished ) (What is this, even superheroes can't lift this weight and these people are also looking at me, this is not right, I have to pretend)
Vinay – (changing facial expression) add more weight
By blowing the test on Bhavesh's face
Bhavesh – Stop it brother, otherwise we boys will not be able to wake up enough to hide our faces.
Vinay – and put on weight
This time Bhavesh adds 1,00,000 kg. Vinay does drama by bending his legs to show the pressure effect of being overweight.
Vinay – (By the way, this is also excessive but it will do)
(bending his knees and bending down)
that's enough
Bhavesh – This is the only weight in this device.
(Comical seane )
( some one tell me its a lie )
To be continued...