Chatapati Mahamanav Vidhayalaya lab–
A sound comes from that ornament – all the chakras and DNA are matching.
Vinay – (holds his head) Why is this pain happening Guruji?
Gurudev – It is becoming an integral part. Even if you do not have this costume with you from now on, you will still be able to wear it through the medium of the Chakra, inside the Earth and outside the planet as well.
The five elemental powers within you also operate in the same way.
Will give you vision on something that is happening, you will have to gain control over it with time, stick to it carefully.
Vinay – No problem, what to do next?
Gurudev – Now fold your hands
Vinay joins hands
Gurudev– and tell
"यतो धर्मः ततो जयः
(where there is duty there is victory)
Vinay–"यतो धर्मः ततो जयः"
The ornament shines with light like a sun
Gurudev – Press the present button in that ornament.
Vinay presses it and the mercury-like substance coming out of it spreads in Vinay's body and it slowly takes the form of a costume which shines like the sun.
Bhavesh is surprised to see that form.
Bhavesh – It is a wonderful costume.
Vinay – It's good...just let me...
cycle of ignorance
What is it showing me?
Vinay's vision extends for hundreds of kilometres. Doctor Dhumketu big robot Joh Raksha Baal is there to protect him.
The metallic element of that robot has hit and the blood and veins of the people of defence are throbbing.
Vinay – Oh Razor and everything else is in danger
Gurudev – This is the indication of Shastranaam Chakra, you can see the condition of his body, go to that place without any delay..
Commissioner Sunil and Major Jai Singh are monitoring the situation at the headquarters of Defence.
Commissioner: What an irony that our defense boats are also turning on them.
Jai Singh – Yes, I have requested for more military power but because of the danger we face, it is impossible for them to give assurance that more military power can be provided.
Commissioner – Even the police force will not be sent.
Razor is fighting bravely against that big robot in the godown.
Razor -(This robot is made with heavy metal, my sword is not able to bed it)
That robot is attacking the missile razor present in its body.
Dhumkhetu – You are trying very well
Razor cuts all the missiles coming towards him with his sword and protects his partner
Seeing the opportunity, the robot hits the razor hard with its straw.
Dhumkhetu – But all these efforts are very little.
Razor – Ahhh
Razor gets hurt by that blow and falls away. Razor falling to the ground
Razor – The protection of the costume is restored in one blow in a very powerful blow.
That robot is going to jump towards Razor and hit the missile with the help of "flying thruster" inside it.
Dhumkhetu – Now your death is certain
Dhumkhetu's missile destroys the fiery strike at high speed.
And by quickly attacking that robot the robot goes far away.
It falls, breaking everything in its path.
Razor is quite surprised to see that scene
Razor - (Who can have such a terrible power) be continued...