After 5 losses at 12:00 PM, in the war abroad, Hazardious is trying to attack Macting with great speed. Macting is trying to attack Macting with his power.
Blocks that blow.
Macting – this guy has a lot of power
Katanasana attacks Hazardious without any delay with his two swords. As Hazardious retreats, Cowboy Cult attacks him with the rocket launcher present in his bike, and Hazardious absorbs that power.
Cowboy Cold – this is a fun thing
Hazardious attacks him. The cowboy kicks the bike twice. He takes out a modern gun from the bike. That gun absorbs the full force of Hazardiuos' blow. Due to the power of Hazardious being very powerful, the gun is not able to absorb it.
The cowboy presses a button present in that gun.
Cowboy – no big deal because
And that gun is quite big and absorbs power without hesitation.
Cowboy– We got horse power
Karul hits Hazardious with his kicks and Hazardious hits the fallen debris of the buildings at great speed. Macting is that species and it attacks him strongly with its sonic power. Carul catches Hazardious who is moving behind with great speed. Karul tosses Hazardious back with a rainbow-like "suplex move" on the back with huge cracks
Karul gets up and tries to lift Hazardious, Hazardious beats Karul to the ground without any delay. The car turns upside down and hits the debris of the buildings behind. McTig tries to attack him with his power but Hazardious attacks him with his atomic rays at great speed.
Due to Sonic not being able to block the atomic rays, Macting has to dodge the attack by jumping. Hazediuos comes at great speed towards Macting, burning the surrounding things with his nuclear power.
Hazardious – now save yourself
Cowboy attacks Hazardious with his sword and Katanasana moves forward, igniting white fire as he swings his sword. Hurt by the blow, Hazardious falls back and collides with the vehicle.
When Hazardious is about to recover, Katanasana strikes him hard on the neck with his fire sword. Hazardius's ballehi's neck falls but his body does not fall. The next moment Hazardious lifts his neck and puts it on his body.
Hazardious – I am very powerful than you think
Hazardious also heals other wounds on his body. Without any delay, Hazardious attacks Katanasana with great speed. Katanasana falls backwards but as soon as it hits the ground, it balances itself by turning its head upside down with agility. The armor plate of Katanasana gets bent but then in the next moment its armor also gets fixed. Cowboy attacks Hazardious with his guns.
Hazardious pierces him and attacks him with nuclear rays. To avoid the blow, the cowboy rides his bike with his gun. The bike gets destroyed by the nuclear rays and Cowboy saves himself by hiding behind the debris. Cowboy takes out a large "Laser Magnum" gun from behind him and aims it at Hazardious.
Hazardious gets angry and moves his hands and produces an atomic ball.
Hazardious – you are such a pain
Due to this attack of Hazardious, the debris of the building collapses and Cowboy gets hurt by that attack and falls back. Karul comes very quickly in front of Hazardious and hits both of his tubers hard with his straw. Hazardious gets to his knees without any delay.
Hazardious – (sighs loudly) oh you….that hurts
Karul– is it
Karul without any delay kicks Hazardious with both his legs and hits him on the chest and Hazardious is quickly dragged across the peach ground and falls back. Makting hits Hazardious with her sonic and throws him away and Hazardious is thrown away from the large building. It hits me.
Despite the building's nuclear shield being built against the walls of that building, it still feels intense. The macting falls back with great speed and is badly hurt by that blow. Katanasana and Karul sees Mecting running at his fast pace.
Karul – Macting, are you all right
Katanasana – (Seeing the wound is serious) this is not good this is injury is very difficult to heal and this injury is will hurt more
Hazardious knocks him out by completely destroying the building with his power.
Hazardious – You people ar "horse power" right show more power be continued.....