In the seventh week –
Vinay then increases his running speed and moves ahead, leaving all the vehicles, ships and planes behind. Droid showing them the time 51:55
Vinay – Hey friend
Vinay is trying to fly in the sky with the eagle. Vinay is not successful in that.
Eagle - Don't jump, you have to die, you have to fly.
Vinay chants Omkar with Gurudev
Both –ओउम्॑
Vinay destroys the presence droids in his flaming power arena.
Principal – Very good
Bhavesh- What's the matter?
Eight week –
Vinay and Bhavesh are betting at home and watching the news related to Hazarduas and Karul fight on TV.
Vinay – And today there has been flight training only with eagles.
Bhavesh- Gurudev told something about this
Vinay – No
Principal and Gurudev in the testing room of the camp (in the lab).
Principal – Is that costume ready?
Gurudev – Yes completely.
Principal – I salute you that you are engaged in this work even in such difficult times.
Gurudev – Everything is the glory of God, we are just a matter for him.
Principal – Yes, the experienced scientist of the superhero organization should also be appreciated for this work.
Gurudev – ofcourse,
(Ghost scene where scientific work was done)
He has also served selflessly in this.
The yoga guru and the principal stand stiff in front of an instrument.
Yogguru – And prepared it, Naveen
That machine adjusts itself in a modern way.
From that mechanism comes up a beautiful costume mixed with black and sun colors. In which there are eight chakras on the back.
Yogguru – A new material made of metal which is a forward thinking concept of "Nanotechnology". This metal concentrates on the chakra of the wearer and increases his power. And Indra also provides control over him only when he is in this costume and only when he has not performed Veshantrik. And when Vinay starts becoming emotional and weak, then this chakra controls it and allows it to do its work happily.
Principal – This costume is very stunning
Yogaguru picks up a beautiful instrument kept on the table and shows it to the principal.
Yogaguru – and this instrument whose energy is anahata, agya and
Is associated with Muladar Chakra. This costume contours to the body with a single articulation.
Principal – Very good so tried it myself
Gurudev – Yes done, now the time has come to give it to Vinay.
Shabir's disciple comes running to both of them.
Disciple: Guruji, news has just come that Jai Warehouse where Razor and Defence Doctor Dhumketu were slapping is in trouble.
Principal – Oh, we where about to go their but it came to himself, Gurudev.
Gurudev – Ji, please sell this instrument to Vinay immediately from your dry land. be continued...