Chatrapati Mahamanav Vidhayalaya–
Vinay gets tired and falls on the ground. Principal and Gurudev come to Vinay.
Vinay – (looking at her) What did I do?
Principal – You still have a long way to go, you can't control your power, you will simply become a villain.
Principal – (getting ready to leave) Well, now you will complete Yoga detention for now and Yogi Raj and I will ask you questions.
Vinay – (frustrated) Darn
Yoga Guru - Don't procrastinate, come to class for a walk.
After a few moments, Vinay and Bhavesh were talking to each other.
Bhavesh – So how are you cutting the leaves?
Vinay – I have given you some crazy detention, I am coming to your house, have you given me any notes to take them?
Bhavesh – As per your wish, tell me how are you spending your days.
Vinay – In a very absurd way, beauty comes from the scoldings of parents and darkness comes from the taunts of brothers and sisters.
(Please erase it and tell lies, this is for the good of all of you)
Bhavesh – (Liar) (going a little distance)
I can't think of 2 months detention. Well, I have to go to class, I'll meet you later at home.
Vinay – ok
Vinay goes on his way and Bhavesh goes a little distance and hides behind the wall.
Bhavesh – (Whatever you say Vinay, I will keep finding out about you)
Vinay – (I have to reach Yoga Guru's camp)
Hazardous is moving forward in each and every state by defeating the superheroes of Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
Hazardious – where is you Glitch?
how dare that kid punched me?
Where are they ?
Hazardious is now shaking the entire ground in British Columbia, causing buildings and glass to break, and even all the superheroes getting hurt.
Hazardous – they are going to die
People all over the world are watching this scene on their mobile phones and TV news
Russian women –о боже что это за монстр
(Oh my god what kind of monster is this)
Korean men (with his friends)–그것이 어떤 파괴를 일으켰는지
(What kind of devastation it has caused)
igbo woman–Mmụọ ọjọọ
( Monster)
Arabic man–فوضى الوحش
(Monsters Rampage )
And people from other countries are also opposing Hazardous's act through comments on the video.
This destruction is being seen in the headquarters of superheroes and
Jai Singh – (worried) His powers are increasing every moment. When he comes to his country,
Will come like a terrible disaster to kill that child
Blast – (worried) You are right when the children narrowly escaped but we should find some solution for this. Surya has alerted the superheroes of the state and asked them to keep powerful weapons ready
Commissioner Sunil – Both of us have also asked all the security forces to remain alert and have also put forward a proposal to call Delhi and use the special power sometime.
Jai Singh – We are now "Mongolian Hero Karul, Japan Hero Katanasana,
There is a need for power house superheroes like "German Machhag".
Coldstar – But will leftist and Islamic fundamentalist countries allow use
Commissioner – That is the fear
Razor – (signal coming from walkie talkie on ear)
(All present looking at him)
Razer I am saying….ha….ok this is a very good thing Garuda….ha we are working
Looking towards Razor Superhero and Commissioner Sunil
Razor – Major, your voice has been heard. Our Prime Minister has accepted the proposal of going to "NATO" and ringing the power house superhero.
Major – Okay, good be continued....