Ajay–Chapter 18

Inthe highways of Pune –

Vinay's father came on the phone talking about work and he was not feeling like it.

Baba: I will definitely find a house for you today itself as per your plan.

Baba – (Hanging up the phone) Sidha, don't be sad like this, danger cannot be avoided, it is acceptable but because of that we

It is not a good thing to make life miserable.

And anyway the Major told us to be prepared for death

It is not necessary that it should be like this, it is God's wish that everything should last.

Bhavesh and Jaya were sitting in school after some time.

Jaya – What are you talking about? No…no.

you're kidding

Bhavesh – Look, I thought you wouldn't believe me.

Jaya – You are talking about Vinay, whom we know from the middle, he does not have that much power.

Bhavesh- What???

Jaya – No meaning but you are giving him status above even superhero.

Bhavesh – Because I have seen it with my own eyes and not only me but everyone else had also seen it in the gym.

Bhavesh trying to understand Jaya

Bhavesh – I see that punching machine which was repaired yesterday but the owner said that this happens all the time.

Jaya – Then what is the problem?

Bhavesh – Hey my mother, it doesn't come to my mind that no other superhero child has reached this level.

Jaya – Maybe, but we are forgetting one thing that when we were children, a superhero had immense power and was vigorous.

Bhavesh - Yes, but no one knew how much power he had and on top of that, he is very young, could he be an alien, the son of a powerful superhero?

A boy – Bhavesh…

Jaya and Bhavesh lost their sight and saw Prakash and Smita coming towards them.

Bhavesh – Hey Prakash, yours both class finished

Prakash – Yes its over

Smita- It's not just mine

Prakash – How?

Smita – You have been called, you have a power detention class.

Prakash – Oh yes

four people talking to each other

gone- then messed up

Smita – Yes, that too in Kabadi Stadium.

Bhavesh – No one told you

Jaya – Only if someone talks

Bhavesh – (scared) he is also there

Prakash – Dada, where is he?

Jaya – Kabadi's training is going on so he is there only.

Smitha's sees up and at a height of 1000 feet, she sees some strange, yellow object like a door coming downwards.

Smitha – (use your hand) Look what it is.

Everyone looking in the same direction

Defence robots are guessing with their mechanical eye scanners and destroy nearby soldiers and police personnel with projectiles. The next moments indicate a "threat" of greater power than that object.

On the other hand, Vinay gets the signal of danger through his senses.

Soldier – (loudly) Soldiers, take all the children inside the school without any delay.

Soldiers and police personnel take the children inside the school.

Bhavesh- Oh no, it doesn't look like the villain is going to attack again.

Jaya – This is none other than Hazardous, "Red Alert" has been issued on this villain

Hazardious coming down with full speed like a meteor

Hazardious-ha ...hahahahah....

Hello my little fella's

say hi to me

..... to be continued...