Chatrapati Mahmanav Vidhayalaya Akhada
Bharat, Pune –
When Vinay looks towards him, Vinay suddenly reaches that droid with great speed, affecting the entire atmosphere (the air is cut and there is a crack on the ground).
The principal and Bhavesh were surprised.
Bhavesh – {to Bhavesh Vinay} (Our curtains were blown away when you appeared in front of that Android)
How did this happened
Principal – Surprising
Vinay has left that Android as a husk and he
Along with this, everything present behind gets destroyed.
When Vinay regains consciousness, he looks at the surroundings with surprise.
Vinay – {Vinay Bhavesh is speaking}
(That moment I didn't know what was happening to me until I regained my senses)
Vinay – Oh no this
Principal – (coming towards him) Vinay….
You made the same mistake again by saying to control your power and why didn't you use your flame ray or sphere at that time?
In front of Principal and Bhavesh Vinay
Vinay – That sir, I don't know how to use it.
I to...
Principal – It does not say that you will get hurt, it is your fear that is speaking. From now on you will use it along with late straw and this is my order. Starting tomorrow you will fight 30 androids
Vinay is scared
Vinay – {to Vinay Bhavesh}
What ....?
(At that time I was not in the mental state to support myself)
Bhavesh and Vinay walking home after training
Bhavesh – {to Bhavesh Vinay} (You were crying so much then)
Vinay – (Son, you will know when your situation becomes like this)
Vinay – You are worried sir, so you are taking exam after exam, there is not even yearly unit test and semester.
Bhavesh- Hey, I too am feeling sad... but friend, you are going to fight with that dangerous person. What happened to everyone, do you know Karul's condition is also bad.
Vinay – I know, I know..but I will kill my brother who is training me and Gurudev
Bhavesh- Don't worry my brother, I won't let you die.
Jaya – Who will save me?
Vinay and Bhavesh look back.
Vinay – {to Vinay Bhavesh} (I don't know at all what was going to happen in the next moment)
Hey Hai, Jaya, how are you?
Jaya – (entering) I am here and you
Vinay – I am also here, it has been a long time since I met you…
Bhavesh – (scared and laughing) Oh yes, I also liked seeing you, we will talk later, we will play….
Vinay – Hey, let us talk, we met after a long time.
Jaya – (in an angry tone but lovingly) You are right, you are a little rude, I told you to do something Bhavesh, what did you do?
Vinay- What work?
Bhavesh – (slowly in his ear) Hey, he asked me to bring Hindi notes from Om, which I forgot.
"Caricature like anime"
Jaya hits Bhavesh with a hammer with great speed and Bhavesh goes towards the sky. Vinay is stunned to see this sequence of events.
Vinay – {from Vinay Bhavesh} (I was completely scared)
I was about to run away from after seeing madam Looking towards Jaya Vinay be continued...