Vinay recalls his past when Hazardious was about to destroy an entire city.
Vinay – I can see with my sharp eyes the destructive power of that demon touching the earth.
Vinay opens the door with his superhero clothes and rushes out.
Vinay – Used my power as it should have been used.
Vinay wears his superhero clothes and walks out of the house very fast.
Vinay – How can I remain silent when this is happening?
Vinay is running on the road faster than the bullet train. He climbs on top of the vehicle present in front and takes a very high jump till the point where the plane is moving.
Vinay – I don't think anything about how to save them all, what to do so that they can be saved.
Vinay is moving forward by jumping very high
Vinay – Only one thing was going on in my mind that no one should be killed.
As soon as Vinay's foot rests on the wall of the building, cracks appear due to its force. Vinay takes another high jump and some parts of the wall of the building break.
Vinay – No one will kill
Vinay, he reached that place and Hazardious was 3000 meters away on the ground in the form of a ball of fire. At a very fast pace, all the people are moving in the car, in the shops, at the bus stop,
Everyone has to travel a long distance and reach a safe place.
Vinay – I have rarely run so fast
People are busy in the building, so Vinay is running and taking them all outside.
Vinay – Tried with all my might to save people
Hazardious 1000 feet away from land. Vinay also saves superheroes and supervillains.
Vinay – I was very scared just imagining that destruction. Many people were saved but many people were left alive.
All the people present in the construction who were working in chariots have been given a humble obeisance to all of them and have come out in a hurry. And jumps onto the building in front. Put as many people as possible in the truck without wasting time Vinay lifted that truck with both hands. Vinay runs at high speed with that truck.
Vinay – But he was taking a lot of time while running with the truck. I delivered them safely but
Hazardous enters the ground and the ground cracks in a terrible manner. Some buildings fall on each other due to these cracks. It goes inside the cracks and crevices.
Vinay – But Hazardous had done its job.
Fear in Vinay's eyes. Vinay sees a lot of people in that area. He moves forward by moving his arms and legs rapidly. In the next moment, it moves forward, cutting through the air, due to its impact, particles fall on the earth and fly into dust.
Vinay takes a high jump from that platform.
Vinay– The language of fear was well known at that time.
I had already told about this to the present superhero Jade Goud ( glue ), Cement Man, Vayuman.
Vinay finds Ansh finding his feet on the broken walls of the buildings where destruction is taking place. People were falling from the building in front of him. Vinay jumps with great speed and saves everyone by catching them with his hands.
Vinay – There was a lot of noise then
Vinay was watching the collapse of a building at some distance from him and the debris falling from the parking lot. There were people falling from the building.
Vinay –I ordered the superhero to be prepare
superhero Vinay held the people with his hands and took them towards the SUV.
Vinay, stay tight on the falling vehicle. He broke the door of the car with his hand and without any delay put the people he was holding in his hand into the car. Vinay threw the car up
Vinay got stuck in the ground. Saw the car and people falling below me.
Vinay- What is all this? What kind of man is this who does this?
But I don't have much time to think
Vinay sees the car coming towards him during jumpsand with his hand thrown the excess vehicles upwards.
Other superheroes like Vayuman hold the vehicles in the sky with his air power and throw them towards the ground.
With the power of water and cement mind, that vehicle remained there.
It is a chip caste.
Vinay – I Baba says that no matter what efforts you make in life, you will have to face the situation even if you
accept it don't accept it
Vinay himself jumps upwards without any delay.
Vinay goes away by placing his foot on the debris of a wall where present in the car and catches the people.
Vinay breaks the car door and takes them inside.
The building is going to collapse and fall down.
Vinay – Time was going very fast
Taking the car in one hand, Vinay jumps towards the debris of the building where people are falling. Vinay was catching people and putting them inside the car held in his hand.
Vinay threw the car upwards. The air catches hold of its power vehicle.
Vinay front flips his body and throws himself towards the building and breaks the glass. All external items like cupboards and wardrobes are thrown out. Wardrobes and cupboards from the entire building come out from the floor of every building.
Vinay – Whatever seemed safe to me, I kept it in this cupboard.
Vinay comes out of the building and catches the car. Vinay sees how many people are in danger through his x ray vision
Vinay– their are many of them be continued...