Vinay's house door opened
Prakash – Yes who?
(By closing the door completely, Prakash is stunned)
He is taken out of the door, his siblings and Bhavesh are in a very bad state and his brother wonders what happened to him.
Jaya- How are you Prakash?
Bhavesh – (due to missing a lot) We… have come…
Bhavesh's brother – Thinking (what has happened to him?)
Everyone is waiting in the gallery of Defence Headquarters.
Commissioner – Swamiji, thank you very much for convincing your superhero to do this work.
Visphot – (It seems unfair to me to put so much burden on a single person. He is also right that if it is stopped then the lives of soldiers and ordinary citizens will be saved)
Major – We will always be indebted to you
Visphot – (Don't know why I am feeling so worried)
Coldstar sees Visphot worried and reaches out her hand to console him.
Commissioner – We should now see the situation in our border area.
(via your walkie talkie)
Tech Heart – We have to see the situation in Jammu and Kashmir
He attacks the Defense Robots on Hazardious on the Jammu and Kashmir side. Hazardious destroys one of the robots by firing his nuclear bomb. Hazardious destroys the upper body of another robot by nuking one robot. The superheroes attack Hazardious. At high speed, Hazardious catches the robot and he lifts the robot and kills the superheroes. Then Hazardious That Robot catches the Hazardious That Robot and looks at the superheroes.
The superhero Surya attacks Hazardious with his flame fist. He again attacks Hazardious with the straw of his other hand. Surya is then about to attack with his kick but Hazardious catches his leg and turns him around and throws him on a cart. Surya again manages to control himself. Hazardious then Surya throws strong fist. Surya gets hurt and falls back on the pile of debris of the buildings.
Surya controls himself with great difficulty.
Surya – (This demon is a great destroyer, no one is able to stop him from us)
he present reporter
Anchor – As soon as you can see the superhero and
Defence's condition is critical. These 4 superheroes and 40 police personnel and 20 soldiers have attained martyrdom. it
On the other hand, you can see that these people are very scared, away from their homes, here Defence and superheroes are also present but these people seem to be in need from moment to moment because the situation is very delicate.
Major Kamal Nath is present with us here.
Sir, when can help come to these citizens from the headquarters?
Major – We have an update that it may happen within 10 minutes.
Anchor – But what if the enemy continues to step forward?
Major – Look, you should not worry about this because we have talked to the headquarters about this also, so there is a solution for that too in the form of a superhero who helped save the life of
Defence in Pune.
Anchor – So it's big news that a superhero is coming to fight Hazardious. Let us tell you that this superhero has helped Razor and the rest of defence by defeating Doctor Dhumketu yesterday. So there is still a ray of hope, we pray to God that everything goes well.
Ajay calms down his fast flight and stands comfortably next to defence.
Ajay – (in musculine voice) My brave fighters, please accept my greetings.
Major – It is a great pleasure to be in your presence.
Visphot – (The child is showing this but from the sound of it, I don't know if the man can speak...)
Major – Coming to the problem, as you know how much havoc Hazardious has done but because of his terror, our defence people and superheroes
Organization has collected a lot of information. be continued...