Ajay – Chapter 58

In Russia, people are listening to the news through.

Anchor (Russian )  – ситуация слишком критическая, людей спасли, но страх растет, видя ситуацию

(It is a very difficult situation. People were rescued but fear is increasing among the people because the danger is not over yet)

Russian man with folded hands in distress

Person-о господи, не позволяй этой опасности прийти к моей дочери

o gospodi, ne pozvolyay etoy opasnosti priyti k moyey docheri

(Lord, keep this danger away from my daughter)

Hazardious then takes Ajay through the sky, through every kingdom, through the mountains. There is heavy snowfall in the atmosphere. Hazardious then throws Ajay onto a mountain. Ajay then heals both his injuries and his costume with the elements of fire, water and air.

Both reach Mongolia.

Hazardious – come on show me what you got

Hazardious attacks with his nuclear projectile. Ajay hits the ground with force from both his hands and in the next moment, huge rocks from the ground neutralize the attack of Hazardious nuclear bomb. Hazardious is about to attack Ajay the very next moment by using his own weapon to nuke him. Ajay transmits air in his fist

Ajay-(air element transmitted)

Ajay destroys Hazardius' attack with one of his fists

Hazardious – what

And with the other hand, he releases air straw and attacks Hazardious. Vayu tears off Hazardious' hands and throws Hazardius away. Hazardious falls overland.

Ajay – (I tried so much but then there is conflict.)

Hazardious one becomes tough by falling on himself and destroying the entire thing with his nuclear power. Hazardious peels off and melts everything nearby with fierce nuclear fire from within.

Ajay is quite surprised to see this.

Ajay – (He is igniting his power further and the atmosphere is losing its condition due to his fire)

Hazardious – so kid are you still gone take me down

Ajay – (Some solution will have to be thought of, otherwise this war may last a lifetime.)

By hitting the ground with his atomic claws, the lava from the ground was covered with other castes of Ajay.

Hazardious – come on

Ajay Hazardious flies and in the next moment destroys his body with the air element like a whirlpool and after that lava. Ajay sees a pond moving like a whirlpool

Ajay – (This can work)

Ajay folds his hands and sucks some water from that pond through his water element costume. With the combination of air and water, Ajay hits Hazardious with his fist of Dawn element. Hazardious is hurt but turns around and hits Hazardious with a nuclear beam from his mouth. Ajay drags his back on the ground

But soon Ajay wakes up. Back yourself from Hazardous's fiery nuclear fist. Ajay, make a mixture of air and water

Strikes Hazardious. Then Ajay without any hesitation strikes Hazardious with 200 fists, which has consequences for the surrounding environment. Hazardious loses his purity for some time. Without any delay, Ajay collects these two elements in both the fist and hits Hazardious on the chest. The surrounding sweetness and air gets affected by that blow. Due to this attack, Hazardious falls on a big step somewhere behind him.

.....to be continued....